Name | Published |
OVERVIEW | Dec. 28, 2010 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 1 | Dec. 30, 2010 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 2 | Jan. 10, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 3 | Jan. 17, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 4 | Jan. 24, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 5 | Jan. 31, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 6 | Feb. 07, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 7 | Feb. 14, 2011 |
SPECIAL ISSUE | Feb. 18, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 8 | Feb. 21, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 9 | Mar. 01, 2011 |
SOCIAL SECURITY PART 10 | Mar. 07, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 1 | Mar. 14, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 1A | Mar. 21, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 2 | Mar. 25, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 3 | Mar. 29, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 4 | Apr. 04, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 5 | Apr. 11, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 6 | Apr. 18, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 7 | Apr. 25, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 7A | Apr. 29, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 8 | May 02, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 9 | May 09, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 10 | May 16, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 11 | May 24, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 12 | Jun. 06, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 13 | Jun. 20, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 14 | July 05, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 14A | July 18, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 15 | July 19, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 16 | Aug. 03, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 17 | Aug. 15, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 18 | Aug. 29, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 19 | Sept. 12, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 20 | Sept. 26, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 21 | Oct. 10, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 22 | Oct. 24, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 22 EXTRA | Nov. 04, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 23 | Nov. 07, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 24 | Nov. 21, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 25 | Dec. 05, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 26 | Dec. 19, 2011 |
SS & MORE PART 27 | JAN. 03, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 27A | JAN. 05, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 28 | JAN. 17, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 29 | JAN. 31, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 30 | Feb. 14, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART CL1 | Feb. 21, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 30 EXTRA | Feb. 23, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 31 | Feb. 28, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART CL2 - 59 | Mar. 06, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 31 EXTRA | Mar. 07, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 32 | Mar. 13, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART CL3 - 1 | Mar. 20, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 32 EXTRA | Mar. 24, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 33 | Apr. 10, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART CL 4 - 2 | Apr. 17, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 34 | Apr. 24, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART CL5 - 49 | May 01, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 35 | May 09, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART CL6 - 19 | May 15, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 35 EXTRA | May 18, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 36 | May 22, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 36 EXTRA | May 25, 2012 |
SS & MORE PART 36 | |
EXTRA II | June 01, 2012 |
1. Opening note.
2. The why, we are headed for another deep recession.
3. The status of ALEC. American Legislative Exchange Council.
4. Fat Cat urged to bankroll $10 million for Obama hate campaign.
What is an educated vote? It is one that has been made with as much knowledge, based on facts, not misinformation, that an individual can obtain.
This first article is a follow up on articles in Part 36 EXTRA about controlling the big banks, such as JPMorgan Chase and others. Had the new reform regulations been in effect JPMorgan would never have lost $5 to $7 billion dollars. If this trend continues, and if, heaven forbid, we should wind up with a Republican White House, this trend will continue and we will be back in the same mess we were in, in 2008, but probably worse.
Published by Think Progress
Two of the nation’s top financial regulatory agencies don’t have enough funding to competently regulate the Wall Street banks they oversee, top regulatory officials told the Senate Banking Committee. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) both took on new regulatory responsibilities under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, but multiple rounds of Republican-led budget cuts aimed at neutering the new law have left them without sufficient funding to carry out those mandates.
As a result, the agencies are “outgunned” by the Wall Street banks they oversee, SEC head Mary Schapiro and CFTC head Gary Gensler told the committee Tuesday, the Huffington Post reports:
“We’re way underfunded at the CFTC,” Gensler told lawmakers, after a question on the subject from Senator Chuck Schumer (D- N.Y. ). “Imagine if, all of a sudden, there are eight times the number of teams on the [football] field, but only seven refs,” Gensler said. “There would be would be mayhem on the field. The fans would lose confidence.”
SEC chief Schapiro echoed the point: “We’ve been asked to take on very significant new responsibilities,” she said. Though the SEC has made progress in hiring new staffers and improving its technological capabilities, Schapiro conceded that, in some areas, the efforts haven’t gone far enough.
As Think Progress noted in January, adequately funding the CFTC and SEC is imperative to successfully implementing new regulations and policing Wall Street. Republicans oppose those efforts and have repeatedly pushed for cuts to the agencies’ budgets. “The less we fund those agencies,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said last June, “the better America will be.”
