Thursday, March 7, 2013












  Dec  18, 2012
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  Feb.  20, 2013
  Feb.  27, 2013
  Mar.  06, 2013
  Mar.  07, 2013





1.  Violence Against Women Act &

           Democracy, what is happening to it?

2.  Don't get taken by a scam.

3.  A balanced plan to avoid Sequester.

4.  Sequester - the President's plan.

5.  Bull market for stocks 

          Bear market for workers.








By Floyd Bowman.

Publisher "Opinions Based On Facts."

March 7, 2013


On Feb. 28, the House finally passed the Violence Against Women Act.  What is particularly interesting to me is the number of Republicans that voted against it. 


In 2000, only 1 Republican voted against the same bill.  In 2005, 2 Republicans voted against the same bill.  In 2013, 138 Republicans voted against the bill.


For quite sometime, I have been saying that the Republican Party is on a crusade to overthrow our Democracy.  More and more items occur that just keep adding to my assumption. 


Recently, as you know if you have been reading the past two or three postings, the Ayn Rand Philosophy is firmly at work.  The above vote shows what a change has taken place since 2000.  It is subversive and it just keeps coming.  Speaker Boehner's action, along with Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor, are openly subversive.  They are bordering on traitorous performance. 


Even the Supreme Court is starting to act out of bounds.  On Feb. 27, 2013 Supreme Court Justice Scalia, has compared voting rights to "Entitlements."  There is a strong movement to take away the right for minority voting.  If the Supreme Court determines that voting is an "Entitlement" then they can set up rules as to who is entitled to the voting entitlement.


Folks, we are going backwards in our country.  The only way Republicans can win an election is to fix the election by illegal means and they are trying to get the Conservative Supreme Court to help them by making some voting right decisions that will let them fix elections legally. 







By Floyd Bowman.

Publisher "Opinions Based On Facts.

March 7, 2013


Yesterday, March 6, 2013, I received a letter from a group I have never heard of by the name of "TROOPS NEED YOU," signed by a Lieutenant Colonel Eric Egland (not mis-spelled).  Thinking that it is quite possible that you will receive the same letter, I am giving you the information that I have learned about this letter. 


Enclosed was a small sewing kit and a very well written letter setting forth a plea from a Captain Matthew G. of the 10 Mountain Division, Faryab Province, Afghanistan, requesting sewing kits for his 400 men to repair their tattered uniforms.


The letter is four full pages long and, as I said, it was very well written, and makes you feel like you want to send your last dollar to them right away.  I am fortunate to have a retired Sergeant Major with two tours in Afghanistan, as my next-door neighbor.


I asked him to read the letter and tell me what he thought about it.  Long talk cut short, he said that first of all, every uniform comes with a complete repair kit.  Second, the small kit that they plan to send to the troops would not do much good as the material in the uniforms is of a strength that the needle and thread wouldn't work.  Third, and most telling, there is no such unit as the 10 Mountain Division.  Obviously, it is a SCAM.  Don't get taken in by it if you get one.



A Balanced Plan to Avert the Sequester and Reduce the Deficit

February 21, 2013



Obviously, this article was written quite some time ago, but I feel its content is very important and sets us straight on some points.  It is as apropos now as it was when it was written.




In eight days, harmful automatic cuts are slated to take effect, threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, and cutting vital services for children, seniors, people with mental illness and our men and women in uniform.


Only Congress can avoid this self-inflicted wound to our economy and middle class families, and the only thing standing in the way of a solution today is Congressional Republicans’ refusal to even consider closing tax loopholes that benefit wealthy Americans and well-connected corporations. The President and Congressional Democrats have put forward solutions to avoid these cuts and allow time for both sides to work on a long-term, balanced solution to our deficit challenges.

The President is serious about cutting spending, reforming entitlements and the tax code to reduce the deficit in a balanced way.  The question is, will Congressional Republicans come to the table to get something done?

