Friday, January 24, 2014










Jan. 02, 2014
Jan. 09, 2014
Jan. 15, 2014
Jan. 24, 2014




1.  Some thoughts from Floyd.

2.  People pressure against TPP having some success.

3.  Congressional privacy or embezzlement.

4.  Single payer isn't dead.







In just about four months I will reach my life's goal.  It's going to be a big day for me.  I'll hit the big 90.  I have always set that as my goal and I think I am going so make it.  If I keep feeling as good as I do most of the time, not like this week, but most of the time, I think I'll just try for 95.  Hope you all will stick with me.  I am real late this week for various reasons, but the material that is in this posting is very, very important.  We all need to take some action with regard to the first article.


I want to remind you all that the President's "State of the Union" address is next Tuesday January 28, 2014.  Whether or not he makes any comments about this first article will be very telling as to where he stands.  I hope he reverses where he has been.




In the past, you have all, at one time or another, read my thoughts about Dr. Allen Smith.  The second article, is in regard to his efforts and his latest success.


Allen Smith, Ph. D., is the most dedicated man I have ever known.  He has devoted the past 13+ years to educate the America public the truth about the status of Social Security.  In addition, he has spent upward of $50,000.00 of his own and borrowed money.  He has written four or five, I have forgotten which, books about the subject.  He has written many other book on the Economy, one of which is text book for High School and is used in many schools through out the country.


Sometimes I think he does this because it feels so good when he stops hitting his head against a brick wall.  WELL, he knocked that brick wall down this past week.  He has a professional promotion agency getting the word out better than ever before and as a result he was asked for an interview on radio.  Now he has done interviews in the past, but in each case the interviewer has been very negative and it has been very frustrating for him.


Well this one has turned quite different.  The transcript of the interview is the second article to day.  I think you will see a new look at what is, and has been, happening.





People Pressure is Making Fast

Tracking the TPP Politically Toxic


Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers

Popular Resistance / Op-Ed

Published: Monday 20 January 2014




I have written about TPP a number of times before.  Folks, this is about as bad as it gets.  A while back I wrote and gave you an article about the affects of NAFTA on it's twenty year anniversary.  It has been disastrous.  It has cost U. S. and Mexico a tremendous amount of jobs and this TPP is much worse than NAFTA.  TPP encompasses 40% of the world's economy.  As more and more keeps leaking out, we learn more and more how adversely it effects us.


The following article is long, BUT VERY IMPORTANT.  I urge you to read it all and make some calls to you Senators and Representative as well as the White House.  Numbers are listed at the end of this article that will help you.


The White House is calling January “TPA (Trade Promotion Authority) Month” and has made it their task to pass Fast Track. President Obama needs Fast Track to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).   When Congress returned this month, a bill was quickly introduced after delays of more than a year.

The lies begin with title of the bill: “The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014.” Bi-partisan?  In the House there was only one sponsor, Republican David Camp (MI).  The Republicans demanded the Democrats add a sponsor before it was introduced, but due to public pressure, they could not find one.

The only Democrat on the bill in the Senate is Max Baucus (MT) — the senator who gave us the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and who is leaving the senate to become Ambassador to China.  So, the bill is only bi-partisan until he heads off to his new job.

Baucus likes to informally call the bill “The Job Creating Bipartisan Trade Priorities Act,” but that just adds another lie since trade agreements consistently lose jobs, expand the wealth divide and increase trade deficits.

TPP Loses Momentum

After four years of secret negotiations with more than 600 corporate advisers, the once seemingly invincible largest trade bill in history, covering 40% of the world’s economy , looks very much like it can be defeated.

Why is the TPP looking like it can be stopped?  One reason is its secrecy.

Leaks are sinking the TPP like the Titanic on its way to the bottom of the ocean. Ron Kirk, the former US Trade Rep said they were keeping it secret because the more people knew, the less they would like the TPP and it would become so unpopular it could never become law.

Each leak has proven him right.

This week, Wikileaks published the Environmental Chapter The bottom line – there is no enforcement to protect the environment.  The TPP is worse than President George W. Bush’s trade deals.  Mainstream environmental groups are saying the TPP is unacceptable.


