Saturday, May 2, 2015

OBOF TYMHM & MORE Vol 15 - No 10









Jan. 07, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 1
Jan. 19, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 2
Feb.  03, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 3
Feb.  23, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 4
Mar.  02, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 5
Mar.  06, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 6
Mar.  13, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 7
Mar.   23, 2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 8
Mar.  28,  2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 - No 9
Apr.  13,  2015
OBOF TYMHM Vol 15 -  No 10
May  02,  2015



1.  Thoughts from Floyd.

2.  Our Democracy is on Attack.

3.  Jade helm 15.

4.  What should we be concerned about.

5.  Final note from Floyd regarding Jade Helm 15.

       This final note is important.  It is short.










When being late on a schedule  becomes the usual, then, you could say, the schedule changed.  Well,
I have sure been late a lot lately, but I don't really want to change the schedule so, I will still try to get postings out on Fridays starting this week.


A short personal note.  I am much better now and my legs are OK.  That is good news and I am getting  better than for a long time.  Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to get on schedule again.   










Never, in my 91 years, did I think I would ever see what is happening to the United States of America.  It is almost beyond imagination.  I served our country during WWII in the U. S. Marine Corps to help save our Democracy.


The only way I can help keep our Democracy now is to try to keep as many of you as possible, informed of things I see happening that I feel is injurious to our way of living.  


I have been telling you about The Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement for some time.  Movement towards passage in Congress is getting closer and closer.  Folks, this is being sold as such a boom to our economy and building jobs.  It does not mention that of over 1,000 pages, only 36 relate to trade.


What does the rest relate too?  It relates to the total destruction of U. S. Democracy and the furthering of a NEW WORLD ORDER. 


Oh, you don't think so?  Take a look at facts, even starting back in the 90s when NAFTA the (NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT) WAS PASSED.


When that occurred, I'll never forget, Ross Perot saying, "If this is passed your going to hear a loud sucking sound as jobs go to Mexico."  Man, I want to tell you, he was sure right. 


NAFTA has been the greatest export of jobs from U. S. that has ever occurred.  The total factual report on NAFTA shows it has been a total disaster, as far as the U. S. is concerned. 


That's No. 1.  Now look at No. 2.


I am not going to list all the things that, for the past six years, Congress has stopped.  We know that almost, if not all, Republicans in Congress vote in accordance with the dictates of their Corporate sponsors. 


That's No. 2  Now look at No. 3.


President Obama, through the Treasury Dept., has agreed to start paying Social Security benefits to Mexicans, not only in our country, but those in Mexico.  The Treasury Dept. has even started the plans to build a separate building in the U. S. Embassy complex just to take care of the large numbers that will be applying for SS. 


Of course, that would take an act of Congress for it to happen.  Also, it is being said that the money would come from the $2.9 trillion in the SS Trust Fund.  What they don't pay attention to, is that there is no money in the SS Trust Fund.  It only shows up on paper.  The money has been spent on other Government projects, some time ago.  There is nothing, but paper IOUs, in the Trust Fund for accounting purposes.


Never the less, this is another step in a merger of Mexico and U.S.


That is No. 3.  Now look at No. 4.


Here comes the Trans Pacific Partnership.  I have, in the past, given you many articles of fact regarding the pitfalls of this document.  More keep coming forth through leaks almost weekly.  Without going into a great detail, just look at some of the things that we know will override our Constitution.


Corporations from any country can sue any Government or individual claiming they are deprived of appropriate profits or other reasons and the suit will be heard by tribunals that will have the authority over all such suits.  There is so much damaging detail in this TPP that you need to go back to a number of my recent postings that have provided you with that detail.   


Needless to say, but I am going to anyway, this is the biggest step yet to abolishing our Democracy and move to a NEW WORLD ORDER. 


That is No. 4.  Now look at No. 5


In addition, what your not hearing about, now at all, is the


Trans Atlantic Investment and Trade Partnership (TAITP).


Folks, I want to tell you, this is exactly the same thing that we are now hearing about in the Trans Pacific Partnership, except this applies to the European countries.  I promise you, once TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) gets passed, you will see the next push in about 2 years or after the 2016 elections, to pass this Partnership.  Just like TPP, this agreement, or Partnership whichever you want to call it, is being negotiated right now, and has been for some time, in secret, just like TPP.


The point is, that when these two agreements are complete and in force, YOU WILL BE LIVING IN A "NEW WORLD ORDER."  I don't know about you, but I know I would not like that NEW WORLD ORDER.  In reality, it will be a "NEW CORPORATE WORLD ORDER."


That is No. 5.  Now look at No. 6.


This, my friends, is the topper of all activities that should cause us some real concern.


Have you heard about "Jade Helm 15"? 

It is billed as an extensive military exercise starting in Texas on July15 and running to September 15.  It is to cover six southwestern states including and starting with Texas and on to New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and California.  Reports now include parts of Florida. 


It is reported that the exercise is to determine what would happen if there was an attempt to instill Marshal Law in connection with the New Corporate World Order.  The exercise is to be held at night from 12:00 AM to 5:00 AM.


It is also, reported, that people will be taken from their homes and placed in interment camps for re-education reference the New World Oder.  They estimate that there will be about 25,000 that can not be re-educated and those would have to be eliminated.


In connection with the report about interment camps, it is interesting to note that five (5) WalMart stores in these states closed last week, all at the same time all for the same reason given.  They reported that all had water and plumbing problems and would be closed for six (6) months.


That is a summary of what I have read.  As I have said, it seems in creditable and un-believable.  I wonder how the Patriot Movement, which claims a membership of 600,000 will respond to all this.  


What should we be concerned about?


Trans Pacific Partnership


New World Order


Social Security to Mexicans here and in Mexico.


Nuclear agreement with Iran.


An upcoming Presidential election.



Questions regarding the extensive military exercise

across the southern states, scheduled for JULY starting in Texas.


Jade Helm 15


Reports of doom and gloom with the dollar falling drastically.  


All this plus, probably the most important, YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS


This list is some of the subjects I am going to try to concentrate on in the coming months, except, I am not going to get into the upcoming Presidential election Frey until about July 2016.


May 2, 2015
6:30 p.m.  
                                         Since all that I have written above, I have spent about 7 hours reading a great deal more about this Jade Helm 15, and I cannot determine what to believe about it.  There are reports that seem to be quiet legitimate that justifies the planned exercises.  At the same time I have read, and maybe you have too, all the adverse things that I wrote about earlier.

At this point, I simply do not know what to think.  The internet is full, I mean full of all kinds of thoughts regarding this and I urge you to look a them and be well informed.  I simply can't give you an opinion based on facts.


Well friends, if the good Lord is will, and I sure hope he is, and the Creek don't (doesn't) rise, I plan to talk with you again next Friday May 8th.  As a last thought, there is a lot happening in our country that doesn't sound good and we all need to be informed and take whatever action we can that we think will help save our wonderful Democracy, as I think it is on attack.


God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America










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