Monday, October 10, 2011



Dec. 28, 2010
Dec. 30, 2010
Jan. 10, 2011
Jan. 17, 2011
Jan. 24, 2011
Jan. 31, 2011
Feb. 07, 2011
Feb. 14, 2011
Feb. 18, 2011
Feb. 21, 2011
Mar. 01, 2011
Mar. 07, 2011
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Mar. 21, 2011
Mar. 25, 2011
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SS & MORE PART 7A     
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AUG. 03, 2011
AUG. 15, 2011
Aug.  29, 2011
Sept. 12, 2011
Sept. 26, 2011
Oct.   10, 2011


1.  Surprising news for me.
2.  Mistreatment of the Postal Service.
3.  Republicans ~ Economy ~ Reflection on Posting #20.
4.  The Decline & Fall of America.
5.  U.S. adds 115,000 new jobs, but unemployment is the same.
6.  The Billionaire Boys Club.  You really don't want to miss this.
7.  My parting thought.



What is an educated vote?  It is one that has been made with as much knowledge, based on facts, not misinformation, that an individual can obtain.

A surprise to me, I recently learned that my computer counts the number of hits made on my Blog.  It, of course, DOES NOT track who or where the hits are made, except that it does tell if the hits are out of the US. 

Now I realize that some of you may hit a posting two or three time, reading just part of it at a time.  I, also, believe that most of you will make a comment to, at least, one other person.  Considering those facts, I arrive at the following statistics.

Since I started on December 28th, there have been 1,775 hits as of today.  That averages 197 hits per month.  If just half of you talked to someone else that would be another 98 that, at least, knows something about my Blog, for a total of 295 hits per month. 

That really makes it all worthwhile.  The one thing I don't understand, is that I don't hear anything from any of you except for two.  I know that one of those two had a problem, at the beginning, trying to get logged-in to make a comment.  If any of you have had that problem I would like for you to write me an e-mail.  I promise you that I will not let anyone else know your e-mail address and I, also, promise you that I will not bug you by writing back to you, unless you have asked me to.  At any rate I would sure like to hear from you any time you are so inclined.  My e-mail address is  fab (underscore)

I thank all of you for reading my assembled information.  Hope you are finding it helpful.    

The United States Postal Service receives ZERO TAX DOLLARS.   The Republicans are going after it anyway, because there is a union attached to it and they want the Postal Service to be privatized. 

USPS is the second largest civilian employer in the United States of America.  They have 574,000 workers.  Only Wal-Mart has more employees, than the United States Postal Service.  They operate 215,625 vehicles.  The largest civilian fleet in the world.  Almost 32,000 Post Offices  around the country, referred to as Retail Locations, 31, 871 to be exact.  Small town America has these little Post Offices. 

They have more locations than Wal-Mart, Starbuck, and McDonald stores combined.  The Postal Service is big.  They deliver 40% of the World's card and letter mail.  In 2010, they brought in $67 billion in revenue. 

The Republicans have been on a mission to get rid of the Postal Service since 2006.  This is an attack by the Republicans that think PRIVATIZING everything is the best thing to do.  The Postal workers have taken to the streets to try and help save the United States Postal Service by passing House Bill 1351, which would help solve the Postal Service's budget problem, which was created by the Congress in the first place. 

There are 120,000 jobs on the line, because of a manufactured budget crisis.  It all stems from some legislation that was passed in 2006.  What happened in 2006? 

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took over the House of Representatives.  BUT, before the Republicans gave up the gavel, in a Lame Duck session, they just had to stick it to workers one more time.  They passed the "Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act."  The "Act" forced the Postal Service to "Pre-fund the Pension and Health Care benefits" for seventy five (75) years to come and they had to get the pre-funding complete in a 10 year period.  A totally impossible task.

