Friday, January 3, 2014










Jan.  02, 2014




1.  As we start the fourth year.

2.  Social Security and a new Progressive Movement

          to increase SS.

3.  Brand new book "Ronald Reagan and the SS Heist.

4.  NAFTA and 20 years of the great unfulfilled promises.

5.  Stars to watch for 2014 elections.





Looking back, over the past three years, it is rather interesting to review a few statistics.  For example, I have put together 158 postings and you have viewed those postings 6,374 times.  It breaks down as follows:


United States
United Kingdom
South Korea


As we try to think about year 2014, it looks as though it is going to be a very important year in many aspects.  One of the most important happenings will be the up coming elections in November.  The total House of Representatives, 435, will be up for election.  In addition, there are 36 State Governors to be elected and 35 U. S. Senate seats up for election.  This Mid-Term Election is as important as the Presidential Term Election, if not more so.


We can also expect the same dysfunctional Congress and even though the budget problem is out of the way, we will have a fight about raising the National Debt Ceiling.  However, if we all pull together and win back the House of Reps. and keep and strengthen the Senate, then maybe we can have a working Congress instead and maybe this country can move forward.


There will be a lot of mud slinging and lies galore as the big money will be pushing for the Republicans and the Tea Part Republicans.  I think 2014 is going to be a very interesting and important year for all of us.



The Looming Battle for Real Social Security Can Spawn a New Progressive Movement


Dave Lindorff

Published: Thursday 2 January 2014



This article is a very welcome approach to Social Security.  After you read this one, you definitely want to read the next one.  It sets you straight as to the reason there is a problem today with the most successful Government program that has ever been set forth.


I don't care if you are 75 and retired, 61 and just about to reach the age when you become eligible for Social Security, 50 and looking out 15 or 20 years to the time when you’ll need to retire, or 25 with grandparents collecting retirement benefits and wondering what will be there when you get old.  Whatever your age, don’t let anyone tell you Social Security is in trouble, or that it “won’t be around” when you need it.

That’s a hoary lie that has been pushed by Republicans as far back as 1935 when Social Security was being established, by leaders like President Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and by corporate lobby groups like the Business Round Table and the US Chamber of Commerce.  It’s also been pushed by Democrats like President Clinton and President Obama.

Some, like Bush, have tried to use the lie to convince people to support getting rid of Social Security and replacing it with private investment funds.  Others, like Clinton and Obama, have used the lie to try to get the public to agree to cutbacks in Social Security benefits, or to delays in the age of eligibility for benefits.  In the most recent iteration of the scam, President Obama has been calling for a shift in the way the Social Security Administration calculates inflation in setting new benefit levels each year, substituting a so-called “chained” Consumer Price Index for the traditional CPI. (In the chained version, appropriately called the cat-food index, instead of looking what has happened to a “market basket” of goods and services people typically use, economists would substitute cheaper or lower-quality goods for goods whose price had risen too much -- for example chicken for steak, beans for chicken, Fiats for Fords, bus and subway tokens for commuter rail tickets, smaller apartments, etc.)

The truth is that there is not a chance in hell that Social Security is going to go bust, or get cancelled.  There isn’t even a chance in hell that Social Security benefits will be cut, at least over the long term.  Why?  Because there are 78 million Baby Boomers -- one fourth of the entire population of the US -- a group whose older members, born between 1946 and 1951, are already old enough to start collecting benefits, and who will increasingly be filing for benefits (technically the Baby Boom is a wave of babies that were born between 1946 and 1964).

Today, there are some 40 million people in the US who are 65 or older. That’s 13% of the total population, and about 25% of the adult population.  That number will double to 80 million by 2030, while the total US population, according to the Census Bureau, is expected to rise by only 13% to 358 million by then. This means that the retirement-age elderly that year will constitute nearly 25% of the population, instead of just half that share as they do today.  Now consider the impressive political power of the current “senior lobby,” as it is called, and ask yourself whether a lobby nearly twice that size in percentage terms could be stomped on by Washington.

The answer, even if the Baby Boomers of 2030 were to prove as relatively politically passive as today's retirees, is “no.”  But I think it’s safe to say that the population that came of age politically in the 1960s and 1970s is not going to be as passive and submissive as the generation that preceded it, i.e. their parents.  Remember, we’re talking about a generation that marched and fought for civil rights, to end the Indochina War, and to demand women’s rights, that shut down schools and universities across the nation in 1970 after the Kent State massacre (and that made marijuana essentially a household product in the face of massive official repression!).

Critics may say that the Baby Boomer opposition to the Vietnam War was motivated by selfishness.  As a participant and a draft resister, I know that is not true. For one thing, half the protesters against the war were women, who were exempt from the draft, and besides, there were just as many men marching on Washington with draft lottery numbers safely in the two hundred and three hundred range as there were those like me in the double digits, and there were returned veterans marching with us.  But even if we were to assume for sake of argument that the anti-war movement was an act of self-interest, that should terrify a ruling class that wants to gut Social Security. Why? Because the battle to save, and to improve the benefits of Social Security will also be in the self-interest of those same Baby Boomers.

The main difference I see between this struggle and ones that came before is that when these new protests begin in earnest - and they will - these new grey-haired and hirsute marchers and sit-in protesters will not be unarmed and unprotected against the inevitable police assaults as were protesters of yore.  Many will be equipped with metal walkers that will entangle the steeds of mounted police, and metal canes that will provide protection against police clubs.  Significantly, our numbers will also include many veterans of America’s years of protest in the '60s and '70s, as well as many veterans of America's foreign wars, reminiscent of the Bonus Marchers of the 1920s.

The enemies of Social Security will not be able to demonize these protesters as “Commies” or as traitors to America, as they did demonstrators in the ‘60s.  This time the protesters will be the parents and grandparents of ordinary Americans, who will be there too to support their parents’ and grandparents’ - and their own - right to a decent retirement. (Have you ever met a young person who complained about the size of her or his grandparents’ Social Security check? I haven’t.)

My usually spot-on Counterpunch magazine colleague Mike Whitney recently wrote a piece in that publication warning that no one can count on being able to retire anymore, but while I usually agree with Mike’s analyses, I think he’s dead wrong on this one.

