Tuesday, August 5, 2014

.OBOF TYMHM & MORE Vol. 14 No. 25

                                                             WELCOME TO OPINIONS  BASED  ON FACTS (OBOF)








Jan. 02, 2014
Jan. 09, 2014
Jan. 15, 2014
Jan. 24, 2014
JAN 30, 2014
Feb. 06, 2014
Feb. 09, 2014
Feb. 13, 2014
Feb. 21, 2014
Feb. 27, 2014
Mar. 08, 2014
Mar. 13, 2014
Mar. 15, 2014
Mar.  21, 2014
Mar.  29, 2014
Apr.  03, 2014
Apr.  12, 2014
Apr.  19, 2014
Apr.  26, 2014
May  03,  2014
May  10,  2014
May  20,  2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 21
May 28,  2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - Ho 22
June 10, 2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 23
June 20, 2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 24
July  04, 2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 25
Aug. 04, 2014





1.  Hello, from Floyd.

2.  Jack'em up, get jacked around.

3.  Deficit reduction.

4.  Border bills stall in the House.

5.  Impeachment fever.






Hello, to my faithful followers.  In my last posting, I mentioned that I had fallen.  I didn't think it was to bad, but as usual, it was worse than I thought.  Thus, the reason, not an excuse.  I also, might mention for those of you who are getting along in age, things do get a little more difficult to accomplish as the years go by.  


I had set a goal of living to 90 and I pushed real hard in all my activates during the 89th year.  Now that I have made 90 I have gone down hill.  My Son says that it is in my head and I think he is probably right.  My regularity in these postings has suffered as it seems to take me longer to read, find what I want to send you,  transfer it to my blog, and get it out to you.                                                             


I see that a large number of you read on Saturday, so I am going to try posting, at least, on Friday, although I can't promise that.  I so much want to continue to get information to you.  Information that I think is important to all of us and that you might have missed.  I am getting myself together better now so, I will try to get this out each week as in the past.  I'll try for Fridays. 









By Floyd Bowman publisher

"Opinions Based on Facts"

August 4, 2014


In the last posting, I started to tell you about a product that this man had developed.  At this point, I want tell you that there are many events to occur prior to working with the Military and running into the corruption, which is one of the problems I want to tell you about.  


Originally, this product, which is a very simple jack to be used to change flat-tires on trailers, was designed for civilian use, mainly, for farmers and ranchers.  It also, is ideal for use on recreational vehicles and boat trailers.  Just as a short reminder, this jack has no moving parts, no hydraulics, and works in mud, sand, blacktop, & concrete.  It is 99% safe to use and makes changing a tire easy and very quick.   


I so much would like to jump in right now and tell you about the treatment this man has received from our government and the corruption by one of the longest sitting Senators in Congress.  However, without knowing the developments along the way it would not have the meaning for you that I want to try to convey.   So stick with me as we start at the beginning, which of course, is always a good place to start.  Even trying to tell you about this in it's full dimension would actually take a book, which I hope some day someone will write.  So, let's get on with it.


I first thought I would reprint some from the last posting, but that is just too long to go over again.  I would suggest that you look back at posting Vol. 14 No. 24.  That will bring you up to what I write now.


It is incredible, that a very simple tool, invented by an unpretentious, super patriotic, family man in a small town in the mid-west,  has opened doors he never dreamed of and contacts with high level personnel in the military and Congress he hardly knew existed.


How did it develop?  When he finally got a finished working model put together and thoroughly tested, he had to get an attorney in the process of getting a patent.  I am getting a little ahead of myself.  This man, who from here on will be referred to as Jim, is of Indian heritage.  One of his greatest assets is his wife.  She is VP of a large bank and she has an IQ almost off the charts.


Getting a patent is no simple process and is expensive.  This couple with two boys 18 and 20, are by no means flushed with money.  The detailed drawings alone run almost $5,000.  It took almost a year to get the patent.


His first plan of distribution was to have a booth at farm & ranch shows.  He had never done that before, but he put together a real attractive booth.  He received good response selling every thing he had at almost all the shows.  He, most of the time, had a crowd of people at his booth.  Now, I haven't said anything about manufacturing these units.  That has been, as you can imagine, another hurdle to jump across.  Fortunately, Jim has a background  in mechanics &  machinery.  Manufacturing of these units proved to be a real challenge.  Pages and pages could be written about overcoming this challenge, bug Jim got it done.  We are now past the second year and into the third, when he finally went to his first show and many more after that.  


