Wednesday, February 20, 2013







  Dec  18, 2012
  Jan.  02, 2013
  Jan.  08, 2013
  Jan.  11, 2013
  Jan.  15, 2013
  Jan.  22, 2013
  Jan.  29, 2013
  Feb.  05, 2013
  Feb.  14, 2013 
  Feb.  20, 2013




1.  Opening comments.

2.  How would you describe Congress.

3.  Crisis, Crisis, Crisis.

4. Ayn Rand:  Have you heard of her? 

          This one is real          important.

5.  Important matter that Rand teaching is affecting.

6.  Bill Moyer - - Democracy for Dollars.

7.  Climate movement & tar sands pipe line. 

          Don't miss this one.            In fact, most in this

           posting is real important for you.   











Not yet perfect, but I'm improving on the time of my posting.  Last week I was two days late and this week just one day late.  Maybe next week, I can get it to you on time, which is suppose to be on Tuesday.  Personal note, which probably is of no interest to you, but my Son got a knee replacement last week.  He is doing real good, for which I am very thankful.


Folks, the content of this posting is really important.  You need to really read all of it.  In fact, part of it is possibly the most important news that I have ever brought to your attention. 





By Floyd Bowman

Publisher "Opinions Based on Facts"

Published February 19, 2013


Did you ever stop to think that you really don't know anything?  You don't even know your own name.  Somebody told you that was your name and you just believed them. 


Did you ever stop to think that there actually is no such thing as weather seasons?  You see, there is no winter, because it is just a lack of summer and there is no summer, because it is just a lack of winter.  There is no autumn or spring, because they are made up of a combination of summer and winter and since there is no summer or winter there can't be an autumn or spring. 


Now, none of that makes any sense at all, does it?  Well I think that is a good description of Congress.  They don't know anything and it shows everyday.




Yes, crisis and crisis, one right after another.  That is what we, as a Government, have been facing for the past four years and into the fifth.  If you go back and check facts, unbiased facts, you will see that, without exception, the crisis has been caused due to the refusal of the Republican Party to compromise, even a little bit.  The United States Government is the largest business in the world.  There is no business anywhere that can function successfully, by facing a continual crisis. 


Anyone, even Republicans, if they will honestly look at facts, will know that the Legislators of the Republican Party definitely care more about trying everything they can to make President Obama look bad and fail, than they care about the good of our country.  I think I know why and what is behind this "Govern by Crisis" policy of the Republican Party.









First, and I hate to say it, but many believe as I do, that they just can't accept a black man as President, so, they try everything they can to be able to say that a black man just can't handle this job.

However, I think there is something more profound behind the scene.  More importantly, Allen W. Smith Ph.D. thinks, Ayn Rand's philosophy and teaching is the basis for what is happening to the Republican Party and our country.


So, what is Ayn Rand's philosophy and who is she?  Dr. Smith recently wrote me a basic introduction to Ayn Rand and it is enough to excite and create a tremendous curiosity in me.  I first heard a little bit about her back in September or October 2012, when she was mentioned relating to Vice-President candidate Paul Ryan and his thoughts.


I am providing Dr, Smith's short introduction to you now and I am going to pursue more detail information in this regard.  I am going to get the book "The Virtue of Selfishness" and as I learn more about her scary thoughts, I will be passing them on to you in the future.  Better yet, you might want to think about getting the book yourself.  This could be the basis for overthrowing Democracy.


Following from Dr. Smith: 


I have recently discovered a new avenue to research that helps explain the thinking of the crazy extreme conservatives?  Do you know who Ayn Rand was?  She was born and raised in Russia before coming to the United States when she was 21 years old.  She founded a philosophy and movement called Objectivism.  That philosophy argues that man's greatest purpose in life is to achieve happiness for himself.  She denounces the moral principle of altruism and said that nations must abandonee it if they are to survive.  She argues that we are not our brothers' keepers and opposes anything that is designed.  She is an avowed atheist who turns Judeo-Christian values upside down.    


I will paste below some of my other writing about her. 




The greatest threat to Social Security is the fact that there is a strong, well-organized movement to get rid of Social Security.  These Social Security haters are determined to destroy Social Security, just as they would kill a poisonous snake.  Most of them are disciples, of Ayn Rand, whose novels Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, along with her nonfiction book, The Virtue of Selfishness, have garnered a very large following, including Paul Ryan, who almost came within a heartbeat of becoming President of the United States.


Alan Greenspan, who was an associate of Ayn Rand for 20 years, first brought the movement to Washington when a fellow Rand associate, Martin Anderson, recommended Greenspan to Nixon for the position of Economic Advisor to the President.  Given their closeness, it is not surprising that Greenspan had Ayn Rand standing beside him during his swearing in ceremony at the White House.