The desperation that the enemies of Social Security are showing lately is because they realize that the tidal wave of Baby Boom retirees has already started to hit the beach, and will soon wash them away like the flotsam of Fukushima.  They had hoped to already have buried Social Security by now, but it’s too late. Already we are witnessing a growing number of elected officials like Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren calling for expanding Social Security.  Already a significant caucus in both Houses, their numbers will only grow.

Inevitably, Americans will start to look abroad and discover that in European countries, employers are paying into those nations’ social security schemes taxes equal to 17-30% of payroll, compared to the measly 6.2% FICA tax paid by US employers. They will also see that in European countries, public social security typically is the only retirement funding people have, and that it doesn’t leave them in or on the edge of poverty, but rather allows them to continue their pre-retirement standard of living. They will also notice that this is being accomplished without making these countries “uncompetitive in world markets” -- the common cautionary cry of the corporate leadership in America.

The battle to defend and to expand Social Security and to put an end to the fraud of 401(k) do-it-yourself retirement is at hand, and it will surely be bitter, but the working and retiring public has the upper hand.  The more the politicians and their corporate paymasters seek to attack Social Security, the broader and more powerful the progressive defenders will become, for this is a battle that affects every worker in America.

In fact, I see the looming struggle for real social security as the key to the birth of a new American progressive movement - one that can finally erase all the artificial divisions of religion, sex, sexual orientation, race, region and class that have been used over the past few decades by the ruling classes to defeat progressive change.    And as those artificial divisions fall away, there will inevitably be an opening to introduce other progressive issues that also concern most people - the need for Medicare for all, for quality education for all, for an end to tax breaks for corporations and the rich, for dramatic cuts in the military budget and for an end to US Empire, to militarized police and to the National Security State, and finally, the need for real action to combat that terrible threat to our children and children’s children: catastrophic climate change.

A battle over Social Security? Bring it on!

ABOUT Dave Lindorff

Dave Lindorff is an investigative reporter, a columnist for CounterPunch, and a contributor to Businessweek, The Nation, Extra! and He received a Project Censored award in 2004. Dave is also a founding member of the online newspaper ThisCantBeHappening! at


Ronald Reagan & The Great Social Security Heist: How Reagan Gave Birth to the Looting of Social Security


by Allen W. Smith Ph.D. (Author)




I have known Dr Smith for the past 8 or 9 years.  He is an extremely dedicated man.  He has written five books on the subject of Social Security.  This is his latest and wasw just available in December 2013.  It can be purchase, at a very reasonable price, on Amason.  This below, is a summary opening of the book followed by two reviews who have given the book a * * * * * five star rating.


The money’s gone!  Social Security doesn’t have $2.7 trillion stashed away for paying benefits, as so many people believe. It cannot pay benefits for another 20 years, as is often claimed.  In fact, Social Security does not have enough money to pay full benefits, even for 2014, without borrowing money from China or another of our creditors.  How can this be?  Wasn’t Social Security fixed by the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which included a large increase in payroll taxes?  That’s what we were told at the time.  President Reagan signed that legislation into law with great fanfare on April 20, 1983.  With his comments at the signing ceremony, Reagan gave the impression that it was a proud day for America.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     But, instead of being a proud day for America, as Reagan implied, the day the new legislation was signed into law, turned out to be a day of shame for the United States.  The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30 years of government embezzlement of Social Security funds.  The money was used to pay for wars, tax cuts for the rich, and other government programs.  The payroll tax hike of 1983 generated a total of $2.7 trillion in surplus Social Security revenue.  


This surplus revenue was supposed to be saved and invested in marketable U.S. Treasury bonds, which would be held in the trust fund until the baby boomers began to retire in about 2010. But not one dime of that money ever made its way to the Social Security trust fund.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


The 1983 legislation was sold to the public, and to Congress, as a long-term fix for Social Security. With the help of Alan Greenspan, Reagan was a super salesman, who could have sold almost anything to the public—even a scam.  And that’s exactly what he was selling.  Reagan intended to use the surplus Social Security revenue to replace revenue lost because of his unaffordable income tax cuts.  Instead of being set aside for the retirement of the baby boomers, as was the intent of the legislation, the extra Social Security revenue was deposited directly into the general fund just like income tax revenue.


From the very beginning, Reagan and his advisors had no intention of saving and investing the new revenue for the retirement of the baby boomers.  They needed additional general tax revenue, and an increase in the payroll tax would be much easier to enact than higher income taxes.  Also, the potential to get vast amounts of revenue was much greater with a payroll tax increase than from an income tax increase.


The baby boomers, the largest generation of Americans who ever lived, were already making large contributions to the Social Security fund. Like all previous generations, prior to 1983, the boomers were being required to pay the full cost of benefits paid to the previous generation.  But, the proposed new legislation would hit the boomers with a double whammy.  In addition to paying for their parents’ benefits, the new law would require the baby boomers to also pay enough additional taxes to prepay the cost of their own benefits.  This would generate a potential gold mine of surplus revenue that could be tapped and used for other purposes. But none of the $2.7 trillion in additional Social Security revenue was ever saved or invested in anything.


The actual surplus money was replaced with nonmarketable government IOUs, which cannot be converted into cash or used to pay Social Security benefits. It would have been bad enough if only Reagan had looted Social Security money.  But George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all followed in Reagan’s footsteps and spent all of the Social Security surplus revenue for non-Social Security purposes, just like Reagan.


This book is a must read for all who care about the future of Social Security and the integrity of their government.  The money’s gone!  Social Security doesn’t have $2.7 trillion stashed away for paying benefits, as so many people believe.  It cannot pay benefits for another 20 years, as is often claimed.  In fact, Social Security does not have enough money to pay full benefits, even for 2014, without borrowing money from China or another of our creditors.  


How can this be? Wasn’t Social Security fixed by the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which included a large increase in payroll taxes?  That’s what we were told at the time.  President Reagan signed that legislation into law with great fanfare on April 20, 1983.  With his comments at the signing ceremony, Reagan gave the impression that it was a proud day for America.  But, instead of being a proud day for America, as Reagan implied, the day the new legislation was signed into law, turned out to be a day of shame for the United States. The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30 years of government embezzlement of Social Security funds.  



Most Helpful Customer Reviews

All five star ratings


By James C. Ervin on December 10, 2013


Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase


A heartless scam!  That’s what Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan’s Social Security reforms of 1983 are.  Their planned payroll tax surpluses were sold to the public under false pretenses. Instead of being saved and invested for the retirement of the baby boomers, as was the intent of the legislation, the surplus revenue was used to fund income tax cuts for the wealthy, wars and other government programs.