Similarly, the leak of the Intellectual Property Chapter revealed that it created a path to patent everything imaginable, including plants and animals, to turn everything into a commodity for profit.  The Obama administration was pushing it way beyond normal intellectual property law in order to increase profits for everything from pharmaceuticals to text books.

The refrain is always the same: profits come first.  The necessities of the people and protection of the planet come last.

Backlash in Congress to Fast Track

Baucus announced last March that he would deliver Fast Track by June.  Pressure delayed it so that now the bill is being introduced in the beginning of an election year.  Election years are a terrible time to pass anything controversial.


The TPP is becoming politically toxic.  Over the last year there has been a steady stream of emails and phone calls to Congress.  Members have faced constituent meetings and protests where TPP is being raised.  Some examples of protests: Los AngelesSeattle,Washington, DCSalt Lake City, MinneapolisUS Trade Rep OfficeVancouver,  LeesburgNew York City . . . we could go on. Americans have sent a clear message to members of Congress, that they better not be associated with the TPP in an election year.


When Fast Track was introduced, there was a backlash, according to public reports, of angry Democrats.  Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) told Huffington Post: “I’m a little disappointed that something’s dropped that was never discussed with Democrats in the House.  As I understand it, it wasn’t actually discussed with Democrats in the Senate.”


Five members of the Senate Finance Committee told US Trade Representative Mike Froman they will not support the Baucus Fast Track bill because Congress needs to be involved throughout the process not just in an up or down vote after it is completed.


During a hearing on Fast Track on Thursday protesters were there expressing their displeasure.


Baucus says he will not be holding a mark-up of the bill because of the divisions on the Finance Committee.  Sen Ron Wyden (D-OR) who will be taking Baucus’ place told Politico there was “broad frustration” with the lack of transparency.  Majority Leader Reid has put fast track on a slow track in the senate saying he does not plan to bring it to the Senate Floor, saying there was too much controversy around it.


As bad as the Senate sounds for the administration, the House is even worse.  Opposition has been building in recent months with Democrats and Republicans writing President Obama opposing Fast Track.


They could not find a Democratic co-sponsor and now Politico reports that Speaker Boehner says he will not bring the bill to the floor for a vote unless 50 Democrats support it. 

State of the Union: Last Stand for Fast Track of TPP?

The president’s TPA month is off to a bad start, so he has to make a big pitch in his upcoming State of the Union on January 28.  If he doesn’t, it is a sign he has given up and is distancing himself from defeat.  He’s not only going to have to persuade almost every Republican to support him (that would be a first for his presidency), he’s going to have to convince every Democrat who has not taken a position, and change the minds of many who have already publicly said they oppose Fast Track.

The problem is Members of Congress know that if they get on the wrong side of corporate trade agreements, it will hurt them politically.  The public is angry about this job-killing trade deal, even Minority Leader Pelosi has had her events interrupted by TPP protesters.  In fact, an event in Los Angeles with President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had hundreds of TPP protesters. The social movement against corporate trade is coming across loud and clear leading top House Dems to describe it as “dead on arrival” if it does not protect labor and the environment.  We know from the Environment Chapter, it does not protect the environment.  Major unions oppose the TPP because it is evident, like all corporate trade, it will be a bad deal for labor since a major goal is lower wages.


The views of many in Congress were summarized in a statement by Democratic Reps. George Miller (CA), Louise Slaughter (NY) and Rosa DeLauro (CT): “Our constituents did not send us to Washington to ship their jobs overseas, and Congress will not be a rubber stamp for another flawed trade deal that will hang the middle class out to dry.”


Members of Congress have seen the research that shows 90% of Americans will see their income go down from the TPP while the wealthiest get wealthier.  Why would any Member of Congress want to sign on to something like that – especially in an election year?


Congress should oppose Fast Track because it is an Obama power grab.  Under the Baucus-Camp bill, the Congress will have 90 days to review the agreement.  The House will have 60 days and the Senate will have an additional 30 days.  The count begins when the White House decides the negotiations have been completed.