Without a doubt, Sen. McConnell's statement is a bunch of nonsense, as proven by what has happened to the JPMorgan Chase Bank. Floyd
In the last two months, sixteen companies and other institutional supporters of the American Legislative Exchange Council announced that they would part ways with the organization — likely costing the conservative group hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual funding.
Similarly, several dozen lawmakers broke ties with ALEC due to a progressive campaign highlighting the organization’s harmful impact on state lawmaking. ALEC drafts and promotes “model” conservative legislation, including bills disenfranchising, and the so-called “stand your ground” laws that may shield Trayvon Martin’s killer George Zimmerman from justice.
All eleven of these lawmakers are Democrats. In total, 39 Democratic lawmakers have dropped ALEC.
The campaign against ALEC already pressured the conservative group to eliminate its Public Safety and Elections task force, which was responsible for both voter suppression and many gun-related laws. Nevertheless, the group redoubled its focus on bills sacrificing the environment and the middle class in order to funnel even more wealth to the very wealthy.
A short list of ALEC-sponsored initiatives includes: state union-busting measures, bills repealing minimum wage laws, attempts to privatize public lands, bills to repeal capital gains taxes and estate taxes, fighting any efforts to address manmade climate change, while touting “the many benefits of atmospheric CO2 enrichment,” repealing paid sick day laws, requiring a super-majority to raise taxes and pushing rules deeming that kids eating rat poison is an “acceptable risk.”
Fat Cat Urged To Bankroll Anti-Obama Hatefest
May 22nd, 2012 12:00 am Carl Hiaasen
Carl Hiaasen is a columnist for the Miami Herald.
Joe Ricketts has decided not to spend $10 million on hate. Good call.
Ricketts is a billionaire, having founded TD Ameritrade, a company that promotes online stock trading by ordinary folks. You’ve seen the commercials on television.
Up until a few days ago, a circle of well-known Republican strategists had been coaching Ricketts to use his wealth to make America hate President Obama.
They’d seen the polls showing that the president is generally well-liked, even by many voters who don’t approve of his economic policies. In the most recent Gallup survey, Obama likeability rating was 60 percent. Some Republicans believe that Mitt Romney, whose likeability ratings are dismal (only 31 percent), has no chance of victory unless Obama’s image is dragged down.
However, unlike Romney, the Ricketts assault team had no misgivings about playing the race card. According to the New York Times, a game plan recently presented to the Ricketts family rather glumly conceded that voters “still aren’t ready to hate this president.”
The challenge, it said, is “to inflame their questions on his character and competency, while allowing themselves to still somewhat ‘like’ the man…..” Yet the scheme was far more ambitious than traditional doubt-sowing. The goal was to portray Obama as a radical black man with radical views of America as extolled by a cranky old minister.
All this was leaked in detail to the Times, and Joe Ricketts wasn’t pleased about that. Nor, one would imagine, were the shareholders of TD Ameritrade.
Not to mention the very diverse fan base of the Chicago Cubs. The team is 95-percent owned by the Ricketts family.
Supervised by a veteran GOP ferret named Fred Davis, the political operatives advised the elder Ricketts to bankroll a media blitz focusing on Obama’s onetime pastor and spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
Obama publicly severed his ties with the African-American clergyman before the 2008 election, after inflammatory excerpts from Wright’s sermons came to light.
At the time, Sen. John McCain, the Republican nominee, refused to let his advisers use Wright’s comments to bash Obama. McCain strongly felt such campaign commercials were inappropriate, and would be viewed as race-baiting. But some of McCain’s advisers, including Fred Davis, felt the Arizona senator had missed a golden opportunity to smear his opponent.
Four years later, they saw another chance with Joe Ricketts. The title of the no-longer-secret proposal: “The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama: The Ricketts Plan to End his Spending for Good.”
A sample: “The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way.” We’re talking TV commercials, billboards, full-page newspaper ads. And here’s the clincher: These sharpies want to fly 8,500-square-foot aerial banners back and forth for hours over the site of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte , N.C.
The convention-goers, they assured Ricketts, will be “jolted.” Please, Joe, don’t unleash the banner planes — not the same diabolical, cutting-edge tactic used by beer companies at Daytona Beach !
In a political season that promises a surplus of low blows from both sides, the Ricketts Plan was scripted in the gutter.
When the Times broke the story last Thursday, Romney’s camp within nanoseconds declared that Rev. Wright should not and will not be an issue. As a Mormon, Romney has no desire to drag the topic of religious influences into the presidential race.