Don’t just believe Dr. Smith’s charges; they are easy to verify if you know where to look.  Start with the contents of the Trust Fund accounts. They are not previous issue treasury securities but non-marketable special issues, in other words new borrowings as opposed to old borrowings of the Treasury. They increase the national debt, which Reagan promised us his reforms would avoid.

This is the core message of all of Dr. Smith’s previous books, but each has added flesh to that skeleton.  Read this one, if you want to know the how and the why of this theft, who perpetrated it and for whose benefit, and how it should be repaid.

These are not unimportant details, because ignorance and misinformation are both widespread and dangerous to the health of Social Security.  We cannot solve its funding problem unless we properly understand it.  A quick test of the state of your own understanding can be had by the way you answer the two following yes or no questions.  Here is a hint: they cannot be answered adequately by a simple yes or no.

Does Social Security increase the national debt?  Yes, the theft of its funds increases the national debt; but no, Social Security is not responsible for that theft.  It never received the surpluses because they were intercepted by the Treasury.



By Jeffrey Ehlenfeld on December 29, 2013


Format: Kindle Edition Amazon Verified Purchase


I stumbled upon the Social Security scam while doing some research on the Federal Reserve System and have followed it ever since.  This is how I came to read Dr. Smith’s first book, "The Alleged Budget Surplus, Social Security & Voodoo Economics," which was very detailed with an abundance of references to back up the data he presented.

Dr. Smith is a professional Economist and also a truth seeker trying to correct an obscene injustice that the has been perpetrated by every Congress and every President of the United States since Ronald Reagan tried to “starve the beast” so that social programs would be cut or eliminated completely.
This is not isolated to just one party, it was carried through by both Democratic and Republican parties despite laws that were passed to prevent the use of Social Security funds from being used for general expenses.

This book also outlines just how and why our economy has ended up the way it has, by pushing an untested, unheard of economic plan that promised to resolve the ever increasing annual deficits as well as a mounting national debt.
The bottom line is this, we have been lied to by our own government.  The FICA tax was increased in 1983 to plan for the baby boomers that would start retiring in 2010 so that full benefits could be paid. That extra tax was supposed to be invested and accumulating interest but instead the money was siphoned off mostly to pay for tax cuts that were aimed to make the wealthy even wealthier.

Now one party in particular is trying to point the blame at a program that did not even contribute one penny to the deficit. The idea is to convince the public it is broken because it doesn’t work so that cuts will be made to decrease the deficit.  A deficit created as a result of this same party pursuing their own political interests instead of the interests of the United States by force feeding us an economic plan that caused unemployment, inflation, and deficits never before seen, not to mention the untold human suffering that resulted.

Social Security has worked and would still be working today had the government not raided the Trust Fund piggy bank and left it full of IOU’s.  Don’t take my word for it, read the book, it is full of facts not supposition or theory and if you want even greater detail then read his first book.


NAFTA’s 20 Years of Unfulfilled



Manuel Perez-RochaOther Words / Op-Ed

Published: Sunday 29 December 2013



In OBOF PART 60 I provided you the released text of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).  It is the same type of free trade agreement as NAFTA, only worse.  Take a look, at what NAFTA has accomplished, or not accomplished, and you can get an idea as to how bad this TPP would be for us.  I am certainly on the other side of the fence with the President on this.  He is pushing hard to get it passed without any debate or even letting Congress know what is in it.  BAD NEWS.


Twenty years after it took effect, NAFTA has failed the vast majority of Mexicans.

Of course, hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs have vanished since automotive and tech companies moved their production across the border in search of much lower wages.

This was supposed to boost employment in Mexico.  Instead, NAFTA has become an engine of poverty in the country, forcing millions of Mexicans to migrate to the United States in search of jobs.


Under NAFTA, cheap subsidized corn from the United States flooded Mexico, making it impossible for millions of Mexican farmers to compete.  Government support previously given to small farmers was withdrawn and directed to big agricultural exporting corporations instead.

 “Before NAFTA, Mexico was a developing country,” says Victor Suarez, who leads an association of Mexican small farmers.  “But now it’s an underdeveloping country, with 70 percent of people in rural areas and 85 percent of the indigenous population living in poverty.”

Still, even with hard times in the countryside, the trade deal’s architects promised that Mexico would industrialize. That transformation would, according to the promises that propelled NAFTA two decades ago, generate job growth.


Unfortunately, most factories that opened in Mexico are merely assembly plants, not production sites.

Parts arrive from the United States, China, and other countries. Once assembled, the products are exported.  Without much local or national content, these industries require fewer workers than locally based manufacturing plants, which closed down when they could not compete.

Adán Rivera, who leads an association of small and medium-sized companies in Mexico, points out that because NAFTA caused “the destruction of thousands of small productive units,” it has resulted in “the elimination of millions of jobs.”

NAFTA not only decimated many Mexican small businesses, it also helped to destroy entire national industries.  Before NAFTA, Mexico produced trains, tractors, and other industrial goods. They generally weren’t exported, but that production made the economy more self-sufficient.

Many of these industries have wasted away. During the 2008 financial crisis, Mexico’s economy shrank 6.6 percent  — Latin America’s steepest decline — because of its chronic dependence on the U.S. market.


Meanwhile, Mexican consumption of U.S. goods has skyrocketed, with Mexicans shopping in big box stores like Walmart and Costco. At these stores, even food items emblematic of Mexico like tortilla chips and salsa are brought in from the United States.


The result, millions of small-scale producers, mom and pop shops, and other traditional Mexican employers were scrapped, and the national diet went downhill.  The gusher of processed foods and beverages from the North has made Mexico the world’s most obese nation, with diabetes its top cause of death.

Not everyone is a loser, of course.  Mexico boasts the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim — who amassed his fortune from privatization schemes related to NAFTA.  Mexico’s economic elite, with its wealth securely deposited in banks in the United States and elsewhere, finds a lot to like in NAFTA.

But for the rest of the population, Mexico’s experience with NAFTA shows why free trade and investment deals are bad not only for America’s working families, but for working families all over the world.

