Saturday, March 1, 2014












Jan. 02, 2014
Jan. 09, 2014
Jan. 15, 2014
Jan. 24, 2014
JAN 30, 2014
Feb. 06, 2014
Feb. 09, 2014
Feb. 13, 2014
Feb. 21, 2014
Feb. 27, 2014





1.  Opening thought by Floyd.

2.  How TPP will harm you.

3.  Will you get your SS check in 2015?






Thought #1.  Well, I am finally going to get this to you.  Last week I mentioned that I had fallen after a long time without falling.  Well, I have fallen again this week and frankly, that has held me up as far as getting this posting to you.  There are two really important articles included.  Hope you will take a good look.  I'll try to do better next week.


Thought #2.  WHAT IS FACT?    When I started this blog a little over three years ago, it wasn't to hard to separate fact from friction, or fact from innuendo, or fact from plain out-right lie.  In the past three years, it has continually become harder and harder to know what is fact. 


Thought #3.  In the past, I have been a strong supporter of our President.  I have become very disappointed in him and many of his recent actions and statements. 


He made a big issue of the fact that if you liked the health insurance that you had, you could keep it, referring to Obamacare.  Now we find out that that isn't true.


It has now become clear that he has been working secretively with 600 corporations and 11 other nations on a trade agreement that is more than a trade agreement and is really dangerous to out future. 


While I think, we do need some health reform program I think there is quite a bit in Obamacare that needs to be thoroughly reviewed and changed.


It just seem to me, and I sure hope I am wrong, that he has taken a position that this is his last term and he is going to make it good for him.  I hope he will not do this.  I hope that if we can get a Democratic Congress he will get things done that we really need.  I just can't get over his embracing the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership).


Thought #4.   There are recent indications that even though the public is more in favor of Democratic ideals, the Republicans are getting stronger as we go into this midterm election year.  It's early yet, but with the money the Republicans are going to have, we all must do all possible to get our vote out.


How TPP Would Harm You at the Drug

Store and on the Internet.


Dave Johnson

Published: Wednesday 26 February 2014


A law affecting content on the Internet that was rejected by Congress shows up in a trade agreement designed to bypass and override Congress.  Small, innovative companies that manufacture low-cost, generic drugs find their products blocked.

Those are examples of what is in store based on provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is now being negotiated by the United States and 11 other nations, that have been leaked to the public.  The leaks appear to show that provision after leaked provision will take power away from democracy and countries and hand it to the biggest corporations.  No wonder these giant, monopolistic corporations want Congress to approve Fast Track before they – and We the People – get a chance to read the agreement.

Because of these leaks we know that the TPP has an intellectual property section that will override government rules that limit the power giant corporations can wield against smaller competitors and the general public.  Intellectual property (IP) is a term that covers patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial designs and similar ‘intangible assets.”  (Click here for the IP chapter that was leaked to Wikileaks.)

The rigged process in which only giant corporate interests are represented at the talks of course produces results that are more favorable to those giant corporations than to their smaller, innovative competitors and regular people around the world. The rigged “fast track” process enables these interests to push the agreement through Congress before there is time to organize a public reaction.

TPP And Fast Track

TPP is a “trade” agreement that has little to do with trade and everything to do with giving the giant corporations the power to override what governments and their people want. The agreement follows the pattern of the trade agreements that have forced millions of jobs and tens of thousands of factories out of the United States, placed giant corporations in a dominant-power position that is threatening our democracy and sovereignty, and have dramatically accelerated the transfer of wealth from regular people to a few billionaires worldwide.

TPP is being negotiated in secret with consumer, environmental, labor, health, human rights and other “stakeholder’ groups excluded from the table. But the interests of the giant corporations are at the table, with the negotiators either already well-compensated by the corporate interests or in a position to be well-compensated later after leaving government (which many of them tend to do immediately after ending their role in trade negotiations).

To help push TPP through, the giant corporations are trying to get Congress to give up its constitutional responsibility to initiate and carefully consider the terms of trade agreements. The corporations are pushing for Congress to pass “fast track” trade promotion authority, which brings in a process where Congress gets a very limited amount of time after first seeing the agreement to evaluate it and then vote, limits how much they can debate it and prohibits them from amending it in any way. This gives the corporations the opportunity to set up a huge PR campaign to pressure Congress to pass it, before the public has time to organize a response – never mind even read the agreement.

