Sunday, September 14, 2014

OBOF TYMHM & MORE Vol 14 No 29










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June 10, 2014
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June 20, 2014
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Aug. 25, 2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 27
Sept. 03, 2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 28
Sept. 10, 2014
OBOF TYMHM Vol 14 - No 29
Sept.  14, 2014





1.  Notes from Floyd.

2.  Looks like WAR again.

3.  Wild Horses deserve better treatment.

4.  Experts warn of inevitable disaster in

          California and more about radiation

          from Japan.






Couple of interesting things has happened this week and this Sunday 9-14-14.  The first makes me very unhappy.  I don't know how you feel about it, but I am totally against going into anothert WAR and that is exactly where we are headed from what the President had to say this week when he addressed the  Nation.  I think I am as sensitive as the next guy when it comes to the killing that is going on in the middle east, but folks, these people have been fighting forever and we aren't going to get them to stop.


Now, I know that the point is that we are protecting ourselves from terrorists hitting us here in our own country and I know that the President knows things that none of us can know, but this continual war has got to stop.  If we want to provide arms to certain factions OK.  But enough is enough.  Of course, it will go on regardless of what I think, but I believe there are a lot of you out there that feel the same.  So much for that this week.


SECOND, Hillary just lost my vote for President.  Not because of anything she has done and she certainly had my vote until today, Sunday 9-14-14.  A few time in the past I have mentioned that this Senator is travelling all over the country talking at meetings and I have said that I think he is preparing to run for President.  Well, today he announced it on Meet the Press.  Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent from Vermont is now running for President. 


I have a great respect for this man and I think he would make an excellent President.  He is well worth you time to watch him and get to know him.  He is definitely for us.  He has no fear al all of Wall Street and he will take on the big money with vengeance.  Of course, his running will make three and the unfortunate part of this is, he could draw enough votes from Hillary, but not enough for him to win the Presidency so that could put a Republican in the President's Oval Office.  That would be disastrous.  We'll just have to see how it plays out, but at this point I think he has my vote.





Dear MoveOn member,

In a major address to the nation last night, President Obama announced that the U.S. will escalate its military campaign against ISIS (also known as ISIL or the Islamic State). is plan seeks to "degrade" and ultimately "destroy" ISIS in a sustained air campaign that would include dropping more bombs on Iraq as well as possibly beginning strikes inside Syria.1

Let's all be really clear: President Obama is, in essence, proposing that we launch a new U.S. war in the Middle East. The White House has indicated that this strategy could take upward of three years to execute—meaning Obama would be handing the next president a new war after he brought Bush's Iraq war to a close.2 Roughly 1,600 U.S. troops and advisers have already been deployed to the region in recent weeks.3 Senior members of Congress are currently drafting legislation to authorize arming Syrian rebels.4

It was especially sobering to wake up to this news on September 11—an anniversary of so much pain and tragedy.

It's vital that we slow down and engage in a real, full-throated debateincluding discussion of all the alternatives we have for confronting ISIS—rather than rushing headlong into another open-ended war in the Middle East.

There are tough questions we should be grappling with to avoid making the same mistakes again—questions like:

How is the U.S. prioritizing alternatives to military force, such as halting the flow of weapons to the region that end up in ISIS's hands and cutting off ISIS's financing so it can't keep waging war?

How might the use of U.S. military force undermine those alternative strategies?

What's the U.S.'s exit strategy?  What does "defeating" ISIS look like?  How will we know when to stop?

What are the potential unintended consequences? 

We haven't heard these questions asked or answered by the president or Congress, and yet they must be deliberated.  Using facts, in the open, with opportunities for all Americans to weigh in.

We know the costs are simply too high to get this wrong.  We know it's up to us to ask these questions, and we know it's up to us to demand sound answers.

We'll begin by sharing MoveOn members' questions with Congress, the president, and the media.

But we won't stop there, because few if any decisions a country makes are as consequential as the decision to go to war.  Again, we need a full, open, fact-based national discussion.  If September 11 and the tragic decade that followed should've taught us anything—it's that we as a public must demand answers to hard questions before launching into war.

Thanks for all you do.

–Anna, Brian, Jo, Maria, and the rest of the team

P.S. In case you missed it, here's a link to the transcript of President Obama's remarks. 


1. "Statement by the President on ISL," The White House, September 10, 2014

2. "Destroying ISIS May Take Years, U.S. Officials Say," The New York Times, September 7, 2014

3. "We Already Have Boots on the Ground in Iraq," The Huffington Post, September 11, 2014

4. "Obama Urgently Wants Congress to Vote on Arming Syrian Rebels," The Wire, September 10, 2014

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs.  And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here.


