Wednesday, February 27, 2013







  Dec  18, 2012
  Jan.  02, 2013
  Jan.  08, 2013
  Jan.  11, 2013
  Jan.  15, 2013
  Jan.  22, 2013
  Jan.  29, 2013
  Feb.  05, 2013
  Feb.  14, 2013 
  Feb.  20, 2013
  Feb.  27, 2013





1.  What about Sequester?

2.  Republicans warn against Greece - BUT.

3.  Obama's four steps for manufacturing.

4.  Showdown fatgue.











Let us start today by trying to see where we are and how we got here.  As I am sure most of you know, Friday, March 1, 2013 is the date that Sequester takes effect, if Congress does nothing to stop it.  Yes, Congress is the one place that has both the authority and responsibility to act.  I use the word "act" instead of Govern, because I am not sure Congress knows what the word "Govern" means.


First, what is Sequester and how did it come about?  In August 2011, after a long and difficult battle over raising the Debt Ceiling, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), put together a deficit reduction plan, so terrible, that no one would ever let it happen, but would let everyone allow the Debit Ceiling to be raised at the time.  That plan is called "Sequester."


While everyone, back in August 2011, thought it would never happen, it now appears as though the Republicans are planning to let it happen.  They claim that it is President Obama's plan and that he has not put forth any plan to override Sequester.


That just isn't true.  The President has put forth a plan that is a BALANCED PLAN.  That means that there are spending cuts and some revenue enhancement.  The revenue enhancement portion is made up of closing some tax loopholes for oil companies and others that making so much profit that they simply do not need these loopholes.  Speaker Boehner, says that the President got more revenue when the Bush tax cuts expired.  He says that the Government will receive more revenue now than ever. 


That simply is not true.  It is true, that dollar wise, there will be more dollars, BUT, when applying inflation, it is nowhere near more revenue than ever before.  Besides that, the President compromised on the Bush tax cuts and let them become permanent for everyone that made up to $400,000 a year, instead of the $201,000 it originally was to be. 


Speaker Boehner said today, the 26th, that the House had put through two bills on this budget and he wasn't going to put through a third until "the Senate gets off their ass and does something."  The truth is that those bills were put through last year and did not relate to the Sequester.  Bills, of this type, have to be started in the House of Representatives. 


The Republicans in the House of Representatives say, that the President had not put forth any plan when he actually has.  The real problem is that they will not accept a balanced plan that has new revenue in it.  They simply are making up lies.


It should be noted that President Obama has already cut $1.2 trillion in spending over ten years and has offered another $1.8 trillion in his balanced plan. 


The 2012 House of Representatives spent less time in-session than any House of Representatives in our history.  What is happening, in this regard, in 2013?  They are going down the same road.  On February 26, 2013 they came back to session after a 10 day recess.  They are scheduled to close the session at 3:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 28th.  After a 10 day recess, they come to work, if you can call it that, three days and adjourn, probably, as it looks now, on the 26th, without doing anything to stop Sequester. 


Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Minority Leader in the House of Representative, said


‘At Some Point We’ve Got To Do Some Governing’


What an apropos statement at the right time.

At this point, the night of the 26th, nothing is happening and nothing is scheduled to happen.  The President has said again today, that his door is open.  Boehner will not talk to the President.  As of now, it certainly appears that Sequester will take effect.  After that, later in March, comes the next battle over Extended Resolutions to keep the Government running, providing there is something left to run.  Then sometime around July or August, there will be another battle about raising the Debt Ceiling.  Lot's of fun ahead ha ha.

Last week, I told you, along with information from Dr. Allen W. Smith, about Ayn Rand and her philosophy.  Since then, I have purchased three of her books - "The Virtue of Selfishness," "Return of Primitive - The Anti-Industrial Revolution," "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology." Needless to say, I have not yet read these books, but I have read enough to know, that in a few words, she does not believe in Democracy and that Government should be handled by a small group of people. 

All of the Republican policies and actions fit right in to what she believes and proposes.  Keep in mind that we know that Speaker Boehner, House Republican Leader Eric Cantor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Congressman and past Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are all known to be students of Ayn Rand.  Their actions tend to lead us right down her path of professed Government.     


 While Republicans Warn Against ‘Greece,’ That Is Exactly Where Austerity Budgeting Will Lead US.




What will happen if Sequester is allowed to occur?  Well, I have heard a number of various takes on this question, as probably you have too.  Fortunately, there is positive proof as to what will happen.  Europe is going through the results of the same,  extreme, austerity that the Republicans are trying to put us through, by deliberately letting Sequester occur. The following, very vividly, lays out what will happen and why this is the wrong road to take.  All of Europe is reeling through austerity, instead of growth.  You really need to read this and keep it in mind.  


February 26th, 2013


Indebted America is in danger of turning into destitute Greece, or so congressional Republicans and conservative commentators have been warning us for years now.  For many reasons, this is an absurd comparison – but it may not always be quite so ridiculous, if Washington’s advocates of austerity get their way.