On with the show and what turned out to be the most important show.  At this one particular show, a group of about 5 soldiers stopped and talked at length to Jim.  They had all just returned from Afghanistan.  They told Jim about having flat tires on their various vehicles and that when it happened, many times they were under fire trying to change the tire.  They told Jim that it was a long and difficult job to change the tire.  They had three choices.  One, try to change the tire.  Two, call for a wrecker to come help them, which normally would take about 2 hours or more.  Three, leave the vehicle and try to find cover.


They said that they had been with groups when one and two would be killed trying to change the tire.  They went on and on about how they need this in the field.  That was the first that Jim had heard or thought about the military.


This in no way starts to portray to you all the blood, sweet, and tears that Jim and his wife have gone through.  What we have covered now brings us into the third year after Jim first got the idea.


I think we will stop at this point until next week when we will start to get into the various developments with the military and the government purchasing system that is riddled with corruption.     



Deficit to dip below $600 billion for first time since recession, White House predicts

In the longer term, though, bigger shortfalls are expected

July 11


The White House said Friday that the federal budget deficit will fall to $583 billion this year, the smallest deficit of President Obama’s tenure and the first to dip below $600 billion since the Great Recession took hold in 2008.

In its midyear review of the nation’s finances, the White House predicted that the deficit for the fiscal year that ends in September will be about $66 billion lower than the administration forecast in February.

The improvement is driven primarily by sluggish rates of spending at the Pentagon and other federal agencies, particularly on recovery efforts for Hurricane Sandy. ,The administration also expects to spend less this year than previously forecast on health insurance subsidies for low-income families under the Affordable Care Act.  The price of those subsidies is now predicted to be slightly higher, however, over the coming decade.

While the analysis brought good news for the short term, the outlook for the longer term was less rosy: The White House predicts that the nation’s finances will deteriorate markedly over the next decade, with deficits rising nearly $600 billion above previous projections.

The administration attributes the shift almost entirely to tax collections that are now expected to be sharply lower because of slower-than-expected economic growth in the next few years. After an unexpected 2.9 percent drop in gross domestic product in the first quarter of this year, the White House lowered its forecast to 2.6 percent growth for the fiscal year. The administration had predicted 3.3 percent growth.

Officials at the Office of Management and Budget did not respond to requests for comment on the report, which was abruptly released Friday afternoon without the standard warnings to reporters.

In a blog post, Brian Deese, the acting budget director, highlighted the positive, noting that Obama has presided over “the most rapid sustained deficit reduction since World War II.”

When Obama took office in 2009, the economy was in free fall and the budget deficit was soaring toward $1.4 trillion, the first of four consecutive trillion-dollar deficits that drove the national debt to the highest level as a percentage of the economy since the end of World War II.

The economy has since improved, and Obama has signed off on painful but historic spending cuts under pressure from Republicans in Congress.  Last year, the deficit was $680 billion. And after nearly three years of all-consuming budget battles, lawmakers heading into midterm elections have taken a break from the contentious work of deficit reduction — at least until next year, when deadlines loom on the debt limit and automatic agency budget cuts known as the sequester.

Democrats hailed Friday’s White House deficit forecast, which came on the same day as a Treasury Department announcement that the government recorded a surplus of $71 billion for the month of June.

“Today’s report . . . shows once again that our fiscal outlook has improved significantly in the near-term,” Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said in a statement.  “While we need to continue to tackle long-term deficits fairly and responsibly, we have room to focus on other deficits in areas like jobs, innovation, infrastructure, and education.”

Republicans, meanwhile, noted that the long-term outlook remains gloomy, with the national debt forecast to rise to more than $25 trillion by 2024 if Obama’s policies are enacted.

On Friday, the debt stood at $17.6 trillion.

Lori Montgomery covers U.S. economic policy and the federal budget, focusing on efforts to tame the national debt.


CNN Politics

Border bills stall in House, Senate


By Deirdre Walsh and

Tom Cohen, CNN

Fri August 1, 2014


Washington (CNN) -- On what was supposed to be the last day before summer recess, dysfunction reigned in Congress.