Under the Baucus-Camp FastTrack,                                                                    the president is also able to draft extensive implementing legislation to bring US law into compliance with the agreement.  It is up to the president to decide what changes in laws or new laws are needed to comply with the TPP.  Congress is not able to mark-up or amend the language of these bills.  And, these can be very significant laws.  For example, provisions like “Buy American” or “Buy Local” can be repealed as a restraint on trade.  In all of these cases under Fast Track the president becomes the Congress and drafts legislation, totally destroying the checks and balances of the three branches of government.

As some anti-TPP activists in Los Angeles showed in a great street theater action in front of the offices of Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Fast Track makes Congress unnecessary.  They brought the “TPP movers” to his office and outsourced him.  It is important for activists to know what is in Fast Track because the US Trade Representative has been doing its best to mislead the public.


Time to Finish the Job, Make Fast Track for the TPP Politically Toxic

The movement against the TPP has come a long way in the last year from challenging a trade agreement that no one knew about and looked like it could not be stopped; to a trade agreement widely known about in activist circles and which is becoming too toxic for elected officials to be associated with in an election year.

The reason we have come this far is because the TPP affects so many aspects of every person’s lives – food, the environment, workplaces, the Internet, banking and finance, job availability, health care, energy, the list goes on and on.  As people learn about the TPP and what it does they oppose it.  While lame ducks like Obama and Baucus who do not have to seek re-election can ignore angry constituents and follow the demands of big money, those seeking re-election do not have that luxury.

Our task: We need to continue to build opposition and show elected officials they do not want to be associated with these toxic trade agreements.  They need to understand that fast-tracking the TPP could end their career.

A lot is already planned. To stay informed “like” the Flush The TPP Facebook page and follow the twitter feed where we will be regularly publishing new sharable memes to continue to build the stop the TPP movement. If more TPP leaks come out, we’ll provide immediate analysis. If there are hearings we will organize protests to make sure the voices of opposition are heard and share that information.

Every Tuesday there is a TPP twitter storm at 9 PM Eastern.  Follow the hashtag #TPPMediaMarch to participate.  There will be a special TPP storm during the State of the Union on January 28.

Scores of organizations have come together in a movement of movements to create a webpage  We’ve planned ten key days of pressure on Congress from January 22 to January 31.  During this period, people will be making phone calls to Congress through the website which will provide simple tools to call Congress.  In addition, during this period, people are organizing for the State of the Union on January 28 and an Inter-Continental Day of Action on January 31.

During the State of the Union, people opposed to the TPP plan to stand vigil outside of the Congress beginning at 8:30 PM so they can be there when the president arrives for the speech that begins at 9 PM.  During the speech a special State Of The Union TwitterStorm will be held from 9-10pm EST, follow #TPPMediaMarch to participate.

On January 31 there will be an Inter-Continental Day of Action against the TPP & Corporate Globalization.  The theme is ‘No More NAFTA’s as this month is the twenty-year anniversary of NAFTA, which has had devastating consequences for working families, small farmers, indigenous peoples, small business and the environment in all three countries and beyond.  The TPP is fairly described as “NAFTA on Steroids.”

We have come an incredible distance and the likelihood of stopping the TPP is stronger than it ever has been.  The president and transnational corporations will make an aggressive push to pass Fast Track this month.  It is our job to stop them and make it impossible to bring Fast Track or the TPP up again.  We can accomplish this and when we do it will be a tremendous victory of the people over transnational corporate power!


·         ✋ Make DAILY Calls! "#VoteNo TPP FastTrack!"

Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
or Toll Free (877)762-8762 (866)937-4359
If toll free numbers are busy use main number)

Find your representatives here: (you can enter just your zip code)
(Click their name for email form, phone & fax #s and twitter @handle)

Ask what their position is on the Fast Track bill and how they will vote on it!  If the aid doesn't know or says they support it, keep calling DAILY and ask again



This article is produced by in conjunction with AlterNet.  


newsletter reviewing the activities of the resistance movement.