That’s why the wide-ranging Trans-Pacific Partnership, President Barack Obama is now championing, faces growing global resistance.  After 20 years of NAFTA, the predictions we made that the agreement would cause massive social problems have proven true.  It’s become clear that these pacts can hurt people in every possible way.



Political stars to watch in 2014


       By Andrew Rafferty, NBC News

With 35 senate races, 435 House races and 36 contests for governor on the ballot next fall, 2014 is certain to bring forward a new cast of political stars.

Look no further than last year for proof.  Even though it was a non-election year, 2013 saw several politicians leap from relative obscurity to national prominence.  Chief among them was Texas Senator Ted Cruz, whose 21-hour talk-a-thon on the Senate floor made him the face of the Republican Party’s opposition to Obamacare as Congress barreled into the government shutdown in October.

Others who raised their profiles included Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, who touted the issue of income inequality to become stars for progressive Democrats seeking to address the topic.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., used 2013 to burnish her bipartisan credentials with her work to curb sexual assaults in the United States military, though her amendment was ultimately dropped from the defense authorization bill.  Likewise Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., showcased her ability to work across the aisle by joining with Democrats to help end the government shutdown.

Some of those who splashed into the national spotlight aren’t done yet and even some familiar names are poised to make a big impact in 2014 as the midterm elections ushers in a new class of politicians with the potential to shape statehouses and Congress for years to come.

Here is a look at some of the candidates who will shape 2014 and, potentially, beyond:

Liz Cheney


Reuters Staff / Reuters

U.S. Senate candidate Liz Cheney speaks to voters during a Republican and Tea Party gathering in Emblem, Wyoming August 24, 2013.

The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney made Wyoming politics much more interesting when she announced her primary challenge to Republican Sen. Mike Enzi. The Cheneys are a highly esteemed family among Wyoming Republicans, but Enzi is widely regarded as a good senator who has represented his conservative constituents well.

The race has already proven to be personal and bitter, a political rarity in the sparsely populated state. Enzy said he felt blind-sided by the challenge and Dick Cheney refuted the senator's claim that the two were ever "fishing buddies."

On top of sparring with Enzi, the Cheneys have also sparred with themselves. Liz Cheney's campaign stumbled out of the gate when her sister, who is married to a woman, posted on Facebook that her sibling is "on the wrong side of history" on the issue of same-sex marriage. Though gay marriage will unlikely be a defining issue in the race, a feud within the Cheney family could be a big distraction.

If polling shows an even somewhat close race, the Cheney/Enzi duel will suck up much of the political media's attention ahead of the August primary.

Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis 

Wendy Davis ignited an often ignored political contingent -- Texas Democrats -- when she staged an 11-hour filibuster in June to prevent a vote on a restrictive abortion bill. The bill ultimately passed, but Davis and the pink tennis shoes she wore during her stand catapulted the Fort Worth state senator to national fame as a champion for women's rights.

Davis now hopes to translate that excitement into a successful run for governor in the solidly red Lone Star State. It has been nearly 20 years since a Democrat was elected governor in Texas, and Obama lost the state by 16 points in 2012. But Davis' star power has helped her campaign rake in some major cash to take on likely GOP candidate Greg Abbott in the race to succeed Gov. Rick Perry. The attention those outside the state will give to the race may make it closer than most Texas Republicans are used to.

Danny Johnston / AP file

U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., speaks to members of the Political Animals Club in Little Rock, Ark., Friday, Nov. 22, 2013. Cotton will face incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor in the race for U.S. Senate.

Republicans have been eying Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor's seat in Arkansas for a while now, and Rep. Tom Cotton will give the GOP a fighting chance to take it. The two have been campaigning for more than a year in a state where Obama won just 37 percent of the vote in 2012. The 36-year-old Bronze Star recipient has already received major help from Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's Reclaim America PAC, which made a big TV ad buy that emphasized Cotton's military background and promise to fight big spending.

Look for other GOP heavyweights to get involved in a race that is one of Republicans best shots at snagging back a Senate seat from Democrats.

Alison Lundergan Grimes

Democrats hope Alison Lundergan Grimes can mount a serious challenge to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who first needs to get past conservative Matt Bevin running to his right. The 35-year-old Kentucky secretary of state was courted to run by influential Democrats like Bill Clinton, and has enjoyed the former president's backing throughout her campaign. But even with the support and strong fundraising numbers, knocking off the five-term incumbent in a state Mitt Romney won with more than 60 percent of the vote in 2012 will be no small task.

Still expect Democrats to go all-in, attempting to make the Republican leader in the Senate look vulnerable.

Michelle Nunn

The daughter of former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn is running against a crowded Republican field that could produce a highly conservative candidate that would struggle in a general election. Though she has never run for public office, Michelle Nunn had an impressive $1.7 million fundraising haul last quarter. She currently serves as the CEO of Points of Light, a group dedicated to promoting volunteer service.

To win in Georgia she'll need to benefit from a prolonged GOP primary battle that leaves the Republican bruised and battered.

Scott Walker

Yes, Walker is a known commodity by now after taking on Wisconsin's public-sector unions and surviving a bitterly fought recall election. It catapulted his status to conservative hero and frequently mentioned 2016 presidential candidate.

But before he can go fishing for votes in IowaNew Hampshire and beyond, he needs to win again in Wisconsin. Recent polls show the Badger State race is close, and Walker will need to spend 2014 focusing on his own state before he can look beyond its borders.

If Walker can survive his third statewide election in a state President Obama won by nearly six points in 2012, however, he will solidify his place as a top-tier GOP presidential candidate.

Scott Brown


Steven Senne / AP

U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., center left, gives a concession speech as his wife Gail Huff, right, watches on at an election night watch party in a hotel in Boston, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012.

After losing his tough-fought Senate re-election campaign in Massachusetts to Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown may be preparing for another run -- in New Hampshire. The former Bay State senator has been traveling around New Hampshire talking to voters and fueling speculation that he may mount a challenge to Granite State Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. Brown is even reportedly selling his Massachusetts home and moving to New Hampshire.  If he does decide to run, he'll have to overcome the carpet-bagger attacks, including his recent tongue slip mixing up the two states and traversing New Hampshire in his truck with Massachusetts plates.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you next Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America.















Jan.  02, 2014




1.  As we start the fourth year.

2.  Social Security and a new Progressive Movement

          to increase SS.