House Republican leaders called off a vote Thursday on their $659 million emergency response to the border influx from Central America overwhelming immigration resources, unable to agree among themselves about what to do.


That sparked a revolt in their caucus over doing nothing, which forced GOP leaders to delay the start of August break to discuss the matter further on Friday morning.


And in the Senate, a $2.7 billion Democratic plan to respond to the immigrant surge failed in a procedural vote.


Caucus revolt


House GOP cancels immigration bill vote.


Obama: Congress holding up progress .


Asked what happens now, Speaker John Boehner said he'd be working with his caucus.  Asked if that would go into the night, he responded: "Oh yeah."


The Senate measure fell short of the 60 votes needed to advance after Republicans opposed the measure because it didn't include any policy changes to make it easier to deport children back to Central America.  Two moderate Democrats voted with Republicans to block the bill.


The end result?  Politicians eventually go home for five weeks to campaign for the November congressional elections without sending President Barack Obama legislation to address what both parties agree is a humanitarian crisis at the southern border.


Volatile issue


Such inability to compromise, let alone even pass any kind of legislation, showed the volatility of the immigration issue in America just over three months before the November elections.

Obama asked for $3.7 billion in emergency funding to strengthen border security and speed up the processing of the tens of thousands of arrivals -- many unaccompanied minors -- from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador in the past 10 months.


House Republicans slashed that figure and added changes to a 2008 anti-trafficking law that would remove the guarantee of an immigration hearing for children arriving on their own from Central America.


Facing Democratic opposition, GOP leaders needed almost all of their majority caucus to support the bill.


However, many Republicans -- mostly conservatives -- argued against approving any new money and argued the measure failed to effectively limit Obama from acting on his own to allow illegal immigrants to stay in the country.


Obama criticism


They contend he has failed to enforce immigration laws by halting deportations of some child immigrants who arrived years earlier.  And they now expect further unilateral steps signaled by the White House that would allow more undocumented immigrants to work in the United States.


After a partisan debate on the measure, an expected vote suddenly got canceled.  A subsequent 90-minute GOP caucus meeting behind closed doors resulted in the decision to keep going on Friday to get something passed, participants said.


"I was prepared to be very critical of the decision to go home but thankfully the leadership is doing the right thing and saying we're going to get this thing through," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, while Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana described it as "an emotional 'we've got to do something' kind of cheerleading event."


Several House Republicans told CNN that GOP leaders made it clear they won't hold a vote on the border bill until they knew it had enough support t pass, even it that took beyond Friday.

Embarrassing result


It was an embarrassing result for Boehner and his new leadership team put together after former Majority Leader Eric Cantor's primary defeat last month, displaying the continuing deep divisions between conservative and more moderate House Republicans that has caused similar episodes in the past on other spending matters.


"This situation shows the intense concern within our conference -- and among the American people -- about the need to ensure the security of our borders and the President's refusal to faithfully execute our laws," the House Republican leadership said in a statement.


In one of the political ironies of Washington, the GOP leaders called for Obama to take steps on his own to address the border issue without congressional approval, a day after voting to sue him for doing exactly that.


"There are numerous steps the President can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries," the statement said.


Shortly after, White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer tweeted: "By pulling their own bill, the House GOP once again proves why the President must act on his own to solve problems."

Unilateral action


White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama will do what he can to address immigration reform because House Republicans have refused to vote on a comprehensive measure passed last year by the Senate.


"The President can't do as much as Congress could do in terms of addressing some of these problems, but we're gonna figure out what exactly the law will allow the President to do and we're going to do as much as possible within the confines of the law to address a problem whose solution Republicans in Congress continue to actively block," Earnest said.


He told reporters the Obama administration already shifted resources from the nation's interior to the border to try to speed up the processing of new arrivals.


"We have surged some technology to allow immigration judges and other ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) prosecutors and asylum officials the opportunity to try to whittle down the bottleneck or the backlog of immigration cases that currently exists," Earnest said.  "We've prioritized the cases of recent border crossers to try to process those cases more efficiently."

Senate challenges


Republicans led by conservative Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama say Obama plans to unilaterally issue work permits to as many as 6 million immigrants living illegally in the United States, which the critics call a violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act.


Sessions tried to get an amendment that would block such presidential action added to the Senate border legislation, but Democrats defeated his motion.