Let’s take a moment to look what we’ve done so far: The President has already reduced the deficit by over $2.5 trillion, cutting spending by over $1.4 trillion, bringing domestic discretionary spending to its lowest level as a share of the economy since the Eisenhower era [see below]. As a result of these savings, together with a strengthening economy, the deficit is coming down at the fastest pace of anytime in American history other than the demobilization from World War II.

And he's laid out a specific plan to do more.  His proposal resolves the sequester and reduces our deficit by over $4 trillion dollars in a balanced way- by cutting spending, finding savings in entitlement programs and asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share. As a result the deficit would be cut below its historic average and the debt would fall as a share of the economy over the next decade.  

Just two months ago Speaker Boehner said there was $800 billion in deficit reduction that could be achieved by only closing loopholes and reducing tax expenditures.  So we know we can get this done.  Let’s be clear: the President’s proposal to Speaker Boehner is still on the table.  Here it is again.

We can't just cut our way to prosperity. Even as we look for ways to reduce deficits over the long term, we must grow the economy in a way that strengthens the middle class and everyone willing to work hard to get into it.

So the choice in front of Congressional Republicans today is simple: will they let these devastating cuts happen that will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs simply because they refuse to close one tax loophole for the wealthy?  Or will they compromise and work with us on a balanced solution to get this done?  We hope they come to the table for the sake of middle class families, our national security and our future, today.




The Sequester - The Presidents Plan

A Balanced Plan to Avert the Sequester

 and Reduce the Deficit

By Floyd Bowman.

Publisher "Opinions Based On Facts."

March 7, 2013

President Obama believes that our guiding focus must be growing the economy and strengthening the middle class . That’s his North Star, and it's why he won't accept cuts that force the middle class to bear the burden of deficit reduction.

The President has put forward a specific plan that will avoid sequestration's harmful budget cuts and reduce the deficit in a balanced way -- by cutting spending, finding savings in entitlement programs and closing tax loopholes.

Both parties have already come together to cut the deficit by more than $2.5 trillion and today the deficit is coming down at the fastest pace since the end of World War II.

President Obama's plan builds on this progress and would cut the deficit by another $1.5 trillion, bringing it below its historic average.

Speaker Boehner continually says that the President hasn't offered a plan.  It just simply is not true, as the following will show.  He also keeps pointing out that the House of Representatives has passed two bills in the past 10 months that would avoid Sequester, but the Senate has not brought either one to a vote.  The bills contained items that had nothing to do with the Sequester and made it impossible to accept.  Boehner then says why doesn't the Senate pass a bill and send it to us.  The answer to that is simple.  All money bills have to start in the House.  At any rate, the President does have a plan and here it is.

The President's Plan:  $4 Trillion of deficit reduction, including the last offer to Speaker Boehner.

The President has signed into law more than $2.5 trillion of deficit reduction


Discretionary spending cuts over the past 2 years.                               $1.4T

                                    (Not counting War savings)

New revenue from wealthiest in fiscal cliff deal               More than $600B

Interest savings                                                                    More than $500B


Subtotal deficit reduction to date                                        More than $2.5T


The President's last offer to the Speaker,

which is still on the table.

More than $1.5T in additional deficit reduction.


Even split between defense and
             non-defense discretionary savings:                                     $200B

Health savings could be achieved by:                                               $400B

            Reduced payment to drug companies                         $140B

            Reduced hospital payments such as

                        reimbursement for patients who

                        don't pay.                                                            $  30B

            Encourage efficient care after a hospital stay            $  50B

            Encourage beneficiaries to seek high value

                         health care and ask the most fortunate

                         to pay more.                                                       $  35B

            Medicaid, Pay-for-Delay, IPAB program integrity        $  25B

            Other health savings                                                       $120B

Non-health mandatory savings - could be

             achieved by:                                                                                $200B