3.  Brand new book "Ronald Reagan and the SS Heist.

4.  NAFTA and 20 years of the great unfulfilled promises.

5.  Stars to watch for 2014 elections.





We are off to a very bad start for our fourth year.  The internet explorer is all screwed up.  It has done all kinds of things with the format, color, and underlining.  The things I have for you are important ant I have decided to go ahead and see if I can send it as is.  It is beyond my control at this time.  Hopefully, I can get if fixed by next week.  I thank you for your understanding.

Looking back, over the past three years, it is rather interesting to review a few statistics.  For example, I have put together 158 postings and you have viewed those postings 6,374 times.  It breaks down as follows:


United States
United Kingdom
South Korea


As we try to think about year 2014, it looks as though it is going to be a very important year in many aspects.  One of the most important happenings will be the up coming elections in November.  The total House of Representatives, 435, will be up for election.  In addition, there are 36 State Governors to be elected and 35 U. S. Senate seats up for election.  This Mid-Term Election is as important as the Presidential Term Election, if not more so.


We can also expect the same dysfunctional Congress and even though the budget problem is out of the way, we will have a fight about raising the National Debt Ceiling.  However, if we all pull together and win back the House of Reps. and keep and strengthen the Senate, then maybe we can have a working Congress instead and maybe this country can move forward.


There will be a lot of mud slinging and lies galore as the big money will be pushing for the Republicans and the Tea Part Republicans.  I think 2014 is going to be a very interesting and important year for all of us.



The Looming Battle for Real Social Security Can Spawn a New Progressive Movement


Dave Lindorff

Published: Thursday 2 January 2014



This article is a very welcome approach to Social Security.  After you read this one, you definitely want to read the next one.  It sets you straight as to the reason there is a problem today with the most successful Government program that has ever been set forth.


I don't care if you are 75 and retired, 61 and just about to reach the age when you become eligible for Social Security, 50 and looking out 15 or 20 years to the time when you’ll need to retire, or 25 with grandparents collecting retirement benefits and wondering what will be there when you get old.  Whatever your age, don’t let anyone tell you Social Security is in trouble, or that it “won’t be around” when you need it.

That’s a hoary lie that has been pushed by Republicans as far back as 1935 when Social Security was being established, by leaders like President Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and by corporate lobby groups like the Business Round Table and the US Chamber of Commerce.  It’s also been pushed by Democrats like President Clinton and President Obama.

Some, like Bush, have tried to use the lie to convince people to support getting rid of Social Security and replacing it with private investment funds.  Others, like Clinton and Obama, have used the lie to try to get the public to agree to cutbacks in Social Security benefits, or to delays in the age of eligibility for benefits.  In the most recent iteration of the scam, President Obama has been calling for a shift in the way the Social Security Administration calculates inflation in setting new benefit levels each year, substituting a so-called “chained” Consumer Price Index for the traditional CPI. (In the chained version, appropriately called the cat-food index, instead of looking what has happened to a “market basket” of goods and services people typically use, economists would substitute cheaper or lower-quality goods for goods whose price had risen too much -- for example chicken for steak, beans for chicken, Fiats for Fords, bus and subway tokens for commuter rail tickets, smaller apartments, etc.)

The truth is that there is not a chance in hell that Social Security is going to go bust, or get cancelled.  There isn’t even a chance in hell that Social Security benefits will be cut, at least over the long term.  Why?  Because there are 78 million Baby Boomers -- one fourth of the entire population of the US -- a group whose older members, born between 1946 and 1951, are already old enough to start collecting benefits, and who will increasingly be filing for benefits (technically the Baby Boom is a wave of babies that were born between 1946 and 1964).

Today, there are some 40 million people in the US who are 65 or older. That’s 13% of the total population, and about 25% of the adult population.  That number will double to 80 million by 2030, while the total US population, according to the Census Bureau, is expected to rise by only 13% to 358 million by then. This means that the retirement-age elderly that year will constitute nearly 25% of the population, instead of just half that share as they do today.  Now consider the impressive political power of the current “senior lobby,” as it is called, and ask yourself whether a lobby nearly twice that size in percentage terms could be stomped on by Washington.

The answer, even if the Baby Boomers of 2030 were to prove as relatively politically passive as today's retirees, is “no.”  But I think it’s safe to say that the population that came of age politically in the 1960s and 1970s is not going to be as passive and submissive as the generation that preceded it, i.e. their parents.  Remember, we’re talking about a generation that marched and fought for civil rights, to end the Indochina War, and to demand women’s rights, that shut down schools and universities across the nation in 1970 after the Kent State massacre (and that made marijuana essentially a household product in the face of massive official repression!).

Critics may say that the Baby Boomer opposition to the Vietnam War was motivated by selfishness.  As a participant and a draft resister, I know that is not true. For one thing, half the protesters against the war were women, who were exempt from the draft, and besides, there were just as many men marching on Washington with draft lottery numbers safely in the two hundred and three hundred range as there were those like me in the double digits, and there were returned veterans marching with us.  But even if we were to assume for sake of argument that the anti-war movement was an act of self-interest, that should terrify a ruling class that wants to gut Social Security. Why? Because the battle to save, and to improve the benefits of Social Security will also be in the self-interest of those same Baby Boomers.

The main difference I see between this struggle and ones that came before is that when these new protests begin in earnest - and they will - these new grey-haired and hirsute marchers and sit-in protesters will not be unarmed and unprotected against the inevitable police assaults as were protesters of yore.  Many will be equipped with metal walkers that will entangle the steeds of mounted police, and metal canes that will provide protection against police clubs.  Significantly, our numbers will also include many veterans of America’s years of protest in the '60s and '70s, as well as many veterans of America's foreign wars, reminiscent of the Bonus Marchers of the 1920s.

The enemies of Social Security will not be able to demonize these protesters as “Commies” or as traitors to America, as they did demonstrators in the ‘60s.  This time the protesters will be the parents and grandparents of ordinary Americans, who will be there too to support their parents’ and grandparents’ - and their own - right to a decent retirement. (Have you ever met a young person who complained about the size of her or his grandparents’ Social Security check? I haven’t.)

My usually spot-on Counterpunch magazine colleague Mike Whitney recently wrote a piece in that publication warning that no one can count on being able to retire anymore, but while I usually agree with Mike’s analyses, I think he’s dead wrong on this one.