          Greenspan later chaired The National Commission on Social Security Reform where he helped lay the foundation for the great Social Security theft.  Still later, Greenspan served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve System for more than 18 years.  Among other mistakes, during his tenure at the Fed, Greenspan is widely blamed for contributing to the Financial Meltdown of 2008 by keeping interest rates too low for too long and allowing the housing bubble to grow. 


During his years with Ayn Rand, Greenspan wrote articles for her periodical, The Objectivist.  He wrote the following words in an article in July 1966:

The welfare state is nothing more than a mechanism by which governments confiscate the wealth of productive members of society to support a wide variety of welfare schemes.


Other prominent people who have expressed admiration for Ayan Rand and her ideas include: Ronald Reagan, John Boehner, Senator Ron Johnson, Ron Paul, Senator Rand Paul, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, and many others. 


Ayn Rand died in 1982, but the movement based on her philosophy is even stronger today than when she was still alive, and it is picking up steam.  Ayn Rand’s 1964 book entitled, The Virtue of Selfishness, sold 400,000 copies during the first four months after publication.  Half a century later, in 2013, it is still selling at a hefty pace.  In 2011, Atlas Shrugged sold 445,000 copies, the second strongest sales year in the novel’s 54-year history.


Floyd, the above examples should give you an idea of the philosophy currently being expounded by right-wing conservatives.  I recently read a new biography about Ayn Rand, and I am currently reading Rand's book, The Virtue of Selfishness.  Her ideas are shocking.  Even more shocking is the fact that people like Alan Greenspan, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Justice Clarence Thomas and many others follow her ideas. 


Friend Allen








In just nine (9) days, the sequester will go into effect, if Congress does nothing to stop it.  President Obama has given them a good plan to save all the terrible problems that are going to occur, if they don't move.  He has said "I will talk with anyone that wants to, but time is running out."


What will happen if they don't act?  First, it devastates the middle class, which is right down the line of Rand teaching.  President Obama laid it out plain today as to what the results will be.


He said "These cuts are not smart, they are not fair, they will hurt our economy.  They will add hundreds of thousands to the unemployment role.  People will lose their jobs.  Emergency responders, like the ones that are here today, their ability to communities to respond to and recover from disasters, will be degraded.  Border Patrol agents will see their hours reduced.  FBI agents will be furloughed.  Federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go.  Airport Controllers and airport security will see cut backs, which means more delays at airports across the country."


In addition, we are talking about thousands of teachers laid off across America, cuts in primary health care, preventive care will be taken off the list.  Military reductions are also, going to add to unemployment as contracts are cut back.  Military will be hit the hardest.  I happen to think the Military can well withstand some cut back. 


The President continued, "We have a few days.  Congress can do the right thing.  We can avert just one more Washington manufactured problem that slows down our recovery.  This is something that is in our capacity to solve.  It doesn't take that much work.  Outside of Washington, no body seems to understand that this is a repeat pattern, over and over again.  They expect our leaders to proceed on their behalf, so do I."


Republicans in Congress continue to make artificial deadlines and refuse to meet them. 


Bill Moyers Essay:

 Democracy for Dollars

February 15, 2013

Welcome.  At the State of the Union speech, there’s always more than meets the eye.  Just out of sight is the reality of how we are governed. The House of Representatives, where Congress gathers to hear the President, used to be known as “The People’s House.”  But money power owns the lease now and runs the joint from hidden back rooms.

You're looking at the most expensive Congress money can buy. The House races last fall cost over one billion dollars.  It took more than $700 million to elect just a third of the Senate.  The two presidential candidates raised more than a billion a piece. The website Politico added it all up to find that the total number of dollars spent on the 2012 election exceeded the number of people on this planet -- some seven billion.

Most of it didn’t come from the average Joe and Jane.  Sixty percent of all super PAC donations came from just 159 people. And the top 32 super PAC donors gave an average of 9.9 million dollars.  Think how many teachers that much money could hire.

We’ll never actually know where all of the money comes from. One third of the billion dollars from outside groups was “dark money,” secret funds anonymously funneled through fictional “social welfare” organizations.  Those are front groups, created to launder the money inside the deep pockets.

And don't let anyone ever tell you the money didn't make a difference.  More than 80 percent of House candidates and two-thirds of Senate candidates who outspent their general election opponents won, and were present and counted as the new Congress prepared to hear the President.  Remember, money doesn't necessarily corrupt legislators, but it certainly tilts them.

HOUSE SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER at the State of the Union: Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you, the President of the United States.

BILL MOYERS: So let's share some snapshots from the State of the Union.  That’s Speaker of the House John Boehner, of course.  He's led his party to protect Wall Street from oversight and accountability.  The finance, insurance, and real estate industries gave him more than three million dollars last year.

