Saturday, January 9, 2016

OBOF TYMHM & MORE Vol. 16 - No. 1


OBOF TYMHM Vol. 16 – No. 01
Jan. 09, 2016




2.  FROM THE DNCC Dec. 31, 2015


3.  Why Isn’t the Media Feeling the Bern?

5.  Justice Antonin Scalia's racism is unacceptable.  Congress must censure him.





This is the beginning, in my opinion based on facts with a great deal of reading and individual research, that 2016 is going to be one of the most important years in the history of our  Democracy

The question is why do I say this?  As is often said, that is a good question and I am going to try, in my humble way, to, at least, shed some light on the basis for this opinion.

It is simple, but complicated.  Yes, that is possible.  The simple part can be stated in one word, GREED.  I don't know of a single problem that we have in this country that hasn't been and is caused by GREED.

So much for the simple part.  Now, the complicated part is a whole different story.  Up to now I don't think I have told you anything you don't already know and maybe you know everything that I am going to point out.  The real point now is to bring all our problems into sharp focus, as much as possible, and discuss thing that we, not only can do about saving our Democracy, but MUST do.



There are many ways to do this, all the way from just voting for the Presidential candidate of your choice, to help getting the vote out, to supporting your candidate from the pocket book.  That brings me to the point of talking about the candidates.

Again, my thoughts about these candidates are based on facts that I have accumulated over the past 28 years.  I voted twice for Bill Clinton.  I still feel he was the best we had at the time.  He is a real smooth talker.  He and Hillary have done many good things world wide.  Hillary is running a smooth campaign.  But why not?  She has unlimited financial support. 

When these campaigns started about 6 or 8 months ago, she was not talking about any of the things that matter to the working class.  She actually was talking tax reduction for the upper class, the 1%ers we all hear about and Large Corporations.   It wasn't until Senator Bernie Sanders entered the race and started talking about the needs of the working class and the basic needs of our infrastructure and all the other basic problems our country faces (See Section #4), that she started to talk along the same lines.  He has set the agenda.

BUT NOW, THE MOST IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE  BETWEEN THE TWO.  Hillary has unlimited financial backing.  Bernie refuses to take a dime from the fat cats.  All of Bernie's support comes from people like you and me.  He has broken every record in financing a campaign.  He has in excess of 2,000,000, that is right two million, supporters with an average donation of $34.00.  That in itself is incredible.  But couple that with the fact that he is drawing the largest crowds of any candidate of either party.

I could write and write about this man, but for now I will move on to other articles.  Except for one last bit about Bernie.  I have followed this man's activity ever since he entered Congress.  I can tell you that I have always found him to do just what he says.  I can't say that he is totally honest.  I just don't know, but I would bet that he leads the pack in honesty.

One last word about the Republicans.  They have nothing but clowns.  The leader of the pack is the most disgraceful man that simply does not warrant any space in my Blog.  I will simply say that I don't understand his followers.  They are so upset with the status of our country that they just want to yell out and this guy is giving them a platform for yelling.  He is the furthest thing from a true American that you can imagine.  God help us if he is nominated and more so, if he is elected.
Dec. 31, 2015
This just BLINDSIDED us:

Paul Ryan just announced that he’s giving TWO MILLION DOLLARS to House Republicans, all to elect a Congress that’ll tear down President Obama’s legacy.

We won’t sugarcoat this: With this cash, they could blow us out of the water in fundraising.  That’d make winning a Democratic Congress nearly impossible.

We’re so sorry to send you this alarming email during the holidays, but is there any chance you can renew your 2016 Democratic Membership before tomorrow’s Deadline?  We badly need your help.


Why Isn’t the Media Feeling the Bern?

 By Jim Hightower -

January 1, 2016
| Op-Ed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Let’s go to the scoreboard to see who’s winning the exciting presidential election media coverage game.

The Tyndall Report, a non-partisan media monitoring firm that has been tracking the nightly news broadcasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC, found that Trump is tromp, tromp, tromping over the airtime of everyone else.

From last January through November, these dominant flagship news shows devoted 234 minutes of prime-time coverage to the incessant chirping of the yellow-crested birdbrain, with no other contender getting even a fourth of that.

Take Bernie Sanders, who’s stunning the political establishment with a fiery populist campaign that’s drawing record crowds.  Indeed, Sanders’ upstart campaign is commanding a comparable share of support within the Democratic Party’s voting base to what Trump is enjoying from the Republican electorate.

And — get this — polls also show Bernie trouncing The Donald if they face each other in November’s presidential showdown.  So, surely he’s getting a proportional level of media coverage by the networks on our public airwaves, right?

Ha, just kidding!  The big networks’ devotion of 234 minutes to all-things-Trump was “balanced” by less than 10 minutes for Sanders.  Most egregious was ABC, the Disney-owned network.    ABC’s World News Tonight awarded 81 minutes of national showtime to Trump last year — and for Bernie: 20 seconds.

How self-serving of the media moguls.  The one candidate who is effectively rallying large numbers of voters to oppose the rise of corporate oligarchy — including in the media — has the plug pulled on him.

Of course, this only amplifies the truth of what Sanders is saying about the villainy of corporate profiteers, and it fuels a greater determination by his millions of grassroots supporters to end the reign of greed in America.