Wild Horses & All Wild Life Animals

Deserve Better.

In late August, news broke that 75 captured wild horses died after being transferred from a long term holding pasture to a corral in western Kansas.  The cause of their death? Stress, overcrowding, and rapid dietary changes.

These 75 unnecessary deaths are only the tip of the problem when it comes to America's wild horse population.  As we speak,
hundreds of these majestic creatures are enduring the terrifying round-up process, which often includes extreme long-distance running, physical assault with electric prods and lunge whips, hoof loss, and low-flying helicopter chases resulting in physical exhaustion and collapse.

These animals deserve better. The Bureau of Land Management—the government agency tasked with protecting and preserving America's wild horses—is instead perpetuating outdated and harmful practices to control their population.  Those 75 horses in Kansas did not need to die, nor do the countless other horses whose lives remain in jeopardy.

The ASPCA is determined to protect wild horses from this cruel, inhumane practice, but we need your help.  With your support, we can continue our critical work to change the way the federal government treats our herds—and put an end to these brutal methods once and for all.
Be a voice for wild horses, and countless other animals in distress, before their time runs out.  
Make a donation today.

The ASPCA recognizes that America’s wild horses and burros occupy a special place in our history and deserve to be protected.  So why is it that the government agency in charge of their care—the Bureau of Land Management—doesn’t seem to feel the same way?  Over the years, the BLM has rounded up tens of thousands of our wild equines, often using cruel methods, and shipped them to tax-funded holding facilities where they are confined for the rest of their lives.

With more wild horses now in holding facilities (50,000) than on the range (30,000-40,000), the situation has never been more urgent.  The ASPCA is fighting to make the BLM scrap its current management strategy and implement more humane, sustainable methods of wild horse management, but we cannot do it alone.

With your support, we can continue our critical work to change the way the federal government treats these majestic animals.  If you’re ready to stand up for our wild herds, and countless other threatened animals who count on us, please make a donation today.


Experts Warn of ‘Inevitable’ Fukushima Disaster in California


Anthony Gucciardi

Natural Society / News Report

Published: Wednesday 3 September 2014

From Floyd:

Use your own judgment as to the factuality of this article.  I felt that it seemed quite factual to me.


Since the catastrophic meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in March of 2011 irreparably altered the state of the planet for the known future, the incident has been shrouded in nothing but bureaucratic cover ups and government-backed disinformation.  Now, within our own borders, top experts turned whistleblowers are warning of a nuclear nightmare that could surpass Fukushima and Chernobyl alike by leaps and bounds.

Initially listed as a Level 4 incident on the International Nuclear Event Scale, pressure from scientists on an international level ultimately led to Fukushima’s classification as a maximum Level 7 accident within the INES system — with some suggesting an entirely new level was needed to describe the true impact and atrocity of the nuclear meltdown. Now, even after witnessing what happens when a major power plant is placed within the crosshairs of earthquake activity, a ‘new Fukushima’ is sitting off the Central Coast within California’s Diablo Canyon.

And top level nuclear experts, including a senior federal nuclear inspector turned whistleblower, are warning that the California-based plant is a sitting radioactive duck amid the nearby faults that have actually been found to be more dangerous than previously thought.  Back in 2008, a new fault known as the Shoreline fault was discovered just offshore from the Diablo Canyon nuclear facility: a discovery that truly changes everything about the ‘safety’ of the California plant.

The whistleblower and former federal inspector of the plant, Michael Peck, has even presented his case highlighting the serious hazards of the plant he used to oversee to the  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in a highly confidential report. National organizations are already calling attention to Peck’s finding and reports, with senior strategist Damon Moglen of Friends of the Earth International stating:

“We agree with him that Diablo Canyon is vulnerable to earthquakes and must be shut down immediately.  Rather than the NRC keeping this a secret, there must be a thorough investigation with public hearings to determine whether these reactors can operate safely.”

Yet it appears that the general public is not even being made aware of what’s really going on, let alone the real threat that they face on a national and international level.


As usual, the general public is not being told about ways in which they can prepare themselves for a nuclear meltdown. Instead, government officials were caught back in February stockpiling iodine stores in excess of 14 million doses in a purchase order that came conveniently after reports began surfacing over another possible meltdown at the Fukushima plant.  The doses will be enough for many officials and federal employees, however the public will be forced to fend for themselves — and they will not even be told about the necessity of iodine nor how they can better prepare their families for a radioactive scenario.