            Eliminate certain subsidies for agriculture                 $  30B

            Reform Federal retirement program                             $  35B

            Reform postal service and TSA passenger

                        security fees                                                         $  40B

            Strengthen solvency of UI trust fund                             $  50B

            Other savings including Spectrum Fees,

                        Sales of Excess Property, & Program

                        Integrity                                                                  $  45B

Spending savings from superlative CPI with

            protections for vulnerable                                                             $130B


Subtotal, Total New Spending Reductions           $930B +$200B interest




Limit tax deductions to 28% for the wealthiest

             and close other loopholes                       $580B+$100BCPI change




Immediate investments in infrastrudture                       -$50B




DEFICIT REDUCTION TO DATE                                 MORE THAN $2.5T

NEW DEFICIT REDUCTION                                                               $1.8T








Why There’s a Bull Market for Stocks and Bear Market for Workers


Robert Reich

NationofChange / Op-Ed

Published: Wednesday 6 March 2013


Today the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose above 14,270—completely erasing its 54 percent loss between 2007 and 2009.

The stock market is basically back to where it was in 2000, while corporate earnings have doubled since then.

Yet the real median wage is now 8 percent below what it was in 2000, and unemployment remains sky-high.

Why is the stock market doing so well, while most Americans are doing so poorly?  Four reasons:

First, productivity gains.  Corporations have been investing in technology rather than their workers.  They get tax credits and deductions for such investments; they get no such tax benefits for improving the skills of their employees.  As a result corporations can now do more with fewer people on their payrolls. That means higher profits.

Second, high unemployment itself. Joblessness all but eliminates the bargaining power of most workers—allowing corporations to keep wages low.  Public policies that might otherwise reduce unemployment—a new WPA or CCC to hire the long-term unemployed, major investments in the nation’s crumbling infrastructure—have been rejected in favor of austerity economics.  This also means higher profits, at least in the short run.

Third, globalization.  Big American-based corporations have been expanding and hiring around the globe where markets are growing fastest—even while the U.S. market is lackluster. Tax policies and trade policies have encouraged them.

Finally, the Fed’s easy-money policies. They’ve pushed investors into the stock market because bond yields are so low. On Tuesday, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note was just 1.9 percent.

All of this spells widening inequality in America, because the people who invest the most in the stock market have high incomes.  Those who rely most on wages have lower incomes.

Corporate profits are claiming a larger share of national income than at any time in 60 years, while the portion of total income going to employees is near its lowest since 1966.  As my colleague Immanuel Saez recently found, all the economic gains between 2009 and 2011 (the last year for which data were available) went to the richest 1 percent of Americans.  The bottom 99 percent has continued to lose ground.

And yet the tax code continues to give preference to capital gains over ordinary income—a huge boon to investors.  The sequestration is likely to make all this worse, since it will slow the U.S. economy and keep unemployment higher than otherwise.  It will also hurt the most vulnerable.  Some $1.9 billion in low-income rental subsidies are being eliminated, affecting 125,000 people. Cuts to the Department of Agriculture will eliminate rental assistance for another 10,000 low-income rural people.  Meanwhile, 100,000 formerly homeless Americans are likely to be removed from their current emergency shelters.

More than 3.8 million Americans receiving long-term unemployment benefits will have their monthly payments reduced by as much as 9.4 percent, and lose an average of $400 in benefits over their period of joblessness.

The Department of Education’s Title I program, which helps schools serving more than a million disadvantaged students, will be cut $715 million, and $400 million will be cut from Head Start, the preschool program for poor children.  And major cuts will be made in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, which provides nutrition assistance and education.

The health of an economy is not measured by the profits of corporations headquartered within it or the value of its stock market. It depends, rather, on how many of people have jobs and whether those jobs pay decent wages.

By this measure, we are a long way from economic health. Rarely before in American history have public policies so blatantly helped the most fortunate among us, so cruelly harmed the least fortunate, and exposed so many, average working Americans, to such widespread insecurity.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again on Tuesday March 12, 2013.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America


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