That is an enormous amount of money, particularly when you consider that they pay more than FIVE AND ONE HALF BILLION DOLLARS, THAT'S $5,500,000,000.00 per year for these benefits.  THINK ABOUT THAT.  MULTIPLY THAT BY 75 AND THAT IS WHAT THEY HAVE TO PRE - FUND IN A 10 YEAR PERIOD.  No wonder the Postal Service has a budget problem.  Can you imagine any business in the country that could do that or that would even stand still for such a demand?  Of Course not. 

Now keep in mind that the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE DOESN'T RECEIVE ONE DIME FROM TAXPAYERS, ZERO, NONE.  Well, the Postal Service has to make some changes or Congress has to make some changes.  Congress created this problem and they can correct it with the passage of HR 1351. 

The President is out trying to create more jobs and Congress is forcing the Postal Service to layoff 120,000 employees.  Folks, this just doesn't make any sense at all.  The Postal Service could be making money and provide even better service, if they weren't harnessed with this ridiculous  legislation. 

They are going to have to stop Saturday delivery, close some rural offices and destroy a great American tradition that started 235 years ago on July 26th, 1775. 

Here is another little tidbit that most people don't know.  The Postal Service is mandated to go to every nook and corner of the country, so the United State Postal Service delivers 25% of all of UPS and Fed - X packages, because they don't go to some of the places where the Unite States Postal Service delivers.

The thing that has and is happening to the Postal Service Pension and Health Care fund is exactly the same thing that has happened to the Social Security Trust Fund.  The Postal Service pays their funding for the Pension and Health Care to the Government and the Government is using it to shift around to different accounts.  The Postal Service is going to wind up in the same position as the present Social Security Trust Fund. 

It seems to me that there were two purposes in 2006 in legislating the requirement that the Postal Service pre-pay those funds for 75 years in a 10 year period.  First, they, the Republicans, who passed this bill, want the Postal Service to go broke, so that it can be turned into a private operation, which will make Wall Street and the shareholders even more money, and probably in the process, provide much poorer service.  Second, this gives the Government another way to mask the real deficit of the budget.  NOW REMEMBER, THE POSTAL SERVICE  GETS  ZERO TAX DOLLARS, NONE.  Yet the Government is draining the Postal Service and making it impossible to operate, under the pretence that they, the Government, are protecting the Postal workers pension. 

This is another fraud and outright stealing of the Postal Service Pension fund.  Everyone that is presently in Congress and voted for this bill, is guilty,  for this and the $2.6 trillion they have stolen from the Social Security Trust Fund. They all have committed high fraudulent  crimes. 

If you have been reading my postings you know how much I have been telling you about the Social Security Trust Fund and now the same thing is happening with the U. S. Postal Service.  I AM SO FEED UP WITH THESE CRIMINAL REPUBLICANS I HARDLY KNOW WHAT TO DO.  IF THIS WAS IN PRIVATE BUSINESS THEY WOULD ALL BE IN PRISON.  THEY AREN'T A BIT BETTER THAN COMMON CRIMINALS. 

I realize that this is profiling and putting them all in the same pot, which I guess is the wrong thing to do.  They just can't ALL be that bad, but I get so frustrated about all this, it is difficult to keep objective.  I just bet you do too. 

The one thing we can all do right now about the Postal Service Republican fraud, is to call your Senators and Representative and tell them you want HR 1351 passed.  I have little hope that it will pass, but we can, at least, try.  Please do that.  I will, but I am at a real disadvantage as both my Senators are strong conservative Republicans and my Representative is the same. 

First, I want to look back at posting 20 and the subject,  "What is happening between the Republicans in Congress and the President?"

In that section I asked WHY?  Why do the Republicans refuse to work with the President on anything.  As much as I hated to say it and as much as I hope I am wrong, I concluded two reasons.  One that he was a Democrat.  The other was that he is a Black Democrat.  I truly hate to say, that one reason,  because he is Black, and I truly hope that I am wrong. 