The reality is that even getting a hold of low quality potassium iodide, which I would not ever personally take over a higher quality form of pure iodine, is becoming difficult as the population becomes aware of Fukushima’s expansive dangers. Many manufacturers are now stockpiling raw iodine and holding on to the element as a form of investment with the knowledge that Fukushima may very well meltdown in the coming months. For this reason, we have had a very hard time securing nascent iodine formulas that many in the field of preparedness have been stockpiling for quite some time.

Fukushima Radiation Continues As Experts Warn Of ‘American Fukushima

But even outside out Peck’s analysis and years of experience as a nuclear inspector at the federal level, numerous high level scientists and researchers have been speaking out about the continuation of Fukushima’s devastating effects and the need to further stabilize and shutdown nuclear plants along the fault lines throughout the United States — and California is not the only region in question.  Even another earthquake affecting Japan could lead to the ‘evacuation of North America’, according to scientists David Suzuki.

In statements made during a presentation on water ecology at the University of Alberta, award winning scientist David Suzuki went on record in saying that in the event of another seven or above earthquake, which he says has about a 95% chance of occurring over the next three years, it would require a complete evacuation of North America and mean ‘bye bye Japan’.

“I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it’s bye, bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate,” he said.

Specifically speaking to the nature of Fukushima’s ticking time bomb, Suzuki began the breakdown of the plant’s numerous threats with stating the very real concept that Fukushima is perhaps the largest threat to both humanity and the planet that we face in the immediate future.

“Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine,” he said before delving into the issue.  “Three out of the four plants were destroyed in the earthquake and in the tsunami. The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is, if there’s another earthquake of a seven or above that, that building will go and then all hell breaks loose… And the probability of a seven or above earthquake in the next three years is over 95 per cent.”

And Suzuki is not the only one with major concerns. In fact, Suzuki is perhaps one of the very few who actually received media attention due to his celebrity status as a recipient of 16 significant academic awards and host of the popular CBC Television program entitled ‘The Nature of Things’. Yale University professor Charles Perrow has voiced similar concerns in a telling piece entitled ‘Fukushima Forever’, which highlights the very serious threat of nuclear meltdown as a result of human error when it comes to removing the plant’s spent fuel rods.

A danger that the United States government certainly recognizes as legitimate based on the analysis of top experts, and undoubtedly is silently preparing for behind the scenes.

Perrow writes:

Much more serious is the danger that the spent fuel rod pool at the top of the nuclear plant number four will collapse in a storm or an earthquake, or in a failed attempt to carefully remove each of the 1,535 rods and safely transport them to the common storage pool 50 meters away.  Conditions in the unit 4 pool, 100 feet from the ground, are perilous, and if any two of the rods touch it could cause a nuclear reaction that would be uncontrollable.  The radiation emitted from all these rods, if they are not continually cool and kept separate, would require the evacuation of surrounding areas including Tokyo.  Because of the radiation at the site the 6,375 rods in the common storage pool could not be continuously cooled; they would fission and all of humanity will be threatened, for thousands of years.

The Fukushima nuclear nightmare is far from over, and even now the disaster is being extremely mishandled and blatantly ignored by plant operator company TEPCO and the Japanese government.  In the event of an American Fukushima within California, which would in fact be much more devastating, there is truly no telling how much of a fatal blow would be dealt to humanity.



ABOUT Anthony Gucciardi

Anthony is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide.  A health activist and researcher, Anthony’s goal is informing the public as to how they can use natural methods to revolutionize their health, as well as exploring the behind the scenes activity of the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA.


The Japanese plant meltdown

The Japanese plant meltdown was not a result of the tidal wave or the earthquake.  The meltdown occurred because the Japanese culture is top down decision making.  The top were told the reactors needed to be cooled, the equipment was sitting around that could have been sent to the plant, one fire truck per plant would have worked which is exactly what was sent to late. The top dithered as they did not want to ruin billions of dollars worth of reactor with sea water waiting until the top government guy said go to work.  The result was a lot of sitting on their rear end work and the reactors melted.  Even than and now the result was zero people killed just a lot of damage.  There is no indication the California reactor people operate in the same manner and the reactor was designed to withstand the possible quakes.  What we have here is hysteria from the unwashed eco freaks who hate nuclear, love solar and wind provided the solar and wind is not in their backyard spoiling their view.  Never mind the birds killed by both.

From Floyd:

The above was the only comment.  We don't know who wrote it or anything about him/her and there basis for their position. 


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again next Friday, 9-19-14.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America




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