The desperation that the enemies of Social Security are showing lately is because they realize that the tidal wave of Baby Boom retirees has already started to hit the beach, and will soon wash them away like the flotsam of Fukushima.  They had hoped to already have buried Social Security by now, but it’s too late. Already we are witnessing a growing number of elected officials like Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren calling for expanding Social Security.  Already a significant caucus in both Houses, their numbers will only grow.

Inevitably, Americans will start to look abroad and discover that in European countries, employers are paying into those nations’ social security schemes taxes equal to 17-30% of payroll, compared to the measly 6.2% FICA tax paid by US employers. They will also see that in European countries, public social security typically is the only retirement funding people have, and that it doesn’t leave them in or on the edge of poverty, but rather allows them to continue their pre-retirement standard of living. They will also notice that this is being accomplished without making these countries “uncompetitive in world markets” -- the common cautionary cry of the corporate leadership in America.

The battle to defend and to expand Social Security and to put an end to the fraud of 401(k) do-it-yourself retirement is at hand, and it will surely be bitter, but the working and retiring public has the upper hand.  The more the politicians and their corporate paymasters seek to attack Social Security, the broader and more powerful the progressive defenders will become, for this is a battle that affects every worker in America.

In fact, I see the looming struggle for real social security as the key to the birth of a new American progressive movement - one that can finally erase all the artificial divisions of religion, sex, sexual orientation, race, region and class that have been used over the past few decades by the ruling classes to defeat progressive change.    And as those artificial divisions fall away, there will inevitably be an opening to introduce other progressive issues that also concern most people - the need for Medicare for all, for quality education for all, for an end to tax breaks for corporations and the rich, for dramatic cuts in the military budget and for an end to US Empire, to militarized police and to the National Security State, and finally, the need for real action to combat that terrible threat to our children and children’s children: catastrophic climate change.

A battle over Social Security? Bring it on!

ABOUT Dave Lindorff

Dave Lindorff is an investigative reporter, a columnist for CounterPunch, and a contributor to Businessweek, The Nation, Extra! and He received a Project Censored award in 2004. Dave is also a founding member of the online newspaper ThisCantBeHappening! at


Ronald Reagan & The Great Social Security Heist: How Reagan Gave Birth to the Looting of Social Security


by Allen W. Smith Ph.D. (Author)




I have known Dr Smith for the past 8 or 9 years.  He is an extremely dedicated man.  He has written five books on the subject of Social Security.  This is his latest and wasw just available in December 2013.  It can be purchase, at a very reasonable price, on Amason.  This below, is a summary opening of the book followed by two reviews who have given the book a * * * * * five star rating.


The money’s gone!  Social Security doesn’t have $2.7 trillion stashed away for paying benefits, as so many people believe. It cannot pay benefits for another 20 years, as is often claimed.  In fact, Social Security does not have enough money to pay full benefits, even for 2014, without borrowing money from China or another of our creditors.  How can this be?  Wasn’t Social Security fixed by the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which included a large increase in payroll taxes?  That’s what we were told at the time.  President Reagan signed that legislation into law with great fanfare on April 20, 1983.  With his comments at the signing ceremony, Reagan gave the impression that it was a proud day for America.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     But, instead of being a proud day for America, as Reagan implied, the day the new legislation was signed into law, turned out to be a day of shame for the United States.  The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30 years of government embezzlement of Social Security funds.  The money was used to pay for wars, tax cuts for the rich, and other government programs.  The payroll tax hike of 1983 generated a total of $2.7 trillion in surplus Social Security revenue.  


This surplus revenue was supposed to be saved and invested in marketable U.S. Treasury bonds, which would be held in the trust fund until the baby boomers began to retire in about 2010. But not one dime of that money ever made its way to the Social Security trust fund.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


The 1983 legislation was sold to the public, and to Congress, as a long-term fix for Social Security. With the help of Alan Greenspan, Reagan was a super salesman, who could have sold almost anything to the public—even a scam.  And that’s exactly what he was selling.  Reagan intended to use the surplus Social Security revenue to replace revenue lost because of his unaffordable income tax cuts.  Instead of being set aside for the retirement of the baby boomers, as was the intent of the legislation, the extra Social Security revenue was deposited directly into the general fund just like income tax revenue.


From the very beginning, Reagan and his advisors had no intention of saving and investing the new revenue for the retirement of the baby boomers.  They needed additional general tax revenue, and an increase in the payroll tax would be much easier to enact than higher income taxes.  Also, the potential to get vast amounts of revenue was much greater with a payroll tax increase than from an income tax increase.


The baby boomers, the largest generation of Americans who ever lived, were already making large contributions to the Social Security fund. Like all previous generations, prior to 1983, the boomers were being required to pay the full cost of benefits paid to the previous generation.  But, the proposed new legislation would hit the boomers with a double whammy.  In addition to paying for their parents’ benefits, the new law would require the baby boomers to also pay enough additional taxes to prepay the cost of their own benefits.  This would generate a potential gold mine of surplus revenue that could be tapped and used for other purposes. But none of the $2.7 trillion in additional Social Security revenue was ever saved or invested in anything.


The actual surplus money was replaced with nonmarketable government IOUs, which cannot be converted into cash or used to pay Social Security benefits. It would have been bad enough if only Reagan had looted Social Security money.  But George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all followed in Reagan’s footsteps and spent all of the Social Security surplus revenue for non-Social Security purposes, just like Reagan.


This book is a must read for all who care about the future of Social Security and the integrity of their government.  The money’s gone!  Social Security doesn’t have $2.7 trillion stashed away for paying benefits, as so many people believe.  It cannot pay benefits for another 20 years, as is often claimed.  In fact, Social Security does not have enough money to pay full benefits, even for 2014, without borrowing money from China or another of our creditors.  


How can this be? Wasn’t Social Security fixed by the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which included a large increase in payroll taxes?  That’s what we were told at the time.  President Reagan signed that legislation into law with great fanfare on April 20, 1983.  With his comments at the signing ceremony, Reagan gave the impression that it was a proud day for America.  But, instead of being a proud day for America, as Reagan implied, the day the new legislation was signed into law, turned out to be a day of shame for the United States. The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30 years of government embezzlement of Social Security funds.  