Since I wrote that, I have thought a lot about it and I have come to realize that there is another reason, a third reason, that may be the primary reason.  The Republicans may have taken the position that they want the economy to be as bad as possible until Nov. 2012 and the election.  They may feel that that would be the sure way of defeating the President in the next election. 

If they feel that way then, they also have to feel that having another 12 months of bad economy would be worth it and then they would try to fix the economy, in their way, when they have the whole ball of wax, the Presidency, and both Houses of Congress.  Now that I have thought more about this, and I should have before I wrote posting 20, it makes more sense than the fact that he is black.

However, one reason I still have some feeling that race is a factor, is because, if it were not why would the Minority Leader in the Senate say, in just a few days after Mr. Obama became President, that their, the Republicans, agenda was to be sure that President Obama would be a one term President.  I do believe that the two main reasons for wanting to beat the President in Nov. 2012, and not work with him now, is 1) he is a Democrat and 2) a poor economic recovery.   


Nation of Change

Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr.
Published  Oct. 7, 2011
Nye is currently University Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard University, and previously served as dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He also serves as a Guiding Coalition member for the Project on National Security Reform. The 2008 TRIP survey of 1700 international relations scholars ranked him as the sixth most influential scholar of the past twenty years, and the most influential on American foreign policy.

After reading and re-reading this article two or three times, I thought I would simply write about it and paraphrase and not print the entire article.  As I started to do that, I found that to get the important thought, that way just wasn't going to work.  I think you will find this to be of real great interest to you.  It is written by a man with a tremendous background.  What I have listed above is a very, very small part of his accomplishments.  I grant you that it is rather lengthy, but I think you will find it worth your time. 

Of the comments at the end there is one that I am including only to show some of the thinking that is out there.  I got the feeling that this is not just a crack pot, both from his age and the way he has written.  It's here for whatever it is worth to you.