Eric Cantor is the Republican majority leader in the House. Among his biggest donors--Goldman Sachs, masterminds of the mortgage-backed securities that almost sank the world economy.  Cantor’s also the third largest recipient of money from the National Rifle Association in the House, which is one reason he's such a "big gun" there.

Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, may be in hot water.  He's currently under investigation for allegations that he improperly intervened with government agencies on behalf of a big donor.

And there's Fred Upton, Republican from Michigan, chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee.  What a coincidence. The oil and gas industry is one of his top donors, helping him raise the four million dollars he spent last year to win re-election.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrats of New York, have Wall Street as a constituent and patron.  Her biggest contributors include JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and law firms that have advised them.  His top donors include securities and investment firms, lawyers and legal firms, and lobbyists.

And there are fleeting glances of some familiar faces here tonight seen recently on our broadcast. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader in the Senate, Republican Orrin Hatch of Utah, and Democratic Senator Max Baucus of Montana.  All cited by "The New York Times" as suspects in that mysterious migration of half a billion dollars from taxpayers over to the bottom line of drug companies, especially the pharmaceutical giant Amgen.  Would it surprise you to learn that over the past five years, Amgen has been one of the top ten donors to McConnell, Baucus, and Hatch?

As for our president--by attending a fundraiser on the average of every 60 hours during his bid for a second term, he once again broke the record for bringing home the bacon.  Although the money power that controls Congress could thwart everything Obama proposed in his State of the Union address, there was not a single word in his speech about taming the power of private money over public policy.

And, so it goes: The golden rule of politics.  He who has the gold, rules.


Climate Movement Overlooks People Who Live Near Tar Sands Refineries

Ngoc Nguyen

New America Media / Interview

Published: Tuesday 19 February 2013


Editor's Note: As many as 40,000 protesters from 30 states participated in rallies Sunday in Washington, D.C., urging President Obama to curb pollution from fossil fuels, including tar sands; nix the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that would bring more tar sands crude from Canada to refineries in Texas; and take bold action to address the climate crisis.

 By some estimates, it was the biggest protest march for climate change action in the nation's history.  NAM’s Ngoc Nguyen spoke with Denny Larson, the executive director of Global Community Monitor, who was at the rallies in D.C. with members of a tar sands refinery coalition whose members live near oil refineries.  Larson says tar sands crude is already being refined in the U.S. and increasing pollution and health problems.



Why did you and other members of the Tar Sands Refinery Collaborative participate in the climate rallies on Sunday?

We want to make sure that people who are part of movement for fixing the climate problem understand that number one, tar sands are already in the U.S. and affecting millions of people even without the Keystone [XL] and most people within the climate movement still don’t understand that.  So, we want to get everyone in the climate movement educated and on board to support the tar sands refining community.

It’s not just about stopping the Keystone [XL] pipeline…which we all support. We need the climate movement to start paying attention to people of color communities on the fenceline of tar sands refineries, because we need a lot of action out of the EPA enforcement division and Department of Justice, because we believe a lot of the pollution impacting the neighborhoods is illegal and perhaps criminal and deserves bold action on the part of the community.

Where is tar sands crude currently being refined in the U.S.?

The Midwest right now is the hub of where most of the stuff is processed and then with the reversal of some of the lines in Texas…places like Port Arthur and Houston are beginning to receive significant amounts of tar sands, but they are waiting for the southern leg of the Keystone [XL] to be completed so that they can bring more in.

What about in the San Francisco Bay Area?

 [Forest Ethics] identified that Chevron [in Richmond] and Tesoro [in Martinez] have received tar sands crude.  The Phillips refinery up there in Rodeo… they’re trying to get permission to increase tanker traffic…These tanker routes are relatively new…a lot of tar sands comes in via pipeline that we know about…  [so when there’s] news that…oh geez, they want to bring more tankers in, well, you know that means that they want to bring in a source of heavy crude oil that can’t be brought in by an existing pipeline, and that pretty much means tar sands.

Why now?  What opportunity exists now in terms of pushing Pres. Obama to address climate change?

He has four years now where he doesn’t have to worry about election politics…obviously that was a big problem that hindered a lot of environmental initiatives including a number by [U.S. EPA Administrator] Lisa Jackson.  Now they don’t have that excuse. They also have the opportunity to create the it’s that legacy opportunity for the administration. We have four years to hold their feet to the fire so they can’t come back to us and say yeah, yeah but the election.

What actions should he take?

We want to define his broad statement about doing something about the climate.  We want that to say 1) no Keystone [XL]; 2) crack down on tar sands oil refineries processing the stuff right now; and look very seriously at expansion permits for doing tar sands.  And consider the types of environmental requirements put upon them to truly make them safe and clean… The third thing is, we need to reverse the flow, it’s flowing in today on rail and ship and pipeline and we need to set a course to send it back and we’re not going to take it anymore…we’ll get it from somewhere else because we’re going to bring our consumption of oil dramatically down and increase our clean energy to replace it.