Most Helpful Customer Reviews

All five star ratings


By James C. Ervin on December 10, 2013


Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase


A heartless scam!  That’s what Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan’s Social Security reforms of 1983 are.  Their planned payroll tax surpluses were sold to the public under false pretenses. Instead of being saved and invested for the retirement of the baby boomers, as was the intent of the legislation, the surplus revenue was used to fund income tax cuts for the wealthy, wars and other government programs.

Don’t just believe Dr. Smith’s charges; they are easy to verify if you know where to look.  Start with the contents of the Trust Fund accounts. They are not previous issue treasury securities but non-marketable special issues, in other words new borrowings as opposed to old borrowings of the Treasury. They increase the national debt, which Reagan promised us his reforms would avoid.

This is the core message of all of Dr. Smith’s previous books, but each has added flesh to that skeleton.  Read this one, if you want to know the how and the why of this theft, who perpetrated it and for whose benefit, and how it should be repaid.

These are not unimportant details, because ignorance and misinformation are both widespread and dangerous to the health of Social Security.  We cannot solve its funding problem unless we properly understand it.  A quick test of the state of your own understanding can be had by the way you answer the two following yes or no questions.  Here is a hint: they cannot be answered adequately by a simple yes or no.

Does Social Security increase the national debt?  Yes, the theft of its funds increases the national debt; but no, Social Security is not responsible for that theft.  It never received the surpluses because they were intercepted by the Treasury.



By Jeffrey Ehlenfeld on December 29, 2013


Format: Kindle Edition Amazon Verified Purchase


I stumbled upon the Social Security scam while doing some research on the Federal Reserve System and have followed it ever since.  This is how I came to read Dr. Smith’s first book, "The Alleged Budget Surplus, Social Security & Voodoo Economics," which was very detailed with an abundance of references to back up the data he presented.

Dr. Smith is a professional Economist and also a truth seeker trying to correct an obscene injustice that the has been perpetrated by every Congress and every President of the United States since Ronald Reagan tried to “starve the beast” so that social programs would be cut or eliminated completely.
This is not isolated to just one party, it was carried through by both Democratic and Republican parties despite laws that were passed to prevent the use of Social Security funds from being used for general expenses.

This book also outlines just how and why our economy has ended up the way it has, by pushing an untested, unheard of economic plan that promised to resolve the ever increasing annual deficits as well as a mounting national debt.
The bottom line is this, we have been lied to by our own government.  The FICA tax was increased in 1983 to plan for the baby boomers that would start retiring in 2010 so that full benefits could be paid. That extra tax was supposed to be invested and accumulating interest but instead the money was siphoned off mostly to pay for tax cuts that were aimed to make the wealthy even wealthier.

Now one party in particular is trying to point the blame at a program that did not even contribute one penny to the deficit. The idea is to convince the public it is broken because it doesn’t work so that cuts will be made to decrease the deficit.  A deficit created as a result of this same party pursuing their own political interests instead of the interests of the United States by force feeding us an economic plan that caused unemployment, inflation, and deficits never before seen, not to mention the untold human suffering that resulted.

Social Security has worked and would still be working today had the government not raided the Trust Fund piggy bank and left it full of IOU’s.  Don’t take my word for it, read the book, it is full of facts not supposition or theory and if you want even greater detail then read his first book.


NAFTA’s 20 Years of Unfulfilled



Manuel Perez-RochaOther Words / Op-Ed

Published: Sunday 29 December 2013



In OBOF PART 60 I provided you the released text of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).  It is the same type of free trade agreement as NAFTA, only worse.  Take a look, at what NAFTA has accomplished, or not accomplished, and you can get an idea as to how bad this TPP would be for us.  I am certainly on the other side of the fence with the President on this.  He is pushing hard to get it passed without any debate or even letting Congress know what is in it.  BAD NEWS.


Twenty years after it took effect, NAFTA has failed the vast majority of Mexicans.

Of course, hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs have vanished since automotive and tech companies moved their production across the border in search of much lower wages.

This was supposed to boost employment in Mexico.  Instead, NAFTA has become an engine of poverty in the country, forcing millions of Mexicans to migrate to the United States in search of jobs.


Under NAFTA, cheap subsidized corn from the United States flooded Mexico, making it impossible for millions of Mexican farmers to compete.  Government support previously given to small farmers was withdrawn and directed to big agricultural exporting corporations instead.

 “Before NAFTA, Mexico was a developing country,” says Victor Suarez, who leads an association of Mexican small farmers.  “But now it’s an underdeveloping country, with 70 percent of people in rural areas and 85 percent of the indigenous population living in poverty.”

Still, even with hard times in the countryside, the trade deal’s architects promised that Mexico would industrialize. That transformation would, according to the promises that propelled NAFTA two decades ago, generate job growth.


Unfortunately, most factories that opened in Mexico are merely assembly plants, not production sites.

Parts arrive from the United States, China, and other countries. Once assembled, the products are exported.  Without much local or national content, these industries require fewer workers than locally based manufacturing plants, which closed down when they could not compete.

Adán Rivera, who leads an association of small and medium-sized companies in Mexico, points out that because NAFTA caused “the destruction of thousands of small productive units,” it has resulted in “the elimination of millions of jobs.”

NAFTA not only decimated many Mexican small businesses, it also helped to destroy entire national industries.  Before NAFTA, Mexico produced trains, tractors, and other industrial goods. They generally weren’t exported, but that production made the economy more self-sufficient.

Many of these industries have wasted away. During the 2008 financial crisis, Mexico’s economy shrank 6.6 percent  — Latin America’s steepest decline — because of its chronic dependence on the U.S. market.


Meanwhile, Mexican consumption of U.S. goods has skyrocketed, with Mexicans shopping in big box stores like Walmart and Costco. At these stores, even food items emblematic of Mexico like tortilla chips and salsa are brought in from the United States.


The result, millions of small-scale producers, mom and pop shops, and other traditional Mexican employers were scrapped, and the national diet went downhill.  The gusher of processed foods and beverages from the North has made Mexico the world’s most obese nation, with diabetes its top cause of death.

Not everyone is a loser, of course.  Mexico boasts the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim — who amassed his fortune from privatization schemes related to NAFTA.  Mexico’s economic elite, with its wealth securely deposited in banks in the United States and elsewhere, finds a lot to like in NAFTA.

But for the rest of the population, Mexico’s experience with NAFTA shows why free trade and investment deals are bad not only for America’s working families, but for working families all over the world.