The United States is going through dif­fi­cult times. Its post-2008 re­cov­ery has slowed, and some ob­servers fear that Eu­rope’s fi­nan­cial prob­lems could tip the Amer­i­can and world econ­omy into a sec­ond re­ces­sion.
Amer­i­can pol­i­tics, more­over, re­mains grid­locked over bud­getary is­sues, and com­pro­mise will be even more dif­fi­cult on the eve of the 2012 elec­tion, when Re­pub­li­cans hope that eco­nomic prob­lems will help them un­seat Pres­i­dent Barack Obama. In these cir­cum­stances, many are pre­dict­ing Amer­ica’s de­cline, es­pe­cially rel­a­tive to China.."
And it’s not just pun­dits who think so. A re­cent Pew poll found that in 15 of 22 coun­tries sur­veyed, most peo­ple be­lieve that China ei­ther will re­place or has re­placed Amer­ica as “the world’s lead­ing su­per­power.” In Britain, those putting China on top rose to 47%, from 34% in 2009. Sim­i­lar trends are ev­i­dent in Ger­many, Spain, and France. In­deed, the poll found more pes­simistic views of the US among our old­est and clos­est al­lies than in Latin Amer­ica, Japan, Turkey, and East­ern Eu­rope. But even Amer­i­cans are di­vided equally about whether China will re­place the US as a global su­per­power.
Such sen­ti­ments re­flect the slow growth and fis­cal prob­lems that fol­lowed the 2008 fi­nan­cial cri­sis, but they are not his­tor­i­cally un­prece­dented. Amer­i­cans have a long his­tory of in­cor­rectly es­ti­mat­ing their power. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, after Sput­nik, many thought that the So­vi­ets might get the bet­ter of Amer­ica; in the 1980’s, it was the Japan­ese. Now it is the Chi­nese. But, with Amer­ica’s debt on a path to equal­ing its na­tional in­come in a decade, and a fum­bling po­lit­i­cal sys­tem that can­not seem to ad­dress the coun­try’s fun­da­men­tal chal­lenges, are the “de­clin­ists” fi­nally right?
Much will de­pend on the un­cer­tain­ties – often un­der­es­ti­mated – brought about by fu­ture po­lit­i­cal change in China. Eco­nomic growth will bring China closer to the US in power re­sources, but that doesn't nec­es­sar­ily mean that China will sur­pass the US as the most pow­er­ful coun­try.
China’s GDP will al­most cer­tainly sur­pass that of the US within a decade, owing to the size of its pop­u­la­tion and its im­pres­sive eco­nomic-growth rate. But, mea­sured by per capita in­come, China will not equal the US for decades, if then.
More­over, even if China suf­fers no major do­mes­tic po­lit­i­cal set­back, many cur­rent pro­jec­tions are based sim­ply on GDP growth. They ig­nore US mil­i­tary and soft-power ad­van­tages, as well as China’s geopo­lit­i­cal dis­ad­van­tages. As Japan, India, and oth­ers try to bal­ance Chi­nese power, they wel­come an Amer­i­can pres­ence. It is as if Mex­ico and Canada sought a Chi­nese al­liance to bal­ance the US in North Amer­ica.
As for ab­solute de­cline, the US has very real prob­lems, but the Amer­i­can econ­omy re­mains highly pro­duc­tive. Amer­ica re­mains first in total R&D ex­pen­di­ture, first in uni­ver­sity rank­ings, first in Nobel prizes, and first on in­dices of en­tre­pre­neur­ship. Ac­cord­ing to the World Eco­nomic Forum, which re­leased its an­nual re­port on eco­nomic com­pet­i­tive­ness last month, the US is the fifth most com­pet­i­tive econ­omy in the world (be­hind the small economies of Switzer­land, Swe­den, Fin­land, and Sin­ga­pore). China ranks only 26th.
More­over, the US re­mains at the fore­front of such cut­ting-edge tech­nolo­gies as biotech and nan­otech­nol­ogy. This is hardly a pic­ture of ab­solute eco­nomic de­cline.
Some ob­servers worry that Amer­i­can so­ci­ety will be­come scle­rotic, like Britain at the peak of its power a cen­tury ago. But Amer­i­can cul­ture is far more en­tre­pre­neur­ial and de­cen­tral­ized than was that of Britain, where in­dus­tri­al­ists’ sons sought aris­to­cratic ti­tles and hon­ors in Lon­don. And de­spite re­cur­rent bouts of con­cern through­out its his­tory, Amer­ica reaps huge ben­e­fits from im­mi­gra­tion. In 2005, for­eign-born im­mi­grants had par­tic­i­pated in 25% of tech­nol­ogy start-ups in the pre­vi­ous decade. As Sin­ga­pore’s Lee Kuan Yew once told me, China can draw on a tal­ent pool of 1.3 bil­lion peo­ple, but the US can draw on the world’s seven bil­lion, and can re­com­bine them in a di­verse cul­ture that en­hances cre­ativ­ity in a way that eth­nic Han na­tion­al­ism can­not.
Many com­men­ta­tors worry about Amer­ica’s in­ef­fi­cient po­lit­i­cal sys­tem. True, Amer­ica’s found­ing fa­thers cre­ated a sys­tem of checks and bal­ances de­signed to pre­serve lib­erty at the price of ef­fi­ciency. More­over, the US is now ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a pe­riod of in­tense par­ti­san po­lar­iza­tion. But nasty pol­i­tics is noth­ing new to the US: its found­ing era was hardly an idyll of dis­pas­sion­ate de­lib­er­a­tion. Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment and pol­i­tics have al­ways ex­pe­ri­enced such episodes, and, though over­shad­owed by cur­rent melo­dra­mas, they were some­times worse than today’s.
The US faces se­ri­ous prob­lems: pub­lic debt, weak sec­ondary ed­u­ca­tion, and po­lit­i­cal grid­lock, to name just a few. But one should re­mem­ber that these prob­lems are only part of the pic­ture – and, in prin­ci­ple, they can be solved over the long term.
It is im­por­tant to dis­tin­guish such prob­lems from those that can­not, in prin­ci­ple, be solved. Of course, whether Amer­ica can im­ple­ment the avail­able so­lu­tions is un­cer­tain; sev­eral com­mis­sions have pro­posed fea­si­ble plans to change Amer­ica’s debt tra­jec­tory by rais­ing taxes and cut­ting ex­pen­di­tures, but fea­si­bil­ity is no guar­an­tee that they will be adopted. Still, Lee Kuan Yew is prob­a­bly right to say that China “will give the US a run for its money,” but not sur­pass it in over­all power in the first half of this cen­tury.
If so, the gloomy pre­dic­tions of ab­solute Amer­i­can de­cline will turn out to be as mis­lead­ing as sim­i­lar pre­dic­tions in decades past. And, in rel­a­tive terms, while the “rise of the rest” means that Amer­ica will be less dom­i­nant than it once was, this does not mean that China will nec­es­sar­ily re­place the US as the world’s lead­ing power.Most news sources are funded by cor­po­ra­tions and in­vestors. Their goal is to drive peo­ple to ad­ver­tis­ers while push­ing the cor­po­rate agenda. Na­tionofChange is a 501(c)3 or­ga­ni­za­tion funded al­most 100% from its read­ers–you! Our only ac­count­abil­ity is to the pub­lic. Click here to make a gen­er­ous do­na­tion.
The following is one of the comments at the end of the article, for whatever it is worth to you. As I said earlier, it is just to show  what some of the thinking is out there.  Due to the age and the manner he has written, I don't think he is a crack pot.  