Intellectual Property and Drug Prices    

One example of the way the intellectual property provisions favor giant, multinational corporations over smaller, innovative corporations and regular people around the world is in pharmaceutical prices.

A company with a drug patent is granted a monopoly to sell the drug at any price they choose with no competition.  Currently a drug might be patented for a limited number of years in different countries.  When the patent runs out other companies are able to manufacture the drug and the competition means the drug will sell at a lower cost.

Leaked documents appear to show that TPP will extend patent terms for drugs.  Countries signing the agreement will scrap their own IP rules and instead follow those in TPP.  So giant drug companies will have the same patent in all countries, for a longer period, and the patent will prevent competition that lowers drug prices.

Currently smaller, innovative companies can produce “generic” drugs after patents run out.  Because of competition these drugs can be very inexpensive. Walmart, for example, sells a month’s supply of many generic drugs for $4, while drugs still under patent protection can cost hundreds or even thousands.  This is of particular concern to poor countries that will be under TPP rules.


Please read Expose The TPP’s section The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Public Health, which begins:

The TPP would provide large pharmaceutical firms with new rights and powers to increase medicine prices and limit consumers’ access to cheaper generic drugs. This would include extensions of monopoly drug patents that would allow drug companies to raise prices for more medicines and even allow monopoly rights over surgical procedures.  For people in the developing countries involved in TPP, these rules could be deadly – denying consumers access to HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis and cancer drugs.

What You Can See, Do And Say On The Internet

Another area where the IP section of TPP could give corporations tremendous power is in deciding what regular people can see, do, or say on the Internet.  TPP will override our own rules, even imposing laws like the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) that Congress have specifically rejected.

You might remember when many websites on the Internet “went dark” for 24 hours to protest the proposed SOPA and PIPA laws.  According to the Electronic Freedom Foundation’s (EFF) SOPA/PIPA: Internet Blacklist Legislation,

The “Stop Online Piracy Act”/”E-PARASITE Act” (SOPA) and “The PROTECT IP Act” (PIPA) are the latest in a series of bills which would create a procedure for creating (and censoring) a blacklist of websites.  These bills are updated versions of the “Combating Online Infringements and Counterfeits Act” (COICA), which was previously blocked in the Senate.  Although the bills are ostensibly aimed at reaching foreign websites dedicated to providing illegal content, their provisions would allow for removal of enormous amounts of non-infringing content including political and other speech from the Web.

 Had these bills been passed five or ten years ago, even YouTube might not exist today — in other words, the collateral damage from this legislation would be enormous.

Larry Magid explained at the time, in What Are SOPA and PIPA And Why All The Fuss?


The bill would require sites to refrain from linking to any sites “dedicated to the theft of U.S. property.”  It would also prevent companies from placing on the sites and block payment companies like Visa, Mastercard and Paypal from transmitting funds to the site.  For more, see this blog post on Reddit.

The problem with this is that the entire site would be affected, not just that portion that is promoting the distribution of illegal material.  It would be a bit like requiring the manager of a flea market to shut down the entire market because some of the merchants were selling counterfeit goods.

 Opponents say it would create an “internet blacklist.”

 There is also worry that SOPA and PIPA could be abused and                            lead to censorship for purposes other than intellectual property protection.

Congress decided to reject SOPA and PIPA.  But the provisions of SOPA and PIPA are back, this time in the TPP, which would override what Congress wants.

Please read the EFF’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement page.


We’ve seen how this works too many times.  The giant corporations promise jobs and prosperity to get their way, but then We the People end up with fewer jobs and a falling standard of living while a few billionaires and executives pocket the difference.  Instead of letting the giant corporations push through yet another job-killing agreement that gives them even more wealth and power let’s take control of things and fix the agreements that have hurt us, our economy and our democracy.  Fix NAFTA First!


Will your Social Security check be in the mail come 2015?

A top economist says the trust fund for Baby Boomers has disappeared.  But, there's something you can do!

BY: Rob Kerby, Senior Editor


Is Social Security one big Ponzi Scheme? In the real world, if an investment guru such as Bernie Madoff is found to be broke and having to scramble to find new investors so he can continue to pay dividends to old investors – he ends up in court.

If it’s discovered that he didn’t bother to invest their funds at all – instead paid himself an exorbitant salary and squandered the money – he goes to jail.

Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments. Paying such high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to sustain the scheme.
“When Texas Governor Rick Perry referred to Social Security as ‘a Ponzi scheme,’” writes Judge Andrew Napolitano, ”he was excoriated by the press, left and right, and by his fellow Republicans, as well.”