That’s why the wide-ranging Trans-Pacific Partnership, President Barack Obama is now championing, faces growing global resistance.  After 20 years of NAFTA, the predictions we made that the agreement would cause massive social problems have proven true.  It’s become clear that these pacts can hurt people in every possible way.



Political stars to watch in 2014


       By Andrew Rafferty, NBC News

With 35 senate races, 435 House races and 36 contests for governor on the ballot next fall, 2014 is certain to bring forward a new cast of political stars.

Look no further than last year for proof.  Even though it was a non-election year, 2013 saw several politicians leap from relative obscurity to national prominence.  Chief among them was Texas Senator Ted Cruz, whose 21-hour talk-a-thon on the Senate floor made him the face of the Republican Party’s opposition to Obamacare as Congress barreled into the government shutdown in October.

Others who raised their profiles included Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, who touted the issue of income inequality to become stars for progressive Democrats seeking to address the topic.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., used 2013 to burnish her bipartisan credentials with her work to curb sexual assaults in the United States military, though her amendment was ultimately dropped from the defense authorization bill.  Likewise Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., showcased her ability to work across the aisle by joining with Democrats to help end the government shutdown.

Some of those who splashed into the national spotlight aren’t done yet and even some familiar names are poised to make a big impact in 2014 as the midterm elections ushers in a new class of politicians with the potential to shape statehouses and Congress for years to come.

Here is a look at some of the candidates who will shape 2014 and, potentially, beyond:

Liz Cheney


Reuters Staff / Reuters

U.S. Senate candidate Liz Cheney speaks to voters during a Republican and Tea Party gathering in Emblem, Wyoming August 24, 2013.

The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney made Wyoming politics much more interesting when she announced her primary challenge to Republican Sen. Mike Enzi. The Cheneys are a highly esteemed family among Wyoming Republicans, but Enzi is widely regarded as a good senator who has represented his conservative constituents well.

The race has already proven to be personal and bitter, a political rarity in the sparsely populated state. Enzy said he felt blind-sided by the challenge and Dick Cheney refuted the senator's claim that the two were ever "fishing buddies."

On top of sparring with Enzi, the Cheneys have also sparred with themselves. Liz Cheney's campaign stumbled out of the gate when her sister, who is married to a woman, posted on Facebook that her sibling is "on the wrong side of history" on the issue of same-sex marriage. Though gay marriage will unlikely be a defining issue in the race, a feud within the Cheney family could be a big distraction.

If polling shows an even somewhat close race, the Cheney/Enzi duel will suck up much of the political media's attention ahead of the August primary.

Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis 

Wendy Davis ignited an often ignored political contingent -- Texas Democrats -- when she staged an 11-hour filibuster in June to prevent a vote on a restrictive abortion bill. The bill ultimately passed, but Davis and the pink tennis shoes she wore during her stand catapulted the Fort Worth state senator to national fame as a champion for women's rights.

Davis now hopes to translate that excitement into a successful run for governor in the solidly red Lone Star State. It has been nearly 20 years since a Democrat was elected governor in Texas, and Obama lost the state by 16 points in 2012. But Davis' star power has helped her campaign rake in some major cash to take on likely GOP candidate Greg Abbott in the race to succeed Gov. Rick Perry. The attention those outside the state will give to the race may make it closer than most Texas Republicans are used to.

Danny Johnston / AP file

U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., speaks to members of the Political Animals Club in Little Rock, Ark., Friday, Nov. 22, 2013. Cotton will face incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor in the race for U.S. Senate.

Republicans have been eying Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor's seat in Arkansas for a while now, and Rep. Tom Cotton will give the GOP a fighting chance to take it. The two have been campaigning for more than a year in a state where Obama won just 37 percent of the vote in 2012. The 36-year-old Bronze Star recipient has already received major help from Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's Reclaim America PAC, which made a big TV ad buy that emphasized Cotton's military background and promise to fight big spending.

Look for other GOP heavyweights to get involved in a race that is one of Republicans best shots at snagging back a Senate seat from Democrats.

Alison Lundergan Grimes

Democrats hope Alison Lundergan Grimes can mount a serious challenge to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who first needs to get past conservative Matt Bevin running to his right. The 35-year-old Kentucky secretary of state was courted to run by influential Democrats like Bill Clinton, and has enjoyed the former president's backing throughout her campaign. But even with the support and strong fundraising numbers, knocking off the five-term incumbent in a state Mitt Romney won with more than 60 percent of the vote in 2012 will be no small task.

Still expect Democrats to go all-in, attempting to make the Republican leader in the Senate look vulnerable.

Michelle Nunn

The daughter of former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn is running against a crowded Republican field that could produce a highly conservative candidate that would struggle in a general election. Though she has never run for public office, Michelle Nunn had an impressive $1.7 million fundraising haul last quarter. She currently serves as the CEO of Points of Light, a group dedicated to promoting volunteer service.

To win in Georgia she'll need to benefit from a prolonged GOP primary battle that leaves the Republican bruised and battered.

Scott Walker

Yes, Walker is a known commodity by now after taking on Wisconsin's public-sector unions and surviving a bitterly fought recall election. It catapulted his status to conservative hero and frequently mentioned 2016 presidential candidate.

But before he can go fishing for votes in IowaNew Hampshire and beyond, he needs to win again in Wisconsin. Recent polls show the Badger State race is close, and Walker will need to spend 2014 focusing on his own state before he can look beyond its borders.

If Walker can survive his third statewide election in a state President Obama won by nearly six points in 2012, however, he will solidify his place as a top-tier GOP presidential candidate.

Scott Brown


Steven Senne / AP

U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., center left, gives a concession speech as his wife Gail Huff, right, watches on at an election night watch party in a hotel in Boston, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012.

After losing his tough-fought Senate re-election campaign in Massachusetts to Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown may be preparing for another run -- in New Hampshire. The former Bay State senator has been traveling around New Hampshire talking to voters and fueling speculation that he may mount a challenge to Granite State Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. Brown is even reportedly selling his Massachusetts home and moving to New Hampshire.  If he does decide to run, he'll have to overcome the carpet-bagger attacks, including his recent tongue slip mixing up the two states and traversing New Hampshire in his truck with Massachusetts plates.


If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk with you next Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

God Bless You All


God Bless the United States of America.







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