The Republicans actually want to impose Greek-style budget-slashing on the United States. And the federal budget sequestration scheduled to take effect this week could represent the first serious step here toward the kind of fiscal policies that have proved so ruinous not only in Greece — raising unemployment, destroying hope, and encouraging extremism — but across Europe.

Nearly every day, House Speaker John Boehner or Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell or Senator Rand Paul or Rep. Paul Ryan, or almost any other prominent Republican insists that the only way to improve the economic prospects of the American people is to impose drastic budget cuts on them. While these Republican leaders don’t love the sequester budget,  because it cuts too deeply into defense programs, they are eager to impose similar cuts or worse on every domestic function, from health care and education to food safety and infrastructure.

Unwilling as they usually are to name specific cuts, the Republican plans that have emerged lately are indeed similar in scope and impact to those imposed by European central bankers on Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and other beleaguered states across the continent (and imposed by the British government on the United Kingdom itself).

Enacting the same fiscal policies in this country would, presumably, induce the same effects. Yet despite their enthusiasm for extreme austerity the Republican, Tea Party, and assorted media soothsayers almost never want to discuss what has happened in Europe as a result of those same policies. It is not always possible to ignore the unhappy reality of renewed recession, from England to Italy.

Just last weekend, the British were jolted by news that Moody’s had downgraded investments in their country’s sovereign debt from its traditional AAA status.

Why would the bond rating agency do something like that? Principally because the miserable budgeting of Tory Prime Minister David Cameron’s government has mired the United Kingdom in negative growth, with no prospect of reducing its debt, which keeps growing. So the scheme that was supposed to improve the fiscal outlook for the British has merely lowered their credit rating. That wasn’t supposed to happen — in fact, the austerity plan was designed to preserve Britain’s AAA rating — but it was inevitable, as soon as Downing Street chose budget-balancing over growth.

The same downward trajectory can be marked wherever the leaders of dominant Germany have forced austerity plans onto indebted governments.

So damaging has this process become for all of Europe that the Germans finally began suffering the ironic consequences in the last quarter of 2012. Their export-led growth strategies cannot work when their neighbors, reduced to poverty, can no longer purchase German goods. If German exports pick up again this year, it will only happen because customers in the U.S. and China remain exempt from the effects of austerity.

Until now, the United States has escaped the fate of Europe, remaining the “sole bright spot” of steady growth in the global economy, because President Obama resisted the fiscal extremism of his Republican adversaries, and contrived to ward off recession with necessary spending.  Now sequestration, with all of its dire social and economic effects, will provide a taste of what is to come under Republican austerity: a shrunken nation with a dim future.


Obama’s Four Steps

For Manufacturing


Dave Johnson

Published: Sunday 17 February 2013



The President has opened the doors to discussion of manufacturing policy.


In the State of the Union (SOTU) speech President Obama emphasized the importance of manufacturing to our economy. Wednesday in Ashville he expanded on his plan, outlining four steps in particular.  The President has opened the doors to discussion of manufacturing policy.  The question is, how much can be accomplished over Republican and “deficit hawk” obstruction?

In the SOTU, President Obama talked about manufacturing’s importance to our economy, saying,

The American people deserve a tax code … that lowers incentives to move jobs overseas and lowers tax rates for businesses and manufacturers that are creating jobs right here in the United States of America.[. . .] Our first priority is making America a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing.”… There are things we can do, right now, to accelerate this trend.  Last year, we created our first manufacturing innovation institute in Youngstown, Ohio.  So tonight, I’m announcing the launch of three more of these manufacturing hubs, where businesses will partner with the Departments of Defense and Energy to turn regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high-tech jobs.  And I ask this Congress to help create a network of 15 of these hubs and guarantee that the next revolution in manufacturing is made right here in America. We can get that done.

Wednesday the President visited Asheville, North Carolina the President outlines his manufacturing proposals in more detail, describing four steps in particular.