I’ve heard it argued that even if the U.S. rejects tar sands, it will be bought and processed elsewhere in the world, such as Asia, so we wouldn’t reduce carbon pollution overall, and we’d miss the opportunity to cash in on the boom.

We’re going to miss out on an opportunity to poison millions of people and I think that’s an opportunity we should pass on.  I don’t think it’s an opportunity at all.  It’s an opportunity for destruction.  We shouldn’t be cashing in on stuff like that that pollutes and tears apart communities.  Like in Detroit, that expansion [of the Marathon refinery] there has literally torn apart the community.  It got so bad [Marathon] started to have to buy up neighborhoods from the solutions in the refinery, but then they are drawing a line in the community.  [They say] these two blocks, we’ll move you out and these two blocks you have to stay.  It created an incredible amount of social problems in southwest Detroit for the community.

You want the president to take specific actions, but what about broader climate change legislation such as the cap and trade proposals that failed in 2010?

What they need in those refinery communities is, for example, they need EPA to really come in and investigate and crack down on what’s happening there in the way of toxic releases, the fires, explosions, flaring, wastewater discharges traveling underneath the neighborhood burping up benzene in the sewers.  There are very real, immediate emergency room stuff that needs to be done immediately so that’s the primary importance to people in their day to day life.  The climate change legislation is great and I’m sure we will support it but it’s always the stuff at the fenceline that kind of gets forgotten, particularly when the big movement starts and people think about the big picture, the long term…but they tend to leave the fenceline stuff behind and forget about it….these are the people most at risk from tar sands.

There are many people who live around industrial polluters, so who are the “fenceline” communities? How many people are affected?

Back in the late 1990s, the U.S. EPA looked at all the … polluting types of industries…paper mills, power plants, everything, and they ranked them on objective criteria…based on the toxic release inventory, toxicity of releases, proximity of people and permit violations and by far and away, oil refineries outranked all other industries as being the worst.

Here’s the names of some cities that have a lot of refineries…Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Philadelphia, a whole bank down the East Coast…there’s a lot of people near refineries.

How does processing tar sands crude increase pollution that harms health?

When you bring in tar sands, you bring in additional pollution, additional accidents, additional flaring, additional dumping of toxins into the wastewater, additional solid waste pollution because tar sands contains more contaminants than other crude oil, so you have to pull out and dump them on somebody so it’s dirty in, dirty out.

What impact does this have on the people who live there?

[You see] more asthma attacks, respiratory problems, heart attacks, strokes, because of extra particulate pollution, cancers, childhood cancers…adult onset asthma. A whole variety of health problems.  Also, it is reaching further, reaching neighborhoods that weren’t impacted before. It’s getting out and creating more problems for more people, because you’ve got more impact.

The president has said he wants to tap our domestic sources of oil and gas.  Should we be moving toward cleaner-burning natural gas?

That investment is going in the wrong direction…it’s going into fossil fuels, it shouldn’t be going into gas production, it’s not really a clean energy source, because if you go into the production areas, you’ll see how contaminated they are.  The contamination from the production of gas, it’s just as dangerous and now with fracking…I’d argue more than oil production, so if you add in the life cycle of gas, it’s a dirty fossil fuel like the rest of them.  We shouldn’t be investing in that.  We should be investing solar, wind and truly renewable clean energy.

2 comments on "Climate Movement Overlooks People Who Live Near Tar Sands Refineries"


February 19, 2013 9:45pm


ooh, ooh that smell, can"t you smell that smell, when i grew up in Holyoke Massachusetts, every sunset you would see the Monsanto pesticide factory start spewing out this stinky pollution.  This smelled like burning plastic, and the burning would go on ,all night, every night, and this is after the EPA had come into being, I guess the deal was ,as long as the people don't see the pollution, then it did't happen; right????



February 19, 2013 12:22pm

The indigenous nations of North America have some of the poorest people in the world, who are hungry for income.  They are also located in prime concentrations of these energy "reserves" or in the prime pathways for moving the energy to market via pipelines. If the tar sands and fracking industries were even as clean as they claim, you can bet those nations would be allowing those industries in so they could lift people out of poverty.  But those industries are accidents waiting to happen, and indigenous nations value clean air, clean water, and clean soils more, for once you've lost those, you have nothing. All money is transient, the earth is eternal, and we must preserve it in a habitable state for future generations.  Clean burning gas isn't clean when it poisons aquifers where it is mined.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again next Tuesday February 26, 2013.

God Bless you all


God Bless the United States of America.



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