As the storm grew, a spokesman for Ricketts belatedly hurried to disown the campaign plan, blaming a “vendor” who submitted it for consideration to Ricketts’ super PAC. The spokesman said the businessman opposes political attacks “that seek to divide us socially or culturally.”
Besides running TD Ameritrade, the 70-year-old Ricketts is known for crusading against congressional earmarks and high government spending. There is one area, however, where Ricketts is much more open to government spending. He’s seeking a massive government subsidy for the Chicago Cubs, which he owns with his family, to renovate Wrigley Field. Here is the deal the Ricketts family is seeking, via Crain’s Chicago Business:
That means $300 million is needed for the ballpark proper.
Half would come from the team, presumably in increased revenue from more signage inside Wrigley and retail and other entertainment in what amounts to a game-day carnival on Waveland Avenue on Wrigley’s north side and Sheffield Avenue to the east.
And half would come from $150 million or so in bonds to be retired with increased revenue from the existing city and Cook County amusement taxes on ticket sales. Specifically, debt service would get the first 6 percent in growth above a base level of around $15 million a year now.
But it’s a little more complicated than that.
The team also wants a 50 percent cut of any increase in amusement tax revenue growth above 6 percent. And unlike the bonds, which would be retired in 30 or 35 years, that would be forever.
So Joe Ricketts and his family not only want a $150 million subsidy directly from taxpayers but also a large chunk of tax revenue from the city in perpetuity. In other words, taxes from the City of Chicago would no longer go to roads, schools and police officers but also into Joe Ricketts pocket. Without this taxpayer welfare, the family will presumably let Cubs, which they acquired in a highly competitive bidding process in 2009, play in a stadium that is falling into disrepair.
Ricketts negotiating position seems completely at odds with his public stated political views. In a video posted by another organization he controls, Taxpayers Against Earmarks, Ricketts says “I think it’s a crime for our elected officials to borrow money today, to spend money today and push the repayment of that loan out into the future on people who are not even born yet.” Of course, that’s what he is attempting force the taxpayers of Chicago to do for the benefit of his team and his family.
Who knows if the Ricketts Plan would have been executed had it not been leaked so early to the press. Davis, the so-called vendor, is not a rookie and he certainly wasn’t operating in a vacuum.
The question is why Republicans would attempt something as risky as using the disavowed commentary of a black preacher to attack Obama. Why spend $10 million of a fat cat’s money on an advertising barrage that’s bound to dredge up the worst kinds of reactions?
Unless that was its purpose — not to implant racial fears so much as to fire up the bigots who are already out there, and make sure they go to the polls. Romney isn’t a racist, but some in his party clearly believe he can’t win without a heavy turnout of people who cannot stomach the notion of a black guy in the White House.
Those are the votes that the banner planes were after. When hate is what you’re selling, always go low.
Last night, May 31, 2012, Lawrence O'Donnell, on MSNBC's, Last Word program said, "That crazy billionaire (Joe Ricketts) is back and is joining forces with the craziest college president in America, planning to attack President Obama through the President's father. This plan is much worse than the one he has already had to abandon." The one he had to abandon, is the one you have just read about above.
Lawrence continued to explain, in essences, that Joe Ricketts' "latest dream," is making a movie about President Obama's dream. A movie that does not insist on any evidence and, in fact proof to the contrary, that President Obama's mind is completely controlled from the grave, by his father Barack Obama Sr., who President Obama, met once, when he was ten years old."
The movie is based on a book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" by the "craziest college President in America , Dinesh D'Souza." Economists call the book "incomprehensible." The Conservative Weekly Standard criticized the book for "misstatements of fact, leaps in logic, and pointlessly elaborate argumentation."
The college that Mr. D'Souza is President of is the "Kings College " located on fifth av. in New York City . O"Donnell says that he has walked by the address and has never seen the college. He further explains that you don't see it, because it is somewhere inside the Empire State Building . It has 360 students and describes itself as a Christian Liberal Arts College . Ricketts considers the money he provides to the College as "Scholarships." So far, there has not been any uproar about this upcoming movie, probably, because little is known about it, at this time.
From Floyd
Everything just seems to keep getting wilder and wilder. With five months left and two conventions to go, who knows what ridiculous things we might witness before it is all over.
If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise I'll talk with you again on Tuesday June 5, 2012.
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