After shedding jobs for more than 10 years, our manufacturers have now added about 500,000 jobs over the past three years. (Applause.)  And I mentioned this last night — Caterpillar, which I know you guys supply, they’re bringing jobs back from Japan. Ford is bringing jobs back from Mexico.  After placing plants in other countries like China, Intel is opening its most advanced plant here in the United States. Apple is starting to make Macs in America again.  (Applause.)[...]
 There are things we can do right now to accelerate the resurgence of American manufacturing.  Number one — we can create more centers for high-tech manufacturing in America. Last year, my administration created our first manufacturing innovation institute. We put it in Youngstown, Ohio, which had been really hard-hit when manufacturing started going overseas. And so you have a once-shuttered warehouse — it’s now a state-of-the art lab where new workers are mastering what’s called 3-D printing, which has the potential to revolutionize the way we make everything. That’s the future. And there’s no reason that those same kinds of projects can’t take root in other cities and towns.
So last night, I announced the launch of three more institutes. And I’m calling on Congress to help us set up 15 institutes –- global centers of high-tech jobs and advanced manufacturing around the country. (Applause.)
The second thing we need to do is make our tax code more competitive. Right now, companies get all kinds of tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas, but companies that stay here get hit with one of the highest tax rates in the world. That doesn’t make any sense. So what I’m proposing is that we reform our tax code, stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, reward companies that are creating jobs right here in the United States of America. That makes sense. (Applause.)
Number three — if you’re a manufacturing town, especially one that’s taken a hit — that’s seen a company close up shop or a plant shut down — I want to partner with local leaders to help you attract new investment. Because once that investment starts coming in, things can start turning around. And that means infrastructure gets modernized and research facilities get built, and suddenly a community that was knocked down is getting back up, and they’re attracting new manufacturers who want to come and expand and hire.…
Number four — we’ve got to help our workers get the training to compete for the industries of tomorrow. At least a couple of the guys that I had a chance to meet as we were taking the tour told me they were out of work for a year — in one case, two years — in part because we kept unemployment insurance in place so folks could get back on their feet, they were able to go back to school, and now are gainfully employed. No job in America should go unfilled because somebody doesn’t have the right skills to get that job — nobody. (Applause.)So if there is a job open, we should train those folks right away, so that they can do the job. And that’s why I’m proposing a national goal of training 2 million Americans with skills that will lead directly to a job.…
So those are four common-sense steps that we can take right now to strengthen manufacturing in America. There’s no magic bullet here. It’s just some common-sense stuff.




Robert Reich

NationofChange / Op-Ed

Published: Saturday 23 February 2013


If the spending cuts go through next week, our fragile economy will slow further, causing more unemployment and misery.


We’re one week away from a massive cut in federal spending—cuts that will hurt millions of lower-income Americans who’ll lose nutrition assistance, housing, and money for their schools, among other things.  The cuts will furlough or lay off millions of government employees, reduce inspections of the nation’s meat and poultry and pharmaceuticals and workplaces.  It will eliminate the jobs of hundreds of thousands of people working for government contractors and, according to Leon Panetta and other military leaders, seriously compromise the nation’s defenses.

Bad enough, if the spending cuts go through next week, our fragile economy will slow further, causing more unemployment and misery.  When consumers don’t have the money to buy enough to keep the economy moving and government pulls back this much, businesses can’t justify keeping people on.


Yet the silence is deafening.  Republicans won’t deal.  Obama has already cut $1.5 trillion out of the budget but Republicans insist on far more. They want the White House to propose major cuts in Social Security and Medicare.


Meanwhile, the Bush tax cuts have been extended permanently to everyone earning up to $400,000.  Only the richest 2 percent have to pay at the rate they did under Bill Clinton, which was far lower than rich paid before 1981.  That will generate $600 billion—less than half of the cuts Obama has accepted.

No one in their right mind would call this a balanced approach to deficit reduction.  Yet Republican’s won’t even consider raising taxes on the most fortunate members of our society.  They won’t limit deductions and loopholes that have driven down the super-rich’s tax rates to single digits (remember Romney’s “carried interest” loophole for private-equity mavens?).  So where’s the outcry?  Why aren’t more people, up in arms?  Why aren’t big businesses (including major military contractors) and Wall Street screaming into the ears of the GOP?  Where’s the outrage from Mainstreet?

I suspect most Americans are suffering showdown fatigue.  After all, we got through the debt-ceiling showdown of August 2011 and the fiscal-cliff showdown on January 1, and the world didn’t end.  So most people figure Washington will find a way out of this one, too.

From Floyd:

Most Americans need to know and realize what has caused the cuts that are scheduled to take affect Friday, March 1, 2013.  It is, because of the debt-ceiling showdown in August 2011.  At that time,  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, put forth a plan that was so bad, if implemented, that no one would let it happen.  That plan is the Sequester cutting that we are dealing with now. 

So, you see, we didn't get through the debt-ceiling showdown at all, instead we just kicked the can on down the road to March 1, 2013.  That's what we are dealing with now.  As far as the fiscal-cliff is concerned, the President compromised, and agreed to allow the Bush tax cuts to become permanent for everyone having an income up to $400,000.     I don't think, and I hope, that the President will not compromise anymore than he already has. 

Others have bought the Republican-Fox News lies that the deficit is our biggest economic problem, and government spending is to blame.  So a massive, abrupt, and indiscriminate cut in spending seems okay, it’s not okay.  It will hurt the most vulnerable members of our society, and much of the middle class.  Yet it would be even worse if Obama and the Democrats were to give in to Republicans, and not demand more from those who have never been wealthier. Inequality is widening again. All the economic gains since the Great Recession have gone to the top. The richest 400 have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans put together. Why not limit the mortgage interest deduction to $25,000 a year, so the rest of us don’t have to subsidize mansion mortgages? Why not a wealth tax on assets in excess of $5 million to pay for early-childhood education? Why not a small tax on financial transactions (as Europe is now instituting) to finance better schools? Why not the loophole that private-equity and hedge-fund moguls live off of, to finance child nutrition and social services for the poor? It’s no time for showdown fatigue. It’s time to fight.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you again next Tuesday March 5, 2013.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America.










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