After all, our government wouldn’t do such a thing, would it?

“For many baby boomers, it’s comforting to believe that part of the 12.4 percent Social Security payroll tax they (or they and their employer) have been paying is going into a $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund,” writes economist and retired professor Allen W. Smith.

However, Smith says there is no trust fund – and a number of elected officials, including former President George W. Bush, have acknowledged that.

“To make a long story very short, we are supposed to have $2.7 trillion in Social Security surplus, all earmarked for the baby boomers’ retirement, due to money generated by amendments approved in 1983,” says Smith, author of The Looting of Social Security.  “But there’s no money in the fund.”

“This revelation should come as no surprise to those who monitor the government and its deceptive ways,” says Napolitano.  “When he first introduced Social Security, President Franklin D. Roosevelt argued that under Social Security the federal government would be holding your money for you.  He deceptively fostered the idea that Social Security would be a savings account, into which employees and employers would make contributions and out of which guaranteed monies would be paid to those who reached the age of 65.  Essentially, he claimed that you’d get your money back.

“Eventually, the government would acknowledge that what it first called a savings account and then called old-age insurance and then said would be fortified by a trust fund did not even establish a contractual obligation to those who have paid the Social Security tax — which would be all of us.

“The politicians believed him,” writes Napolitano, “but the actuaries and the judiciary understood that the government would never hold anyone’s money for him — as if it were the custodian of a bank account. In the first of several challenges to the constitutionality of Social Security, the Supreme Court found that the Social Security fund did not consist of your money.  It was merely tax revenue.  Did you know that?

“And, in a curious yet revealing one-liner in the Supreme Court opinion upholding the constitutionality of Social Security, even the court recognized that there would be no trust fund in the traditional sense when it found that the tax dollars collected and supposedly designated for Social Security were ‘not earmarked in any way.’

“Thus,” writes Napolitano, “the Feds have conceded and the courts have agreed that the money you have involuntarily contributed to the so-called trust fund is not yours and can be spent by the government as it pleases, just like any other revenue that the Feds collect.

“Where did it go?” asks Smith.  Four administrations, from Reagan to George W. Bush, spent it on myriad non-Social Security efforts, says Smith – so don’t blame the current president.

“Obama didn’t have a chance to use it – it was gone,” Smith says.

The 1983 amendments approved under Reagan generated revenue by accelerating Social Security payroll tax increases, allowing a portion of benefits to be taxed, and delaying cost-of-living adjustments from June to December.

According to the Social Security Administration website: “The surpluses are invested in (and the trust fund holds) special-issue Treasury bonds.”  But what’s actually sitting in the Trust Fund is non-marketable government IOUs – worthless, Smith says.

The fact has been publicly acknowledged by a 2009 Social Security trustees report; Sen. Tom Coburn; and President George W. Bush, who in 2005 said, “There is no trust fund, just IOUs that I saw firsthand … future generations will pay – pay for either in higher taxes or reduced benefits or cuts to other critical government programs.”

Recently, Speaker of the House John Boehner offered a sobering statement on ABC’s “This Week,” on Oct. 6, 2013: “…Ten thousand baby boomers like me (are) retiring every single day – 70,000 this week; 3.5 million this year.  And, it’s not like there’s money in Social Security or Medicare. The government, over the last 30 years, has spent it all.”

So, are we all doomed?

Will Baby Boomers get their retirement checks?

Smith says there is hope.

However, he says Congress must admit the truth.  The total cost of paying full benefits in 2010 exceeded Social Security tax revenue by $49 billion,” says Smith, “and the gap between revenue and costs will become larger in the coming years.

“On Sept. 27, 2000, I appeared on CNN Today to discuss my book, The Alleged Budget Surplus, Social Security, and Voodoo Economics.  The host did not take me seriously and asked me if I was ‘a voice crying in the wilderness,’ ” Smith says. “I’d quickly realized that he was right, with the exception of multiple statements by politicians and officials.”

He says it’s time that Baby Boomers start protesting – demanding answers from Congress.

“Boomers are no strangers to taking to the streets to express their outrage.”

So, dust off those 1970s protest signs.

Demand answers, says Smith.

Get involved – and force Congress to make sure that the unthinkable never happens.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again sometime next week.  Right now, after two recent falls I'm just not sure what day, but I'll be working on it.  Stay with me.  You do more for me than I do for you, just knowing that you are picking up on my blog.


God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America




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