National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author of the book, Swim Against The Current: Even A Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow, Jim Hightower has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be - consumers, working families, environmentalists, small businesses, and just-plain-folks.



Monday Dec 28, 2015

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Bernie Sanders made some salient points with regard to the unprecedented amount of coverage that the media has given to Donald Trump since he announced his campaign for the GOP nomination for president.

Cuomo set up the issue by asking Sanders about the media role in the campaign and Donald Trump's success saying "His popularity is inarguable.  How he is becoming popular is the source of a lot of argument and criticism.  [...]  Why is it working so well for him?"  That's an odd question for Cuomo to ask Sanders, but it resulted in this exchange (video below) with Sanders placing the onus where it belongs:

Sanders: Well Chris, You're gonna have to ask the media precisely why.  Trump is a smart guy.  He's a media guy.  He had a TV show.  I'll give you one example.  A recent study showed on ABC evening news, Trump over a period of time got 81 minutes of time.  Bernie Sanders got 20 seconds.  Now you tell me why.  And I think it has to do with the fact that Trump is very smart.  He knows that media is not so interested in the serious issues facing this country. They love bombastic remarks.  They love silly remarks [...] I think this is more of an indictment of the media actually than it is of Trump.

Cuomo: I don't see it.  Do we cover him more? Yes. Why?  He's number one in the polls.  He's highly relevant. He drives the discussion.

Sanders: But Chris, explain to me how he becomes number one.  He boasts of the fact...He says, 'I don't even have to pay for commercials.  The media is going to put me on all of the time.'

Cuomo continues to insist that the media plays no role in Trump's dominance of the media.  Clearly, that's an unsupportable position.  The press was covering every Trump event from beginning to end from the day he entered the race.  They would interrupt programming to broadcast his stump speeches live.  And they weren't doing it because of his popularity.  They were doing it because of his proclivity for disgorging shocking and offensive rhetoric that would drive, not the discussion, but ratings.  If it were solely because he was leading in the polls, then why weren't they doing the same thing for Hillary Clinton, who has also been leading in the polls?  Or for Sanders who has been breaking fundraising records set by President Obama in 2008?

Sanders was correct in stating that Trump boasts about the media putting him on all the time.  Last August Trump even made it a key point in his speech to a crowd in Alabama saying sarcastically...

“Every time I go on television it’s gotta be live.  It’s live.  I said ‘Oh, can I have a rest please?’  [...]  How come it always has to be live?  Why don’t they just cover me like anybody else where they go the next day and they show little clips?  Every time I speak it has to be live.  It’s ridiculous, but it’s OK.  Right?  We have to suffer with it.”

If Trump recognizes that it's ridiculous, why doesn't the media?  And even after he taunts them about how tightly they are wound around his fat finger, they persist in following him around like lovesick puppies, even though there is nothing in his speeches that makes them the least bit newsworthy.  Trump sees it but Cuomo doesn't?  He would have to be pasting quarters to his eyes and wrapping his head with duct tape.

This exchange is emblematic of the problem that the media has assessing its own shortcomings.  Sanders spells out the blatant bias, provides a specific example of it, and CNN's anchor remains oblivious and defensive.  It's also notable that the example was for ABC News rather than Fox News where Trump's partisan omnipresence is expected.

Cuomo never responds directly to the example Sanders gave about the 81:1 coverage ratio that was documented by the respected television analyst, the Tyndall Report.  Then the discussion just drifted off into other subjects, insuring that the disparity will very likely continue for the remainder of the campaign.  And the media will continue to be blind to their failures.
Justice Antonin Scalia's racism is unacceptable.  Congress must censure him.

Paid for by CREDO

your member of Congress
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During oral arguments before the Supreme Court in the case of Fisher v. Texas, Justice Antonin Scalia made a plainly racist argument (emphasis ours):

“There are – there are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less­-advanced school, a less – a slower-track school where they do well.

“One of – one of the briefs pointed out that – that most of the – most of the black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they’re – that they’re being pushed ahead in – in classes that are too­­ too fast for them."

If Justice Scalia is not held accountable for his rhetoric — some of it blatantly racist and some of it representing coded, dog-whistle politics that sounds reasonable to some people but sends a very clear signal of hostility to minorities — that rhetoric will be validated and used to justify future discrimination.  We can’t let Justice Scalia’s racism go unanswered.

Sign the petition from CREDO and Daily Kos telling your member of Congress to censure Justice Antonin Scalia.

There are not many sanctions that can be placed on Supreme Court Justices.  They are appointed for life and never have to answer to the American people. That is why it is so critical that our elected representatives in Congress speak clearly and with a single voice to show the American people that they find racism as deplorable as we do.

The only official way for them to do this is with a formal congressional censure.  Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid has already spoken out to denounce Scalia’s comments.  It’s time for his colleagues to join him in formally holding Scalia accountable for his racism.

Sign the petition from CREDO and Daily Kos telling your member of Congress to censure Justice Antonin Scalia.

Paid for by CREDO
Petition Text

Our Message to your member of Congress
Justice Antonin Scalia’s racist claims during arguments before the United States Supreme Court are deplorable and incompatible with the values the Supreme Court is meant to uphold.  Congress should make clear that racism on America’s highest court is unacceptable and censure Justice Scalia.
If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be back with you more often than I have in the past.  2016 is going to be a very important year for all of us.

God Bless You All
God Bless the United States of America

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