However, Senate Democrats were unable later to secure the 60 votes necessary to overcome a budget challenge against the measure, which included $2.7 billion in immigration funding along with $900 million to fight U.S. wildfires and bolster Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.


Sessions raised the budget challenge, noting the total $3.6 billion cost of the proposal would all be borrowed.


CNN's Dana Bash contributed to this report.


From Clinton to Obama: Why GOP Impeachment Fever is Now So Predictable

Joe Conason

NationofChange / Op-Ed

Published: Saturday 2 August 2014


 Making predictions is a perilous practice for any political journalist.  Too often, the would-be seers turn out to be dead wrong — as can be attested to by George Will, Michael Barone, Larry Kudlow and the humiliated boy genius of Fox News, all of whom projected a big victory for Mitt Romney in 2012.

Yet there is at least one future event that could be safely forecast years ago, almost as soon as President Barack Obama entered the White House: a movement among House Republicans to impeach the president.

In the conventional wisdom that chronically afflicts Washington, all the current muttering about impeachment is merely a theatrical display for the GOP's wingnut base — as Democrats use the same threat to stir emotions (and donations) among Obama loyalists.  Such complacent analysis misreads not only the mood and character of the Republican Party's dominant tea party wing but the recent history of impeachment as a political instrument of the far right.

The same forces that have sought to ruin Obama from the beginning were hatching schemes to remove former President Bill Clinton from office long before the unveiling of his reckless indiscretions with Monica Lewinsky.  Back then, the talk of impeachment among zealots who schemed against Clinton, ranging from Pittsburgh billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife and disgraced former Attorney General Edwin Meese to an assortment of back-bench members of Congress and religious hucksters, could be easily brushed aside.  Today, many of the survivors among that old cast of characters are peddling "Impeach Obama" bumper stickers — notably including Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily, which features an "Impeachment Store" online.

Claims that Clinton had committed a high crime or misdemeanor worthy of impeachment under the Constitution dated as far back as 1994, the year after his inauguration, when the teamwork of determined right-wing activists and incompetent mainstream reporters ginned up a series of phony scandals. At secret meetings, the leadership of ultra-right organizations, such as the Council for National Policy, persuaded themselves that Hillary Clinton was about to be indicted (for something) and that Bill Clinton could soon be impeached (for anything).

The itch to impeach Clinton gathered momentum in 1997, not long after his re-election, a Democratic victory that did not impress his right-wing enemies.

As with Obama, they wanted to undo his presidency, not because he had committed a supposed constitutional offense but simply because his "liberal, globalist, socialist" politics offended their sense of morality.  Of course, they feel the same way about Obama today.  Indeed, from the perspective of the insurrectionary tea party Republicans and other self-styled "patriots," elections hardly matter at all, unless their candidate wins.  To them, a Democratic president lacks legitimacy by definition.

For a pungent whiff of irony, remember that electing Obama in 2008 was supposed to preserve us from another decade of political trench warfare, instigated by those polarizing Clintons. Electing Hillary Clinton would lead America back into the partisan psychodrama of the '90s, or so the Washington pundits warned us; better to choose that nice, inspirational, bipartisan-sounding senator from Illinois, they advised.

And how did that work out for us?  Scarcely through any fault of Obama, the result has been no different from the scary projections of a divisive Clinton presidency: legislative gridlock, economic brinksmanship, kooky conspiracy theories and now congressional lawsuits accompanied by loud talk of impeachment.  Clinton and Obama are just names for the object of hate, against whom any slanderous, mendacious and vacuous attack can be mounted.

That was why gullible rubes once bought hundreds of thousands of videotapes accusing the Clintons of murder — and why the same kind of suckers bought into the race-baiting "birther" insinuations about Obama.  It is why a top House Republican will lie blatantly on television about the Supreme Court's dozen rebukes of this president's alleged constitutional overreach — when most of those cases involved former President George W. Bush.

In temperament and ideology, the tea party Republicans who run the House aren't much different from the Newt Gingrich gang that went after Bill Clinton. They don't care whether Obama won the election in a near landslide — or that seeking to remove him would be very dangerous for our country and the world.  If their party wins control of the Senate in November, then the reactionary impulse to impeach may well become irresistible.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again next week.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America.



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