Kevin Zeese, JD and Margaret Flowers, MD are participants in ";" they co-direct "It’s Our Economy" and co-host "Clearing the FOG."  Their twitters are @KBZeese and MFlowers8.


ABOUT Kevin Zeese


 Kevin Zeese is an attorney who has been a political activist since graduating from George Washington Law School in 1980.  He works on peace, economic justice, criminal law reform and reviving American democracy. His twitter is @KBZeese.  Zeese has used his law degree to work to end the war on drugs, stop the use of the military and National Guard in drug enforcement and allow the medical use of marijuana. He has filed bar complaints against lawyers in the Bush and Obama administrations who used their legal degrees to justify torture, as well as against Justice Clarence Thomas for conflicts of interests. He has also filed complaints against attorneys at Hunton and Williams who worked with the Chamber of Commerce and HB Gary Federal to target him for his work criticizing the Chamber. Zeese serves on the steering committee of the Bradley Manning Support Network.  Zeese filed a complaint with the Justice Department against Rupert Murdoch and News Corp for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as with DOJ against Karl Rove’s American Crossroads for violating the non-profit tax laws and the federal election laws.


ABOUT Margaret Flowers


Margaret Flowers, M.D. is a pediatrician and mother of 3 teens from Baltimore, MD.  Margaret left medical practice in 2007 to advocate full-time for single payer health care. She served as Congressional Fellow for Physicians for a National Health Program and is on the board of Healthcare-Now.  She is co-director of She has organized and participated in protests for health care, peace and economic justice which have included arrests for nonviolent resistance.


Congressional piracy: $2.7 trillion embezzlement of retirement funds


The Voice of Russia

By Andrew Hiller

There are many forms of piracy today


We've got the Somali pirates, cyber pirates, and of course, the swashbucklers on the big screen, but a new form of piracy may be occurring via the federal government.

In the 1800's, governments would hire pirates to work for them to collect extra revenues and make certain countries miserable. They were called privateers, and they would raid the coasts and shipping lanes.  The type of high seas actions we're looking at today doesn't fit into the typical definitions of piracy, but the federal government has for years been raiding its own coffers... hitting military retirement, social security, unemployment, and disability to meet its present needs.

Now, after a period of limited spending and quasi-austerity, or at least sequestration, some are taking more notice than ever.

Joining us to look at the security of our golden nest eggs, we've brought in Allen Smith, author of Ronald Reagan and the Great Social Security Heist: What Happened to Your Retirement?


 Hiller: Is it fair to call what Congress is doing in terms of some of these retirement funds... piracy?

Smith: Well, it's all a matter of how people define these words.  I call it embezzlement.  The government has, indeed, taken money, that was intended for Social Security, and spent it for non-Social Security purposes.  So, if that's stealing or if that's embezzlement, so be it.


Hiller: And what is the problem with that? If the money gets repaid is this really a difficulty, is it something that actually occurred, or is this a betrayal of trust?

Smith: First of all, it's certainly a betrayal of trust.  Let me just fill you in a little bit.  This all started in 1983, President Ronald Reagan came into the presidency having promised big income tax cuts and so they had a major revenue problem.  They cut income tax rates so much there wasn't going to be enough revenue.  


Well, Allen Greenspan, who has been behind a lot of mischief, Allen Greenspan convinced him that there was another way.  He said, "Let's raise the payroll taxes."  Now, people pay payroll taxes on their income for Social Security purposes."  And then, we can transfer that to the general fund and spend it just like income tax.”
And that's what was done...
and there's been $2.7 trillion generated and not one dime has gone to Social Security.

Hiller: And in the meantime though, because of sequestration, because of the desire to maintain the tax cuts for certain groups... Congress has decided the only way to make its payments, the only way to extend unemployment insurance, for example, is to go into Social Security, to go into disability insurance, and other mechanisms like that?