Theodore  Ziolkowski
October 07, 2011 6:39pm
I am 70 years old and I never thought that I would say this about the United States of America and the Republican Party that I use to be a Member of.
I will predict that if the Republican Party gains control of the White House (Presidency) in 2012 and retains control of the Congress (House of Representatives and gains the Senate) that we will have open and armed warfare in the United States of America.
It will not be a Fair or even War because it will be the 99% against the 1% who will try to hire Individuals to fight for them or to have the Federal Government order the Federal Troops to attack American Citizens on United States of America's soil. These troops are the Sons and daughters of the 99%.  Do the "Rich and Powerful" really think that the United States of America's Military will turn against their Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers Aunts and Uncles??? I DON'T THINK SO.

U.S. Adds 103,000 Jobs But Unemployment Rate Unchanged

 (People wait in line to receive free milk from the Milk from the Heart program October 6, 2011 in New York City. As the economy throughout the nation struggles, prices on many food staples have continued to rise.)
The U.S. added roughly 103,000 news jobs in September, according to the latest batch of numbers from the Labor Department – but despite being more than most analysts had predicted, the gains were unable to make a dent in the nation’s unemployment rate, which remains at a stubborn 9.1 percent.
The new data, however, "at least temporarily calms fears of a new recession that have hung over Wall Street and the nation for weeks," the Associated Press reports.
The median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey predicted the report would show a gain of roughly 60,000 jobs last month. The 103,000 number, however, may be overstating the strength of the economy given that 45,000 Verizon workers who had been on strike in August went back to work, "so the underlying pace of job creation was a more modest 58,000," the Washington Post reports
The new data, however, "at least temporarily calms fears of a new recession that have hung over Wall Street and the nation for weeks," the Associated Press reports.
The median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey predicted the report would show a gain of roughly 60,000 jobs last month. The 103,000 number, however, may be overstating the strength of the economy given that 45,000 Verizon workers who had been on strike in August went back to work, "so the underlying pace of job creation was a more modest 58,000," the Washington Post reports.
The new report showed that in addition to last month’s gain, the nation also added 57,000 jobs in the previous month, a revision from an original estimation of zero. July's figures were also revised upward.
The New York Times with a closer look at the jobless: "Over all, there were still 14 million people out of work, 6.2 million of whom have been on the job hunt for six months or more, the report showed. Including those who are working part-time because they cannot find full-time employment and those who are too discouraged to look for work anymore, the total unemployment rate rose to 16.5 percent in September."               

