Tuesday, November 8, 2016


I imagine that a lot of you have been wondering what happened to this blog this year.  My father’s health seriously went downhill this year.  He finally gave up his fight on June 22, 2016.  He lived to be 92 years 12 days old.  

I know that he really enjoyed writing this blog.  I am his one and only son, Craig.  I think that he has mentioned me before in his blog.  I probably should have written this before now.  All I can say is, I just wasn’t ready.


I am nervously listening to the television right now.  I am not surprised by a lot of what I am hearing tonight.  However, I am surprised that Donald Trump is doing, as well as he is across the nation.  I thought that we, as a nation, were a lot smarter than this.  I am just unable to fathom what makes a person believe that someone that has never been elected to “dog catcher” would be a person that would be good as President of the United States. 

My son belonged to a youth group named “DeMolay International” when he was a young man and is an adult leader in that organization today.  This group has a President, Vice-President, Speaker of the House, and Secretary.  Now, this organization does not have these titles, but they do have four elected positions.  He had not held an elected statewide position before, but, he ran a campaign for the highest elected office.  He won by four votes.  He won by getting out and meeting the members who were going to elect him the night before the election.  I believe they call this “pressing flesh.”  I understand how he won.

My mother, Bless Her Heart, always said that “If you want to get elected in politics, tell the people what they want to hear.  Once you get elected, do whatever you want.”  Well, that is exactly what Donald Trump did.  I hope people that voted for Donald Trump are not disappointed with the actions of Donald Trump, if he does not do what he said he would during his campaign.  From what I have heard from Donald Trump, I hope that he will not take our race relationships back to the 1950’s.  Our nation has worked so hard to get to where we are now in our race relations.  I know that we have a long way to go and that we have problems, but I do not see these problems getting solved if Donald Trump becomes President. 

I believe that Donald Trump is winning because there are a lot of people that are disappointed with the Federal Government.  I think that a big problem deals with congress, itself.  They have not been working together to get anything accomplished.  They have not been working with President Obama, because he is a Democrat and the majority of congress is Republican.  However, the Democrats in the Senate have enough numbers to block whatever the Republicans try to accomplish.  They are not working together and they are not working for the good of the country.  If Donald Trump wins tonight, the Republicans will control the House, the Senate and the Presidency.  At this time, I don’t know whether that’s a positive.

Since Donald Trump has never been elected to any office, we have no idea of what he really stands for.  We have to look at the business practices of Donald Trump to determine who he is.  We see that he maximizes profits by not paying companies for work that they do or he only pays them half of what they are due.  This tells me that he doesn’t do what he says he’s going to do. 

I know that the Hillary Clinton campaign is very surprised.  They thought that they were going to win a lot of states that have gone to Donald Trump.  I don’t have too much more to say tonight.  We will just have to wait until later to see who is going to be our President for the next four years. 

Thank you for listening to me.  I know that I am not my father and I do not propose to be.  However, if I do continue to do this blog, I will do it my way.

Well Donald Trump just won Florida.  As of 10:35 PM CST, Donald Trump has 216 Electoral Votes to Hillary Clinton has 197 Electoral Votes.

God Bless America


1 comment:

  1. Craig. Thanks for letting us know of your father my friends passing. I tally agreed with you with your father when he was supporting Bernie Sanders when he would get most votes Hillary would come out with the most delegates and all the other in addition to all the other corrupt dealings in her track record could not bring myself to support her.Then Trump circumvented all the Republican force against him and many of them switched to support Hillary.I may are may not be right but my perception is that both parties are bought and paid for by the proponents of one world government they are all paying the media to fan the flames of division on race another social issues to occupy the minds of voters while they jointly, quietly, slowly relinquish our sovereignty world wide a worldwide rule. If we have any hope of any relief it be for best of Two evils hope was Trump due to him being to overcome the embedded corrupt powers.