Smith: Let's make this point very, very clear.  If that money had not been stolen, that $2.7 trillion, Social Security would have no financial troubles today and they would be able to pay full benefits for another twenty years.  They wouldn't be in the news or anything else.  Because that's not there, the government has to borrow from the outside world, probably China, in order to get money to supplement the revenue.  For example, 2010 was the first year that we ran a deficit and it was a $49 billion deficit.

nmh                                                                    Read more:

Single-Payer is Not Dead


Froma Harrop

NationofChange / Op-Ed

Published: Tuesday 14 January 2014


The prospects for single-payer health care — adored by many liberals, despised by private health insurers and looking better all the time to others — did not die in the Affordable Care Act.  It was thrown a lifeline through a little-known provision tucked in the famously long legislation.  Single-payer groups in several states are now lining up to make use of Section 1332.

Vermont is way ahead of the pack, but Hawaii, Oregon, New York, Washington, California, Colorado and Maryland have strong single-payer movements.

First, some definitions.  Single-payer is a system where the government pays all medical bills.  Canada has a single-payer system. By the way, Canada's system is not socialized medicine but socialized insurance (like Medicare).  In Canada, the doctors work for themselves.

Under Section 1332, states may apply for "innovation waivers" starting in 2017.  They would let states try paths to health care reform different from those mapped out by the Affordable Care Act — as long as they meet certain of its goals.  States must cover as many people and offer coverage as comprehensive and affordable.  And they can't increase the federal deficit. Qualifying states would receive the same federal funding that would have been available under Obamacare.

My conservative friends complain that the innovation waiver requirements would rule out everything but single-payer.  No doubt they are diligently working on a more privatized alternative that would cover less, cost more and raise the federal deficit.

"Vermont is the only state where they're thinking very concretely about using (the waiver) as part of their plan," Judy Solomon, health care expert at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, told me.

Hawaii got close. Its Legislature passed a single-payer bill in 2009, which was vetoed by then-Gov. Linda Lingle, a Republican.  Lawmakers overrode the veto, but Lingle refused to implement the law.


The quest remains rocky, Dr.

Stephen Kemble, a single-payer advocate and past president of the Hawaii Medical Association, told me.  "If Vermont can get things going, that would make things easier for others."

In Washington state, "our focus is to work on grass-roots support," says Dr. David McLanahan, Washington coordinator for Physicians for a National Health Program.  "We're laying the groundwork" for legislation and a request for an innovation waiver.

Problems in the Obamacare rollout have energized fans of single-payer.  Computer glitches aside, the troubles stem chiefly from the law's complexity. Single-payer is all about simplicity.

Under the Vermont plan, employers and individuals would no longer have to buy private health coverage.  They would instead pay a tax.  The state-run system would also cover more things, like dental.  And oh, yes, Vermonters could choose their hospitals and doctors.

William Hsiao, an economist at the Harvard School of Public Health, has projected that Vermont's annual health care spending could fall 25 percent.  The savings would more than pay for the new benefits.

How?  Fewer dollars would go to advertising, executive windfalls and payouts to investors.  Doctors dealing with one insurer would save on office staff.  Fraud and abuse would shrink as a comprehensive database makes crooks easier to spot.

It's too bad that some liberals have turned single-payer into a religion and are whacking the Vermont plan for not being pure enough.  Vermont is permitting continued private coverage for very practical reasons.

Bear in mind that the most acclaimed health care systems — in Germany, in France and our Medicare — combine single-payer for basics with private coverage for the extras.

Vermont intends to use its state health insurance exchange as the structure on which to build its single-payer system.  By 2017, the road to an innovation waiver should be clear.

Go forth, Green Mountain State.  Show us what you can do.


ABOUT Froma Harrop


Froma Harrop’s nationally syndicated column appears in over 150 newspapers, including The Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, Seattle Times, Denver Post and Newsday. The twice-a-week column is distributed by Creators Syndicate, in Los Angeles. Harrop has written for numerous other publications, ranging from The New York Times and Institutional Investor, to Harper’s Bazaar and Metropolitan Home. Previously, she covered business for Reuters Ltd., in New York, and was a financial editor for The New York Times News Service. A Loeb Award finalist for economic commentary, Harrop was also honored by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Over the years, the New England Associated Press News Executives Association has named her for five awards


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again about next Wednesday January 29, 2014.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America.




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