The Billionaires Who Would Pick Our President

The following is the first of a two part series, that I find extremely fascinating.  Well, not only fascinating, but valuable information that shows us what we are fighting, if you are a person that believes in Democracy, and particularly if you are a Democrat.  Having knowledge about your enemy is the first step in beating them.  Mr. Palast conducted in depth investigation of these men for The Guardian.      

by: Greg Palast, Truthout | Investigative Report
The untold story of the sources of the loot controlled by Paul "The Vulture" Singer, Ken Langone and the Kochs - and why they need to buy the White House.
Hedge fund magnate Paul Singer likes to breakfast on decayed carcasses. What he chews down is sickening, but just as nausea-inducing are his new tablemates: billionaires Ken Langone and the Koch Brothers, Charles and David.
Singer has called together the billionaire boys' club for the purpose of picking our next president for us. The old-fashioned way of choosing presidents - democracy and counting ballots and all that - has never been a favorite of this pack. I can tell you that from my investigations of each of these gentlemen for The Guardian. When the Statue of Liberty has nightmares, she dreams that these guys will combine to seize America via a cash-and-carry coup d'état.
Welcome to the nightmare. Singer, Langone and the Kochs last month decided to elect Chris Christie for us. The New Jersey governor's pseudocampaign went belly up before it began. But that's beside the point. Now that the Supreme Court has effectively ended campaign finance limits and allowed secretive contributions through "corporations," this new combine of the ultrawealthy should not be viewed as just a political threat to the Democrats, but as a threat to democracy.
Let me give you a rundown from my sulphur-scented files on these men who would be king-makers.
Billionaire 1: Ken Langone
Langone likes to be known as the founder of Home Depot, just your local tool guy in a blue apron with a little bag of screws. 
But he was also the man, with his right-wing partners, behind Database Technologies (DBT). It was in my first investigation of Langone in 2000 that I discovered that DBT had created a list of several thousand "felons" - most of them black, all of them innocent, all of them purged from Florida's voter rolls by DBT's client, Katherine Harris. And Langone's company knew exactly what was going on.
What qualifies Langone to pick our president?  In his own words: "I'm nuts; I'm rich."
Billionaires 2 and 3: David and Charles Koch
You think you've read all about the billionaire brothers.  Well, there's more:
In 1996, an FBI agent, Richard Elroy, told my team that oil had been pilfered from the Osage Indian reservation in Oklahoma. He and other G-men filmed the filch-theft, say witnesses, personally ordered by Charles Koch. A few barrels here, a few barrels there. 
It all added up: to about a billion and a half dollars in looted petroleum, says one expert, a third of the Koch fortune at the time. David and Charles shared in the booty via their private company, Koch Industries.
Why the Billionaires Need to Buy the White House.
A Koch Industries executive (not knowing he was being taped) said he had asked Charles Koch, who already had a billion from an inheritance, why Koch was pocketing a few bucks a week from poor American Indians.  Koch told him, "I want my fair share, and that's all of it."
And "all of it," of course, includes the White House.
Putting Bush in the White House was worth his weight in gold to these gents - more, in fact. And now, the Kochs, Singer and Langone have teamed up to pick a candidate they pray can take back their real estate at
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
The next posting will start with the run down on Paul Singer "The Vulture."  It is, by far, the most bizarre and there is more on the other three as well.  There is a section entitled "Gimmies."  What they want and how they are planning to get it. 
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.      John Quincy Adams
God willing and the creek don't rise I'll talk with you again on October 24, 2011.  God Bless you all. 

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